Second Marriage: My Strongest Bodyguard

Chapter 168 - Battered Bride

"AGHHH DAMN IT!" Raymond exclaimed while kicking the teenager who suddenly came hitting a rock on his forehead while he was focusing on fighting Kareen's brother.

Dean, who was fighting another teenager, ran over to Raymond and beat the teenager who was about to beat up Raymond who was injured.

"Get back in the car!" cried Dean anxiously.

with his head slowly bleeding, Raymond continued to fight the teenagers who attacked him, attacking Dean and the other Bodyguards blindly. Hmm, maybe they don't use martial arts techniques at all.

until a few minutes of fierce fighting in the middle of the road took place, finally Raymond and his entourage managed to make the gang of juvenile delinquents lie on the asphalt with their faces battered and some injured. At that time, the police who were contacted by Bryana arrived and immediately handcuffed the injured juvenile delinquents.

"We'd better get back in the car and go straight to the hotel," Dean said as he walked with Raymond to his car. while the other bodyguards headed for the car where there was Lauren and a group of maids who would witness the wedding later.

Bryana who even got out of the car panicked seeing Raymond's bleeding forehead. "Oh my God, your head is bleeding!"

"There's a first aid kit in the car, you'd better treat it now," Dean exclaimed.

Bryan nodded enthusiastically.

Dean immediately opened the car door and told the children to sit beside the wheel while Bryana sat in the back seat while treating Raymond's injuries.

During the trip, Bryana treated Raymond's head wound using the cotton provided in the first aid kit. Carefully and compassionately, She wiped the blood that continued to flow by giving him alcohol and red medicine as well.

"I didn't expect it to be like this," Bryana muttered worriedly.

"They're Kareen's brother's gang. I hope you don't tell Monica that this is Kareen's brother's doing," Raymond exclaimed, holding his forehead which was gagged with cotton to keep it from bleeding.

Bryana nodded in understanding and put a bandage on Raymond's forehead. "You are a battered bride. What a pity."

"The most important thing is that I didn't fail to get married. Ah, Monica must be worried because we're late. I have to call her right away." Raymond thought of Monica instead and didn't care about the pain in his head. He reached into his pants pocket to his jacket but he didn't find his smartphone.

"I lost my phone," Raymond muttered with disapproval.

"Probably fell during the fight earlier. I'll call her," Bryana said then took his smartphone from her bag. She immediately tried to contact Monica, but Raymond took the smartphone because he wanted to tell his future wife directly.

"Let me talk to her," Raymond shouted.

Bryana just nodded resignedly and turned her focus to Dean who was driving. She saw that her husband had a slight wound on the back of his hand, probably from punching the teenagers earlier.


Monica is ready and looks very charming in a long strapless white dress that can't hide her slender curves and shows her smooth shoulders, and some beads form small leaves all over the dress. Her beautiful face was made even more dazzling in a rather thick make-up with peach-colored lipstick, her hair was curled up and the makeup artist put a white veil over her head.

"Haven't he come yet, mom?" Monica asked as her mother came into the room.

"Not yet," replied Monica's mother casually. "Maybe it's still on its way here. Don't worry."

Monica took a deep breath and looked back at her reflection in the mirror. 'I don't know why I feel uneasy. moreover, many people always seek their safety,' she thought, remembering that Raymond or Bryana was always being chased by danger.

Drett ... drett...

Her smartphone which was on the bed rang. Monica immediately got up from the chair and walked to the bed to take her smartphone while the mother and the make-up lady sat on the sofa in the room.

Monica saw an incoming call from Bryana and immediately answered it. "Hello, Bryana."

"Hello, Honey. it's me, Raymond," said Raymond from the phone. His voice sounded sad.

Monica breathed a sigh of relief and immediately sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, something happened but I'm fine. I'll be there in ten minutes."

"What happened?" Monica asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, the most important thing is I'm fine and wait for me. I will arrive soon and marry you. I love you...."

"I love you too ..."

The phone line was hung off. Monica put her phone back on the bed. in silence, she imagined what was happening to Raymond, as if making her weak and unable to stand even just to say a sentence felt heavy.


Until ten minutes had passed, Raymond's group finally arrived at the hotel where his wedding with Monica would be held. dean immediately got out of the car and opened the door for Bryana and Raymond, ushering the kids out and joining the others who had also gotten out of the car.

they were welcomed by Raymond's side well, but they were surprised because the groom or his escorts looked messy with some of them suffering from bruises and abrasions on their faces and hands.

"Oh my God, how come this? What happened to you guys?" asked Monica's father with pitying eyes on Raymond and the others.

"There was a bit of a misunderstanding with some of the teenagers on the road, but most importantly we got here safely," Dean explained with a warm smile.

"You'd better fix your clothes first," Bryana exclaimed, glancing at Raymond's clothes, which looked unkempt, even his hair looked tousled.

Raymond nodded and immediately walked into the hotel to go to the bathroom with the others to fix their neat appearance which had turned into a mess due to fighting with Kareen's brother group.


After finishing fixing his appearance, Raymond was finally ready to wait for Monica's arrival as his bride. he stood at the altar which was outside for the garden side of the hotel with white flowers arranged artistically around it, while the others waited on the benches that were already available.

Monica who had been picked up by her father into the hotel walked down the white carpet that led to the Altar where Raymond was waiting for her and smiled at her. She walked while embracing her father's left arm and slightly bent her face in nervousness.

"They're finally getting married," Bryana muttered, glancing at Monica who was walking past her.

"I remember when we got married," said Dean who was beside Bryana.

"I remember that time you were very handsome and shed tears. And now...." Bryana looked at Raymond from a distance seemed to smile at Monica who almost arrived in front of him. His brother looked happy even though he was hurt. "I feel like crying because Raymond got married without being accompanied by dad or mom. Even his face is battered. It's a pity."

Dean rubbed Bryan's shoulder. "Be patient, because he has found his happiness now. Mom or dad will feel happy when he is happy."

Bryana nodded and smiled again seeing Monica who finally arrived in front of Raymond who immediately reached out his hand to Monica, then led her to the priest.

Monica frowned as she continued to stare at Raymond, especially at the bruised face and the untidy bandaged forehead. Hmm, maybe Bryana put it up so nervously that it wasn't neat.

"You're hurt," Monica whispered with a sad look.

"Just a little, the important thing is that I survived and we can get married," Raymond whispered with a look full of admiration at the beauty of Monica who only took a few minutes to become his wife.

Monica was silent with sadness in her heart because her groom was injured, but she also felt relieved because she was finally getting married even though the groom had to face obstacles before marrying her.. It made her feel very fought for and loved.

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