Kang Zhenye said unhappily, "you can lose that face, I can't lose it, hum!" then he went upstairs without looking back.

Kang Sinian wanted to go after Kang Zhenye. Liu Liping stopped him and comforted him, "your grandpa is angry now. Don't you add fuel to the fire when you go up now?"

Kang Sinian thought for a while and felt it was reasonable, so he stopped catching up. Looking at Kang Yuxin with tears in her eyes, she hugged her in her arms and comforted her.

Liu Liping looked at Bai Yanxi standing there and said sarcastically, "why, I feel I'm going to divorce. What are you doing there? Do you want to live with Mrs. Kang in a few more days?"

After hearing this, Kang Sinian frowned slightly. Although he didn't like her, he didn't hate her. When he heard his mother satirize her, he was still a little unhappy.

Kang Yuxin felt Kang Sinian's change slightly. She felt an inexplicable anger in her heart, but she suppressed it. She can't let Kang Sinian feel a little about Bai Yanxi, which is also a threat to her, so she has to put out any fire.

Kang Yuxin took back her emotions, looked at Kang Sinian pitifully and said, "brother, my stomach is uncomfortable. Maybe the baby has just been scared." she said, touching her abdomen.

When Liu Liping heard that Kang Yuxin was upset, she nervously came over to check. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, she said with a sigh of relief, "maybe she's tired! Sinian, help Yuxin upstairs to have a rest! Don't be tired. If you move your fetal Qi, it's bad. Come on, help her up to have a rest."

As soon as Liu Liping finished speaking, Kang Sinian helped Kang Yuxin upstairs. When passing Bai Yanxi, Kang Yuxin gave her a provocative look and snuggled up in Kang Sinian's arms and went upstairs.

When Bai Yanxi looked at Kang Sinian's nervous child in Kang Yuxin's stomach, she couldn't help feeling sour and felt that she shouldn't stay here, so she turned and walked towards the gate.

Liu Liping looked at Bai Yanxi walking towards the door. A sarcastic smile arose from the corner of her lips. Instead of looking at her, she turned and went upstairs to have a rest.

Bai Yanxi walked out of Kang's house slowly with heavy steps. After walking out, she remembered that this was the hillside of the suburbs, and there was no taxi at all.

She looked up at the sky. The stars in the dark night sky blinked like human eyes.

Watching, she shed two lines of tears, felt ridiculous and sad for her stupidity, and said goodbye to herself before.

From tomorrow on, Bai Yanxi will be single again. She will work hard for her ideals.

Bai Yanxi wiped away the tears on her face, took a deep breath, made a refueling gesture for herself, and continued to walk forward.

However, just a few steps away, she heard the horn of the "didi didi" car. Bai Yanxi suddenly showed a happy smile on her face and thought to herself, "it's really endless! Ha ha..."

When the car stopped in front of her, the smile on her face suddenly froze and her eyes opened wide. She stared at the people in the car in front of her and thought she had an illusion. She rubbed her eyes and looked at it. She was still in front of her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. She was still in front of her.

Nangong Xuan's lips twitched because of Bai Yanxi's behavior. She looked at her with great interest. There was no hurry to let her get on the bus. They just looked at me and I looked at you.

Bai Yanxi finally determined that the people and cars in front of her were not hallucinations. What really happened was her neighbor, her president.

So, she opened the door as fast as she could, sat on it, fastened her seat belt, and almost finished at one go, as if she was afraid that the car would leave when she was slow. After all was done, she took a big sigh of relief, turned around and giggled at Nangong Xuan's "ha ha...".

Nangong Xuan looked at Bai Yanxi's series of actions, and a surprised look flashed in her eyes. The speed was almost comparable to that of a rocket!

Before he was finished, he was almost laughed out by her giggle of "ha ha...".

This little woman is really dull, silly and lovely!

Nangongxuan held back his smile, started the car and drove forward slowly.

Bai Yanxi sat in the co driver's seat, looked at Nangong Xuan again and again, as if she had something to ask, but she was afraid that she would ask the wrong question and make him angry, so she left herself alone.

So she thought and thought, and decided to wait until she got to the community to ask him. At that time, although he was angry and drove himself down, she could get home in two steps.

Nangong Xuan seemed to be able to see through her thoughts. He hooked his lips and said, "why, what do you want to ask? Don't you dare to ask? Are you afraid to make me angry and leave you here?"

Bai Yanxi immediately opened her eyes and looked at Nangong Xuan strangely, as if to say, how do you know what I think?

Nangong Xuan looked at Bai Yanxi's expression and knew that he was right. He stared at her with some displeasure. The little woman regarded him as a stingy man.

Bai Yanxi was so stared by Nangong Xuan that she hung her head with a guilty heart and stopped looking at him.

However, Nangong Xuan was very excited because of her actions. Because she no longer regarded him as a stranger. This is a good start.

On the way, they remained silent until they were close to the community. Bai Yanxi couldn't help asking him, "how did you appear there?"

Bai Yanxi was afraid that it was the answer she thought of in her heart, because there were Kang family. He didn't go to Kang family, that was the only possibility. He was waiting for her.

Bai Yanxi looked at Nangong Xuan nervously and expectantly. She was very nervous. He happened to be there for other reasons; He was expecting her because he was worried about her.

She was so confused that she didn't know what had happened to her? Knowing that she didn't deserve him, she selfishly wanted to get close to him.

Bai Yanxi waited for a while, but Nangong Xuan didn't say anything. She thought he didn't want to hurt her, so she couldn't bear to tell the truth.

In fact, she always knew in her heart that he was so excellent. What kind of woman did he want? How could he like her, a married woman!

Bai Yanxi smiled sarcastically, and a touch of loss flashed in her eyes. She shouldn't be conceited. Yes, she ran to provoke him all the time. He has always been passive.

The loss flashed in her eyes and was caught by Nangong Xuan. He looked at her and looked depressed. He was very happy. The more she was depressed, it showed that he had a certain position in her heart.

Bai Yanxi unfastens her seat belt, pushes open the door, gets out of the car and walks towards the apartment building.

Just before walking a few steps, she heard Nangong Xuan call her name. She paused, turned slowly and looked at Nangong Xuan.

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