At four o'clock in the afternoon, Carlos came home early to Vania's apartment. He felt he had to pay attention to his wife so he wouldn't be suspected of having another woman besides Elsa. The man was also surprised that Max couldn't be contacted anymore.

"Why can't Max be contacted? is he busy? Usually he doesn't dare to miss an assignment from me." Carlos wondered as he focused on driving.

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His phone rang because there was an incoming call from Veronica. He immediately answered the call.

"Hello, honey," Carlos greeted with a smile imagining Veronica's beautiful face and sexy body.

"Where's Max? You said he would come here with a housekeeper to clean this apartment. If I cleaned myself, my hands would feel rough and I would be exhausted… then can't satisfy you anymore." Veronica sounded annoyed.

"Eh, maybe tomorrow I can handle that problem because Max disappeared without giving any news," Carlos said then stopped the car because he had arrived at the apartment. "Now I have important business...I'll call again later."

"It's up to you!"

Carlos hung up the phone and rushed out of the car. He walked leisurely into the apartment building, down the corridor to the elevator that would take him to the floor where Vania's apartment unit was located.

Upon arrival, Carlos knocked on the door several times but there was no response from inside. He also pressed the code to open the door until it opened and started looking for the whereabouts of his wife and child inside.


Carlos called as he walked towards the living room to the dining room, kitchen, playroom and ended up in the bedroom.

"Where are they? Haven't they been home since?" Carlos wondered then sat on the edge of the bed and instead found a small piece of paper. He took the paper and read a sentence written on the paper.

--I'm tired of seeing you who can never respect women and the meaning of a family relationship. I go__

Carlos fell silent with a gasp in shock. His eyes glanced around until he got up and opened the cupboard in the room to find it was empty. Leaving only a few of his clothes left there.

"No, she can't go. She's a good wife… she's better than Elsa! And Vano… vano is my successor. They have to come back to me," Carlos said with emotion. His gaze sharpened, his breath caught as he reached into his trouser pocket to get his phone.

He tried to contact Vania but the number was no longer active.

"Damn it!" Carlos cursed almost slamming his phone. .e sat on the edge of the bed and tried to call Max but the number was off.

"Gosh, where are they?" Carlos was getting more and more furious until he switched to contacting Johan.

"Hello, Johan. Where are you now?" Carlos asked.

"I'm at home, sir," Johan answered over the phone.

"Please take the Baron to look for Vania. Ah, but you should split up," said Carlos angrily.

"What happened to Vania, sir?"

"She left me... She left me!"

"Okay then. I'll try to find her."

"Hurry and search now and don't come back if you haven't found it!" Carlos shouted angrily and then hung up the phone. He was silent, glancing at the atmosphere of the room which was always a silent witness to the sweetness of Vania's attitude who always spoiled him even though he only came during the day and always accepted that he was always alone at night during pregnancy to childbirth.

"Vania... why are you doing all this? Don't you love me?" Carlos looked frustrated. He still didn't realize his mistake in Vania who had always been patient with him. The man went back to reading his wife's letter. "Could it be that she knows about me and Veronica? But who told her? doesn't only Max know about my relationship with Veronica?"

Carlos tries to contact Max again and remains as inactive as Vania. "If he's the one who told Vania to leave me, I'll kill him!" he growled with anger so evident on his grim face.


"Where are we going, Max. Why to get on the cruise ship?" asked Vania who sat on Vano's lap while Max focused on driving across the bridge that connects the ferry to the pier.

"To Lampung city," Max answered without turning his head.

"To Lampung? Why is it so far?" Vanya looked surprised.

"I think it's pretty safe there. We'll find a place to live in the countryside so Carlos has a hard time finding us," Max explained then stopped the car because it was already on the boat lined with other cars. "Let's get off."

"Are you sure you want to go there?" she asked.

"We've arrived on the ship, that means I'm sure. We will live comfortably there," Max replied then opened the car door and quickly got out and closed the door again.

Vania sighed, only resigned to where Max would take her. While what the man was doing was aimed at keeping her away from Carlos, then she would still go along to stay safe with her son. The woman immediately took her son out of the car and walked to the inside of the ship with Max to find a place to rest with the other passengers.

"Let me carry him," Max shouted while extending his hand to Vano. "Come with uncle .. we go up and see the sea view from there."

Vano immediately embraced Max who immediately led him to walk towards the stairs followed by Vania.

On the ferry, it consists of two decks where the first is a place for vehicles, while the second deck is a place for passengers.

"Since it's still late, we'd better be outside and take in the view," Max exclaimed when he arrived on the upper deck.

"Yeah, it looks fun," said Vania with a warm smile. She immediately walked after Max who continued to carry Vano.

Arriving at the destination which is the platform, Vania is standing near the white fence with Max. She was silent looking at the blue view of the sea and around the pier until the ship slowly drove.

'Goodbye Jakarta, Carlos ... and all of you who have ever cared for me...I hope I can go there again and meet you in a better state of my life,' Vania thought as she stared at the view of the city from a distance until it got farther and farther away.


Johan was preparing to look for Vania while the Baron had already left. The man walked to the garage to take the car but was stopped by Elsa who was already waiting for him on the terrace.

"Johan, where are you going?" Elsa asked.

"Looking for Vania. She left Carlos," explained Johan.

Elsa fell silent for a moment. She was relieved that the person who had made her share her husband was gone, but the relief disappeared considering that her husband also had a mistress of another woman.

'Could it be that I should also go like her, then take Johan? But, I don't have enough money to live.. I'd better be patient for a while and use Vania's departure to get Carlos' attention again,' she thought ready to become her husband's con man.

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