Xiaohaoyu looked at xiaomuxuan's bedroom and found that her things were missing, and they were all necessary to go out.

It can be concluded that little Muxuan ran away from home by herself.

So, xiaohaoyu glanced at the worried xiaohaotian and oumingke and said, "you don't have to worry, she ran out by herself!"

Hearing the speech, Xiao Haotian glanced at Xiao Haoyu and said, "we know that, but what we worry about is whether something will happen after she goes out."

"Do you think my sister is such a stupid child?" Xiaohaoyu asked.

"Why isn't she stupid? She usually looks stupid. When others sell her, she's still counting money for others!" Xiaohaotian was more worried when he thought of xiaomuxuan's innocent face.

Although little Muxuan is her sister, they are the two of them who protect her at ordinary times and have never hurt her at all.

However, what they don't know is that little Muxuan is with them. Those who have a black belly and learn from little smart are called a Jing!

Therefore, what they should worry about is the person bullied by little Muxuan, not her being bullied.

"Hey! You still don't know your sister! " Xiaohaoyu sighed childishly, shaking his head like a little adult.

"What do you mean?" Xiaohaotian looked at xiaohaoyu suspiciously. He didn't know what he meant.

Looking at his brother's cute face, Xiao Haoyu said very mature, "what you should worry about is that she doesn't bully others!"


Ou Mingke looked at Xiao Haoyu with a surprised look on his face. His language was a little harsh and said, "you, you mean, little Muxuan, she, she can't have anything. On the contrary, she's afraid of bullying others?"

"Yes!" xiaohaoyu replied with a indifferent face.

"Well, it's impossible! After all, she's just a little girl!" Ou Mingke still doesn't believe it. After all, little Muxuan is really too young to be convincing!

Hearing the speech, Xiao Haoyu shrugged his small shoulders, shrunk his mouth and said, "since you don't believe it, I can't help it!"

He had witnessed with his own eyes that little Muxuan made two adult men look blue and swollen, and scared the two men away alive.

"Xiaoyu, I believe you!" xiaohaotian knows xiaohaoyu's character. Generally, he won't joke with people. Then, he should be right. Xiaomuxuan will be fine.

When xiaohaoyu heard xiaohaotian's words, he looked up at xiaohaotian and nodded gently, "Hmm!"

"But, Xiao Haoyu, anyway, she is also a child. We'd better get her back as soon as possible!" Ou Mingke was a little worried although he believed Xiao Haoyu's words.

After all, they are still children, and they don't think about anything so comprehensively.

Xiao Haoyu knows that Ou Mingke is worried about Xiao Muxuan, and so is he!

So, after a long silence, he looked at Ou Mingke and said calmly, "Uncle ou, I know how to find her!"

"What can you do?" Ou Mingke knew that the two children were gifted. They could easily do what you thought other children could not do.

Therefore, o'minke still believes in their ability.

"Hmm!" xiaohaoyu nodded and continued, "last time we had a birthday, uncle he specially sent a telephone watch to his sister. There was a locator and a tracker in the telephone watch."

"Tracker?" asked Ou Mingke, looking at Xiao Haoyu in shock.

"Eh! Eh!" xiaohaoyu nodded awkwardly.

"But there shouldn't be a tracker in the phone watch!" said Xiao Haotian, blinking his big eyes.

"Cough!" after a light cough, Xiao Haoyu scratched the back of his head and said, "the tracker was installed after I removed the telephone watch on a whim!"

When ou Mingke heard the speech, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. He thought to himself, what is the child's hobby? How can he tear down other people's things at any time? It's nothing to tear them down. He also needs to install a tracker.

But I really need this tracker this time.

Xiaohaotian on one side was not surprised when he heard xiaohaoyu's behavior.

Because he already knew Xiao Haoyu's hobbies!

Xiao Haoyu saw that the expression on ou Mingke's face was very strange. His eyes flashed and interrupted their silence. "Uncle ou, lend me your laptop. I need to connect the satellite."

Ou Mingke was stunned when he heard Xiao Haoyu's words again. He nodded blankly and replied, "OK!"

Back in the study, Ou Mingke took out his laptop and gave it to Xiao Haoyu.

When I saw Xiao Haoyu's skilled keyboard operation and satellite connection skills, I was completely numb.

Because this child has completely refreshed his three views.

Soon, a flashing red dot was displayed on the computer. Xiao Haoyu said with a smile, "found it!"

Oumingke and xiaohaotian rushed to the computer when they heard xiaohaoyu's voice.

When he saw the flashing red dot on the display screen, Xiao Haotian asked, "where is this?"

Ou Mingke looked at the graphics on the computer and saw at a glance that it was the distribution map of the whole B city.

Then, he looked at the red dots on the distribution map and analyzed them before he determined that it was a food street in the city center.

Seeing that Ou Mingke had been staring at the location of the flashing red dot on the computer, Xiao Haoyu asked, "Uncle ou, do you see where it is?"

Ou Mingke nodded and said, "well, the general location has been determined! It's a food street in the city center."

"Food street?" xiaohaotian and xiaohaoyu asked in unison.

"Yes!" replied o'minke.

Xiaohaotian and xiaohaoyu both smoked corners of their mouths one after another, thinking that their sister is really a typical eater!

If you run away from home, you can go to the food street to eat. What a good appetite!

Seeing the strange faces of the two kids, Ou Mingke didn't take it to heart, but said, "now that we've found it, let's go quickly to avoid anything!"

Xiaohaotian and xiaohaoyu heard oumingke's words and felt very reasonable. They all stood up and followed oumingke to the outside of the villa.

On the other side of the food street, nangongxuan took xiaomuxuan to a western restaurant.

As soon as she walked in, little Muxuan stared at all kinds of cakes in the counter.

That greedy look, Nangong Xuan kept shaking his head and sighing.

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