Second Marriage: My Strongest Bodyguard

Chapter 203 - Thinking Each Other

Dean entered his room. He walked with unsteady steps, then threw himself on the bed. The man was silent in tiredness, annoyed, hurt, and in the shadows of the past.

"Jill... Clarissa... Now you guys are like ghosts roaming around in my head. I'm going to go crazy if I continue to be in this position," Dean whispered as he stared at the ceiling, remembering how he often made love in that room with Bryana. he couldn't deny that he missed his wife, but the image of Clarissa's face crying as she endured the pain was dying, made him feel unworthy of happiness because Bryana was Stevan's daughter.

Dean massaged his dizzy head, then turned to look at his wedding photo with Bryana hanging on the wall of the room. the photo, showing how happy he is with his wife because they can get married easily because Stevan immediately gave him his blessing, even convincing him as a man who could be the protector of the family.

"Why are you doing this, Stefan? What exactly do you mean by fooling me?" Dean kept wondering, daydreaming, crying, until he slowly drifted off to sleep.


Bryana silently stared at the plane window which showed the outside atmosphere which was a cloud. She was still on the plane on her way to Indonesia, even though she still had a few more hours to go. the pregnant woman rubbed her belly which sometimes felt bitter and stiff while imagining how her husband was now. Having arrived at the house, or even going to leave the house too, made her very afraid.

Monica approached Bryana from the room on the plane, because she had just put Calvin to sleep. She sat in the chair right next to Bryana who was about a meter away, while the others sat in the seats in front of her.

"Don't you want to lie down? You've been sitting here for a while, aren't your waist tired?" Monica asked, glancing at Bryana who was clutching her belly. "Are you okay, Bryana?"

"I'm fine, Monica. I'm just thinking about Dean," Bryana replied, then took a shaky breath. "He must have arrived in Jakarta. I hope mommy can keep him from leaving me."

"Have you explained to Mrs. Lily?" Monica asked.

"Yes, I explained before we left," Bryana replied.

Monica nodded in understanding, then asked again, "How is her response to this problem?"

"She is trying to understand the current situation. She doesn't want to dwell on the dark past, and she will try to advise Dean," Bryana explained angrily, staring at the blue sky from the window. "But somehow I feel so uneasy. I'm too afraid to lose the love from him ... He looks so disappointed and doesn't want to see me again."

"I would also feel the same way as you, or maybe I wouldn't be as strong as you if I was in this position, but we must have faith that there is a beautiful plan from God behind all these problems. Dean only loves you after years of losing the desire to love someone, and it makes me believe that he will never stop loving you." Monica kept trying to calm Bryana down, sometimes she looked at the other chair where Lauren was sitting next to Louis.

"I'm also afraid if dad doesn't wake up soon. I hope only him, can restore all this situation, but he is in a coma, and nothing can be expected from a person who is in a coma because we don't know when he will wake up, or even...." Bryana can't imagine if her father is no longer conscious and Dean will continue to hate her father, even hate her too.

Monica sighed, trying to understand what Bryana was thinking. "Bryana. ...when a person has tried very hard but does not immediately get results or achieve a desire, the only way is to ask God. Remembering how we have sinned, asking for forgiveness, asking for an end to all this complicated matter."

"You're right, Monica. Maybe leaving dad in a coma, is also a sin for me as the only daughter, but I can't stop myself from seeing Dean," Bryana said with tears welling in her eyes, because she remembered her father lying helplessly. at homesick, but the image of Dean leaving her made her unable to immediately go after her husband.

."You know, my heart was empty before I met him, but his presence made my life colorful again, made me feel the beauty of being loved as a wife, made me have hope of aging with loved ones, having a complete family. I am very afraid that he is not willing to be my life partner anymore, I am afraid that he will turn away from me because I am the daughter of the person involved in the death of his first wife. I hate this fact, I hate it!!" Bryana couldn't hold back her tears, so Monica immediately got a tissue for her.

"Calm down, Bryana. I don't know what to say, but you have to remember what the doctor said. Your baby's health will be affected if you continue like this. You should go to your room and rest. Don't just think about Dean, but think about your health and that of your baby, I beg you very much," Monica said while rubbing Bryana's shoulder.

"Ma'am, if Dean leaves, I will look for him so I can take him back with you," said Louis who was already friends with Dean.

"You have to be strong. There's Calvin who also needs your attention." Lauren also joined the conversation.

"We will always be there for you. You have to be strong," Monica exclaimed and then hugged Bryana who had returned to being a fragile woman after so long being firm.

Bryan released Monica's arm. She nodded and smiled glancing at her employee and sister-in-law who cared so much for her, then wiped her tears with a tissue.

"Thanks for always being there for me. . . . um, I need to go to my room now," she said.

"I'll take you," said Monica, then immediately led Bryana to walk to the cabin where rooms were available, while the others returned to their seats.


at the hospital, to be precise in the morgue, Raymond saw the condition of James' body which was to be picked up by his family who had been contacted by the police. he was silent seeing the body of a man he had known for a long time, trusted by his father, now a traitor by telling a lie to his brother-in-law, Dean.

"Sir," someone called from behind.

Raymond turned to look at a woman in her 30s, blonde hair and wearing jeans combined with a top in the form of a rather tight t-shirt. The woman stood with her face down as if not daring to look at her.

"Carla, do you know what happened before your husband left and was found dead?" Raymond asked flatly. He recognized the woman as the wife of the late James.

"A few days ago, we had a foreign guest. they seem to be talking about something very important, but I can't hear it because I'm sleeping my son," Carla said trying to dare to look Raymond in the eye.

Raymond took something out of his jacket pocket, which was a photo of Gustave and Lucas. he showed the photo to Carla. "Are they the people who met James?"

Carla took the photo and immediately nodded her head. "Yes, sir. They are the people."

"Gustave is indeed planning to separate Dean and Bryana. I'm sure he'll be even more violent after this and... I'm afraid he'll target Bryana and Calvin," Raymond muttered angrily.. chaos.

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