The next day...

At six o'clock in the morning, Dean woke to the realization that Bryana had rushed to the bathroom. He immediately got out of bed and followed his wife worriedly.

Arriving in the bathroom, Bryana vomited clear liquid until Dean came over to her.

"Honey, are you okay?" Dean massaged the nape of Bryana's neck and looked at her worriedly.

The feeling of nausea that hit incomparable, made Bryana always want to throw up but there was nothing to vomit anymore. She sighed and washed her face with water, then tossed her hair.

"You're so pale." Dean looked at Bryana while getting a small towel to wipe her face.

"I don't know how many times I've vomited, I feel very weak," said Bryana languidly with sad eyes. She massaged her forehead and felt her vision begin to blur, her body trembled, her legs felt weak until slowly she could not support her own body and her vision began to darken.

Bryana fainted and swiftly Dean who was beside her also supported her body. "Oh my God, she fainted!"

Dean immediately carried Bryana into the main room bypassing the walk-in closet. He lay down his wife's body and looked at her worriedly.

"Honey, wake up... Please wake up," Dean exclaimed as he gently patted Bryana's cheek, but his wife remained closed and looked very pale.

Dean was confused and immediately called the doctor.

"Hello, Dr. Clara. Can you come to my house this morning? My wife has fainted." Dean went straight to the point when he was connected to the doctor.

"Fainted? All right, I'll be right there," said Dr. Clara from the phone.

"I'm waiting, Doc. She's pale," Dean exclaimed, still staring at Bryana who had not yet regained consciousness.

"Yes sir. I know you are worried. try another way to wake her up while she waits for me to come."

"Yes, Doc."

Dean immediately hung up the phone. He looked at Bryana who was still unconscious and instead made him panic, he didn't know what to do. the man rushed out of the room to the ground floor until he happened to see Monica who had just come home after a morning run.

"Monica, Bryana is fainted. Help me resuscitate her!" exclaimed Dean, who was still in the middle of the stairs.

Monica gave a worried gasp and rushed over to Dean. "Why can be fainted? Did she fall?"

"No, she's been vomiting since morning and is too weak to pass out. I've already called the doctor and am getting ready to come here," Dean explained as he walked up the stairs followed by Monica.

Kareen, who had just left the room, saw Dean and Monica's panic. She smirked imagining what if Bryana fainted because of a sign of a miscarriage. 'I'm sure the medicines have started to take effect and that damn Bryana's womb will fall. I have to make sure she will continue to drink that milk every day,' she thought with a triumphant smile.


Monica pressed some kind of aromatherapy oil to Bryana's nose in an attempt to wake her up. dean sat on the edge of the bed while massaging Bryana's legs which were covered by the blanket up to her belly.

"You'd better make her a hot drink tea or anything that doesn't make her feel bad so that when she wakes up she can drink immediately," said Monica who was sitting on the edge of the bed right next to Bryana's head.

"Okay, I'll make it," said Dean immediately got out of bed and walked out of the room. he immediately went to the kitchen and found Kareen helping Susan prepare breakfast.

"Good morning, Dean. By the way, are you awake at this hour?" Kareen pretends not to know about Bryana.

Dean didn't answer Kareen's small talk. he immediately made hot tea with his thoughts still on Bryana. He wondered whether his wife was conscious or not.

"Susan, make some hot tea and take it to my room," Dean shouted, placing the empty glass on the kitchen table. He immediately walked back to the room at a brisk pace.


Dany, who was going to fetch drinking water at the special dining table for employees at home, saw Dean looking not as calm as usual.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"Bryana fainted. I don't know why she was so weak even though she was very healthy last night," Dean replied angrily. "I have to go to my room now."

Danny nodded. He paused and thought of the milk Bryana always drank. 'I've exchanged the milk for milk that is pure and not toxic at all. Then why did she suddenly get sick?'

Feeling worried, Dany returned to the room and entered the secret room. he saw the rat that he had given poisoned milk yesterday was lying limp and having difficulty breathing.

"The rat is going to die. That means I have poisoned milk and the milk Mrs. Bryana is drinking is pure and healthy milk. Did Kareen put poison again?" Dany monologues with himself.

He quickly monitored the CCTV footage in the kitchen from the time since he exchanged the milk. "There wasn't anything suspicious. Kareen didn't appear to be doing anything other than her usual activities either."

Dany continues to be hit by curiosity until he decides to go out and plans to take some of the milk that Bryana drinks to give to healthy mice. Hmm, how many mice does he have?


Bryana slowly opened her eyes when she felt cold air on her nose due to the oil given by Monica. She glanced at Monica and Dean who smiled in relief at her.

"I'm so dizzy," Bryana whispered as she massaged her forehead.

Monica took the hot tea that Susan had brought. "You'd better drink tea so that you have energy and your belly feels warm," she cried patiently.

"Yes, honey. The doctor will also be coming to check on you," Dean said.

Bryana tried to sit down. Dean reflexively helped her and gave her a pillow as a backrest to make it more comfortable.

"Dean, it looks like you don't need to go to the office today. There are no scheduled meetings or important meetings today. let me handle the company's problems, you just accompany Bryana," Monica exclaimed after giving Bryana hot tea.

"Yes Monica, thanks for helping," said Dean, then turned to look at Bryana. "Would you like to eat something warm at least let your belly be filled and not too weak?"

Bryana sipped her warm tea in a white cup, then handed it to Monica to put back on the table. She leaned her head against the headboard and glanced at Dean who was very worried about her.

"I don't want to eat anything, it feels so nauseous," she said later.

"You will get weaker, sorry for your fetus. Eat something that always makes you feel less nauseous and get your appetite back," said Monica, who sat on the edge of the bed on Bryana's left, while Dean was in the middle of the bed on Bryana's right.

"I want beef rib soup like yesterday, I always don't feel sick or vomit when I eat that soup," Bryana said sadly.

Dean sighed. He smiled amusedly at Bryana who was very addicted to eating beef rib soup.

"What if I asked Susan to cook the soup for you? I'm sure Susan's cooking is just as delicious as the one at the restaurant." Dean tried to persuade because going to the restaurant is still too early.

Bryana glanced at Dean who was once able to cook a delicious steak for her with just a video instruction on YouTube. "I want you to cook it for me. I think I'll like it," she exclaimed.

"Hahaha ...." Monica chuckled. "Please cook something delicious, Dean. Not only is Bryana sick, but she also has cravings to eat your cooking," she exclaimed, glancing at Dean.

"I can't." Dean scratched his non-itchy head and stared in wonder at Bryana who had a strange request in her time of illness.

Bryana glanced at Dean sadly. "You could cook me a nice steak. Cooking rib soup would be a lot easier. You sure can."

"Come on, Dean. cook for your wife who is craving. Before her cravings will fade and she won't eat anymore," Monica coaxed with an amused smile.

"Well, I'll cook after you've been examined. I'm sure the doctor will come soon," said Dean resignedly to look at Bryana. whatever her wish, he will not be able to refuse because his goal in life is to make her happy.


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