Dean came out of the room when he heard a knock on the door caused by Calvin. He saw Bryana was at the door of her son's room as if she was confused, trying to persuade her son who was angry.

"What's wrong?" asked Dean as he walked over to Bryana.

"He's mad that I was rude to Alex," Bryana replied angrily, looking at Dean who was still shirtless like before. "I know I was wrong. I shouldn't be angry in front of him, but I'm so upset and can't help myself."

"You shouldn't accuse him before we can find the thugs," said Dean with a flat look. "I'm sure Alex wasn't the mastermind behind the attack."

"How can you be so sure?" Bryana asked.

"Because I saw his sincerity, he even threw away his arrogant attitude towards me," replied Dean.

Bryan sighed. "He already has nothing, so he's not arrogant anymore."

"Honey, everyone can change even if he has acted like a demon, he can be a guardian angel for people he has hurt," Dean said patiently.

"I don't know. I don't want to think about that, or I'll be in a bad mood, and Aidyn will be affected."

"Give me a spare key in the study, I'll give Calvin some advice," Dean said flatly.

"Yeah," Bryana said curtly then walked towards the stairs while Dean was still waiting at Calvin's door.


in his black-and-white room, Fin is lying down because his body aches from being beaten by the thugs he ordered. He was annoyed talking to someone on the phone.

"You've beaten me for real, but you can't even make Dean seriously injured or even dead. From this second you and your friends must leave Jakarta immediately before the Bodyguard team here will find your whereabouts."

"Give us a billion and we'll go," someone called from the phone.

"One billion? Are you crazy? You and your friends aren't even doing a good job. Then I'll give you 200 million!"

"I can't, sir. 200 million won't be able to sustain us in another city later. Give me a billion or we'll expose your rot to that guy named Dean!" The man's voice snapped.

"Oh, fine. I'll give it tonight too! my confidant will give it to you. Come with your friends because I will ask my trusted person to divide the money equally between you. I'll send the address later," Fin exclaimed casually because he had come up with an idea to trick thugs who are good at fighting but stupid in thinking.



The phone line was disconnected. fin turned to contact Lucas to launch his plan on his goons.

"Hello, Lucas. I have a big mission for you," said Fin when he connected with Lucas.

"What mission?" Lucas asked curtly.

"Kill the thugs who will meet you later!" Finn exclaimed.

"Sorry, I can't do that. It's very risky and I would never help in your plan to get Bryana. You have to kill her, not love her!"

"How dare you refuse my orders?"

"I will only obey you if you carry on with Mr. Gustave's grudge."

"Lucas ...." Suddenly the phone line dropped. Fin was so furious that he almost slammed his phone. "Damn it! He started playing with fire with me. Well, I'll finish them off with my own hands!"

Fin got out of bed. He took a change of clothes by wearing a black hoodie combined with black jeans, then walked out of the room without forgetting to bring his wallet.

when he arrived in the living room, he met Bryana who was walking towards the dining room.

"Fin. Where are you going?" asked Bryan in surprise.

"Um, I ... I have to go for a while to go to the mini market," said Fin a bit nervously. "Incidentally, I have no guard duty tonight, I wanted to go out for a while to meet some of my friends."

"Isn't your body still sore?" Bryana stared intently at Fin's still bruised face.

"I already feel better after the break. I'm bored in my room, that's why I want to go out. But if you don't let me, I will stay at home," said Fin with an uncomfortable look, even though he was so nervous because Bryana was looking at him so seriously. her beautiful face, made him unable to stop himself from being attracted to her.

"Em... go if you want to buy. But don't come home too late at night. because I think you need a good rest," Bryana exclaimed. "Then I'll go to the kitchen first."

"Yes, ma'am," said Fin.

Bryana rushed to the kitchen because she had to prepare dinner for Dean while Fin immediately walked out of the house. I don't know what he will do. his obsession with Bryana makes him look even eviler and determined to do anything.


at home, Alex was bored because his wife and children went somewhere. Ever since he came home from Bryana's house, the house seemed very quiet and his wife didn't answer any calls from him at all.

"Where exactly are they? Why haven't they come home at this hour?" Alex began to fidget, glancing at his watch, which said it was nine o'clock in the evening.

Alex wasn't nervous just thinking about his wife and children, but thinking about why Fin was at Bryana's. eager to find out what the man was up to, even to tell him that he was Gustave's son. But fear overtook him, remembering that the man was quite dangerous.

"Does he want to kill Bryana like his father who always targets Bryana but, why should he bother being a bodyguard there? He could have asked his people to carry out his evil plans very easily." Alex monologued to himself as he stood leaning against the pillar of his porch. He seemed to be waiting for his wife and children too.

Alex was pacing back and forth thinking hard about what he should do. "I can't leave Bryana in danger, but I also don't want her to know that Carlos and I shot the tires. Oh my God, what should I do?"

Tin... Tin...

The horn sounded. Alex stared at the gate where Elsa's car was about to enter the yard. He immediately walked to the gate and opened it, letting the car into the yard and closing the gate again.

Arriving at the yard, Elsa immediately got out of the car while carrying Haikal who was sleeping. She glanced at Alex who was looking at her with a cold gaze then walked over to her.

"Please carry him," she cried.

"Where are you guys from?" asked Alex while grabbing Haikal from Elsa's arms.

"Dinner with my fellow models," Elsa replied.

"Why don't you answer my calls?" asked Alex as he walked into the house with Elsa.

"I just don't want to be disturbed. Besides, it was noisy because my friends were chatting and some were doing karaoke," Elsa explained whether she was lying or not. maybe she even had dinner with Carlos with her son...

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