Second Marriage: My Strongest Bodyguard

Chapter 328 - About Vania's Pregnancy

Dean arrives home. He had not yet had time to enter the house, because he was immediately greeted by Bryana who was sitting on the terrace holding Aidyn. His wife was with Dinda, who would also come to Bandung to help take care of Aidyn so he wouldn't have to worry.

"Just go straight away," Bryana said as she stood up.

"So when did Raymond give the news?" Dean asked as he got back into the car and opened the door for Bryana.

"This morning when you left for work," Bryana replied.

Bryana got into the car followed by Dinda. she sat next to Dean who immediately drove his car out the gate. They no longer carry bodyguards, because they feel comfortable and have no more enemies. At home, they only left two bodyguards. They are Dany and Louis..

"Will she give birth normally?" asked Dean as he drove.

"As far as I know she wants to give birth normally, and hopefully there will be no problems," Bryana replied angrily then asked back, "what happened at the office? You seem very panicked earlier?"

"Vania suddenly fainted during a meeting. So, the meeting is adjourned," replied Dean.

"Why did she fainted? Has she been examined by a doctor?" Briana asked again.

"I don't know. Maybe weak from not having breakfast. I've asked Dr. Dante to check on him," Dean replied again. he remembered that Dr. Dante asked him to wait outside because Vania needed privacy. 'Actually why her? It is impossible if only because of late eating, the doctor asked for privacy for her. Earlier she also said about menstruation. Is it possible that Vania is pregnant? isn't she married??'

Dean became restless thinking about Vania while Bryana thought about Monica who might be in pain because she was about to give birth normally.


Arriving at the clinic, which turned out to be quite large, Vania immediately carried out a follow-up examination. first, she had to do a urine test using the test pack given by Dr. Dante. She rushed to the bathroom while Icha waited in the examination room with Dr. Dante.

'Could it be that Vania is pregnant? But she's not married... Who's her boyfriend? if she got pregnant, she had to resign because Mrs. Bryana didn't like dishonest employees and got pregnant before marriage. Vania must also hold accountable for her pregnancy to the man who made love to her.' Icha monologues with herself in her heart. her feelings began to be uneasy when Vania had returned from the bathroom with a limp expression.

Vania sat back in the chair next to Icha, opposite Dr. Dante, who sat opposite the white table.

"What was the result?" Icha softly brought her face closer to Vania's ear.

"Two red lines," Vania whispered with an uncomfortable look.

For a moment Icha was silent with a feeling of surprise. She returned to her sitting position looking at Dr. Dante who smiled faintly at the results of the test pack given by Vania.

"To find out how old your pregnancy is, we should do an ultrasound," said Dr. Dante then stood up. "Please lie there."

Vania got up and moved to the examination bed. She lay there with mixed feelings. she doesn't know whether to be happy because she is pregnant with Carlos's favorite child, or sad because now Carlos is married to Elsa.

Dr. Dante wrapped Vania up to her belly. he slightly lifted Vania's shirt and began to apply a clear gel to the surface of the slender belly then placed the connected object on the monitor screen located on the table near the bed.

"Judging by the size and from the delay in your period, your gestational age is about three months," explains Dr. Dante.

"Hah, three months??" Vanya looked surprised. She remembered at that time she only made love to Carlos. Fix, it's Carlos's child!

"Yeah, that's more or less..I will give you a nausea reliever. And if I may, I suggest you to bedrest. Let your husband do the work." Dr. Dante wiped Vania's belly with a tissue, then lowered her clothes again until they were covered. He hurried back to his chair and took notes on prescriptions, and prepared books on pregnancy and child health to give to Vania.

Vania got off the bed and sat back on the chair beside Icha. She was silent, she didn't know what to say to her co-worker. Meanwhile, the doctor started asking about who her husband was because it would be recorded starting from today.

"What is your husband's name?" asked Dr. Dante.

" I'm not officially married yet," answered Vania rather awkwardly. "I will fill in this data after officially getting married."

"Oh..." Dr. Dante was somewhat surprised.

"Okay then. I hope you get married as soon as possible so that when your child is born, you can get a birth certificate and data is always needed for other problems because our country is a state of law," he continued.

"Yes, Doc," said Vania.

Dr. Dante immediately gave a prescription for medicine to Vania to be redeemed at the pharmacy. After that, Vania was allowed to go home with Icha, who of course was still astonished by the news of the pregnancy.

Vania walked with slow steps and blank stares towards Icha's black car parked in the yard.

"Actually, who is your lover?" Icha asked when she arrived in the car and entered with Vania.

"I don't have a lover," answered Vania.

Icha sighed and massaged her forehead. ."Oh my God. Then who got you pregnant?"

"I don't know. I can't call him boyfriend, husband, or friend. I had a really bad past before I worked as a secretary... Turns out I was pregnant instead." Vania seemed to be confused about what to do. She wanted to hold Carlos accountable but was afraid of being disowned because before that she was indeed a paid woman who would be mistaken for pregnant by another man.

"Whoever he is... You have to hold him...accountable...I'm sure, after this, you can't work because Mrs. Bryana never allowed pregnant employees to keep working moreover you don't even have a husband," Icha exclaimed.

"I'm afraid he won't admit it. He's an asshole, but I like him..." Vania started to cry.

"If you have proof of your closeness to him, it can be used as a tool to make him admit that the child you are carrying is his. If you are in trouble, I will help you to hold it accountable because you need a companion, need someone to support your life..or… you go back to your parents if you are not ashamed of them." Icha suggested.

"My parents have died since I was little. I come from an orphanage ... I don't know if my parents are still alive or not," said Vania sadly.

She leaned her head against the car door and looked outside. Saw a married couple walking into the clinic. It made her imagine that she and Carlos were husband and wife.

"Therefore you have to collect evidence about your relationship with him and then ask for accountability. I will help you until you can marry him and he will guarantee all your needs and the child awaits," said Icha firmly. Then rubbed her shoulder.

"Don't cry anymore. Think of this trial as a gift for you, don't regret what has happened because after this you will have a little angel who will always make you passionate about life. You can get through all of this, okay?

Vania smiled and nodded feeling better because Icha wanted to help her without her having to ask.

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