Carlos just got home. He walked to his room until he passed Elsa in the living room. They did not greet each other but glanced at each other as if full of hatred.

"Where are you going so early?" Carlos asked.

"Wherever I go, none of your business!" Elsa replied curtly then looked at Johan who was waiting for her near the door that led to the living room. "You take me, Johan."

Johan nodded and lowered his head while Elsa walked out of the house through the living room. Johan looked at Carlos who looked untidy and again annoyed at Elsa's attitude.

"Sir, I'll take madam first," he said goodbye.

"Take care of her. If she dares to get close to another man, just beat him up and force her to come home!" Carlos exclaimed with a flat look then walked towards the stairs going to his room.

Johan sighed, shrugged his shoulders then walked after Elsa out of the house.

Arriving at the front, Elsa immediately got into the black car that Carlos had prepared especially for her. Johan also immediately got in and drove the car towards the exit gate.

"Where are we going, ma'am?" asked Johan.

"To Vania's house," Elsa replied curtly. Imagining how disheveled Carlos looked, she surmised that he might have just spent a long night with his second wife.

"Are you going to scold her?" Johan asked while focusing on driving.

"I don't know," Elsa said angrily, staring out the windshield. She looked so sad living a domestic life that was far from harmonious. Always feeling jealous and wary, wary if her husband turns away from her and prefers a second wife.

Elsa took her phone which was in her small branded gray bag and opened her Instagram account, looking at the posts of several accounts that she followed.

It turns out that opening social media is not something that comforts her heart, because he sees Anna's post which shows Alex and Raymond together looking to be talking in the treatment room. In that post, there are two photos, and the next photo is a portrait of Dean and Bryana together who are both sick.

'They are happy whereas I... I hate this life... I hate this polygamous marriage!' Her mind was filled with jealousy so that her eyes filled with tears. want happiness as she saw in the photo earlier.

'Poor her ... she should never have left her husband for the sake of marrying the selfish and bored Mr.Carlos. I suspect he didn't see Vania last night, but ..,' Johan thought occasionally glancing at the glass above him where he could see Elsa sitting in the back seat looking sad.


In the room, Carlos saw his charred and messy-looking mattress. "Oh fuck! Did she get angry to burn the mattress? What an ignorant wife!"

Carlos chuckled in annoyance as he looked at his messy room. He didn't realize that the burning mattress was his fault who threw away cigarette butts carelessly.STUPID!

Brett... Drettt...

His phone which was tucked away in his trouser pocket rang. Carlos immediately took it and saw an incoming call from Vania.

"Hello, what's wrong?" he asked curtly when he was connected to Vania.

"Carlos. Vano keeps looking for you. he has a high fever and I'm worried if something bad happens to him. Can you come here now?"

"Sorry. I can't. I'm tired!" Carlos said curtly then hung up the phone. he turned to throw his phone on the couch, then headed to the bathroom to clean himself up.


Vania looked sadly at Vano who has closed his eyes but kept calling for his father. His body was feverish, so he had several times to compress her son's forehead.

"I'd better call Carlos's doctor, or I'll order a taxi online to take us to the hospital," Vania mumbled as she dipped a compress in warm water then squeezed it and placed it on her son's forehead, hoping to reduce his fever.


Elsewhere, Bryana was sitting in a chair feeding Dean the chicken soup Lily had just come over with Aidyn. The woman returned to being attentive to her husband after being jealous just because he saw his husband being touched by a beautiful specialist doctor.

"Enough, enough ... I'm full," said Dean, who sat with his back on the bed that was made higher at the head.

"You've only eaten five bites. That's not enough to fill you up," Bryana protested. She's back to feed Dean again.

"I really can't eat it anymore. My mouth tastes bitter." Dean turned his head away, refusing a bribe from Bryana.

"Dean...if you are like that, when will you be able to recover..respect your wife who is sick but still pays attention to you, especially when she is pregnant," said Lily who was sitting on the couch while holding Aidyn on her lap?

"What is pregnancy?" Aidyn asked innocently.

Lily smiled at her handsome grandson with a posture that was neither too fat nor thin, his hair was straight, brownish-black and his eyes blue hazel. The boy was wearing black jeans combined with a white t-shirt that was a bit tight. His stylish style makes him look even more attractive like his father.

"Honey... come here," Dean called, waving his hand at Aidyn.

Aidyn got off Lily's lap and ran to her father's bed. He was standing right next to Bryana who placed the bowl of soup on the bedside table.

"Are you curious about what being pregnant is?" asked Dean, smiling at Aidyn.

Aidyn nodded with such an innocent look.

"Erm..." Dean rolled his eyes, then glanced at Bryana. "Pregnancy means you will have a sibling. Now, your sibling is still in mom's belly."

"Really?" Aidyn looked surprised at his mother's slim belly. "But mom's belly is small. Could it be that little sibling over there?"

"Yes… its name is pebble and the size is still the size of a pebble. It will grow into a baby, then be born into this world. You, as a brother, must love it like Calvin and Sofia who love you," explained Dean with a warm smile.

"Can I touch my sibling?" Aidyn asked, looking up at her mother who smiled at her with amusement.

"Of course," Briana replied.

Aidyn immediately touched her mother's belly which was still covered by the patient's light blue clothes. He even brought his face to his belly and then kissed it.

"I feel normal ..." Aidyn muttered, rubbing her mother's belly.

"It will move when mom's belly looks distended. You have to be patient and don't be naughty because you will become an older brother," Bryana explained then kissed Aidyn's forehead. She was relieved to finally be able to meet her son after leaving him for Alex's wedding to stay at the apartment and ending up in an accident on her way home.

"In that case, I will tell Calvin when I get home," said Aidyn, who loved Calvin very much. He knows that his brother is staying at Haikal's house who is also his friend because Alex and Anna often come to visit with the boy so friendship is established between them. .lthat's why Dean wants peace between his family and Alex's because their children are very close too. It's unethical if children get along while parents still hold grudges and hatred.


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