Second Marriage: My Strongest Bodyguard

Chapter 158 - Monica's Decision

By four o'clock in the afternoon, Monica had finished her work. She got up from the chair while carrying her small bag, then walked out of the room to Dean's room.

'I have to ask permission to leave for a few days. because if I continue to be here, Raymond will continue to urge me to answer his questions. I do love him, but I have to make sure that he is a fighter for love and not just playing with my feelings. he even brazenly kissed me when I didn't give him an answer,' Monica thought to herself as she continued walking until she reached Dean's room.


Monica knocked on the door and immediately got a response from the inside of the room.

"Come in."

in the room, Dean was focused on staring at his laptop with glasses so he wouldn't be exposed to radiation. He glanced at Monica entering his room until she sat on the chair opposite his desk.

"You're going home?" Dean Monica was already wearing the bag.

"Yes, Dean," Monica replied then glanced at Bryana who was sleeping on the sofa.

"Why come home early? Have you finished your work?" Dean asked casually, returning his focus to his laptop.

"I've finished everything. I also asked Hera to take Kareen's place temporarily before we get a new secretary," Monica explained.

Dean nodded in understanding.

Monica seemed hesitant to ask for leave because she was understaffed and even Dean looked very busy. but feeling annoyed and tired of having just finished Kareen's problem, Raymond instead urged her to immediately answer the request to marry the man in too soon.

"Dean, can I take a few days off?" Monica asked angrily.

"Why? why suddenly steal when the office needs you?" Dean asked with a frown, looking at Monica who looked nervous.

"I just want to rest, Dean. I'm tired after so long helping Raymond spy on Kareen, taking care of the company when you are sick, I also miss my family in Bandung city," Monica explained sadly. Yes, she was sad because of a dilemma.

dean sighed and leaned his back against the shoulder of the chair. He looked pityingly at Monica who had helped him too much, too relied on upon in every way. "Okay then, you can leave," he said with a warm smile.

"You didn't specify how many days I could leave?" Monica asked with sparkling eyes.

"You can come back whenever you can. I will find a new secretary as soon as possible and I also have no reason to be absent again," Dean explained, glancing at Bryana who was still asleep. "I'm also relieved that she's not in any more danger."

Monica turned to look at Bryana who was still asleep. "Ah yes. Hopefully, no one intends to harm her again."

Dean nodded his head then asked, "are you going to Bandung right now, or tomorrow?"

"I'm leaving now. I also didn't go to your house first, because I was worried it was too late," Monica explained.

"I'll wake Jill, so you can say goodbye to her," Dean said as he got up from the chair.

"Please don't!" cried Monica. She thought of Bryana who always wanted her to be with Raymond. "Don't wake her up."

"Why? She must be very sad if you just leave." Dean stared at Monica in surprise.

"It's fine. I just didn't want to disturb her rest time. And I asked you not to tell me where I was during the leave. There's something that's bothering me and I want to calm down. Please help me by staying silent. Don't tell anyone including Raymond." Monica looked at Dean sadly, pleadingly and she was very sad hope, there is a miracle that can make her able to make the right decision.

"Okay then, be careful on the way. When you get there, let me know," Dean exclaimed with a pitying look at Monica. He was curious about what was bothering the girl in front of him.

Monica immediately said goodbye and left Dean's room. She quickly turned off her smartphone, then walked down the corridor to the elevator.


Bryana opened her eyes when she confirmed that Monica had left the room. Wait! That means, she hasn't slept since earlier, or is she pretending to be asleep?

"You woke up already." Dean looked at Bryana who was now sitting on the sofa.

"I want to go home right now," said Bryana.

"Honey, my work isn't done yet," Dean replied as he stared at the documents. Ugh, aren't his eyes tired of staring at the writing all the time?

"Okay then, I'll ask Raymond to pick me up," Bryana said annoyedly walking towards the bathroom.

Dean sighed, trying to be patient with Bryana's sudden change in attitude. 'Before being sweet, now suddenly curt even though she just woke up. actually why her?'

Arriving in the bathroom, Bryana reached into her blazer pocket to take out her smartphone. 'I have to call Raymond right now. He had to know Monica was leaving. Ah, may have left too.'

Bryana nervously tried to contact Raymond. it turned out that she was pretending to be asleep and overheard the conversation between Dean and Monica. 'Raymond must fight to get her because she is the only girl who is right to be my sister-in-law.'

After several calls, Bryana finally connected with Raymond.

"Hello, Jill," said Raymond over the phone. His voice sounded like he had just woken up.

"You must be hurry to Bandung, followed by Monica," Bryana exclaimed without further ado.

"To Bandung? Isn't she at the office?"

"Yeah, but she's leaving for Bandung this afternoon." Bryana leaned her waist against the wall while staring at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. "What exactly happened between you two? Aren't you planning on proposing to her?"

"Yeah, I proposed to her this afternoon, but...."

"But what?" Bryana is getting more and more curious.

Knock... Knock... Knock!

Instead, there was a knock on the bathroom door and someone called out from outside, "Honey, are you all right?"

Bryana sighed and looked towards the door. She held his forehead and thought it must be Dean behind the door. "Yes, I'm fine!" She called toward the door.

"Hello, Jill," Raymond called back from the phone.

Bryana returned her focus to the phone and asked, "what happened after you proposed to her?"

"She refused, but I convinced her and gave her two days to think about an answer to my proposal."

"No matter what, you must succeed in winning her heart, marry her. She is the only candidate for you!" Bryana exclaimed then hung up the phone.

She quickly washed her face, then opened the door where Dean was standing waiting for her.

"Raymond can't pick me up," Bryana lied. Because if she had told that she had been pretending to be asleep and had told Raymond about Monica's return, his husband would have been disappointed. 'Sorry I lied, but this is for the sake of Raymond's smooth pursuit of his love.'

"Then I'll take you," Dean replied with a warm smile embracing Bryana from the side.

"What about your work, you said it wasn't done yet?" Bryana asked, turning to Dean.

"I'll take it home. Tonight I'll do it at home," Dean replied casually. "The most important thing is that you're not mad at me."

Bryana put a smile on her lips with her face red like boiled crab ready to eat.. 'I wasn't angry, though.'

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