Bai Yanxi and they walked into the apartment. The furniture inside was very old, and it was still the kind of old furniture!

While Bai Yanxi was still looking at the unit, she heard Nangong Xuan say, "bring that man out to me!"

Bai Yanxi's curiosity grew stronger when she heard nangongxuan's order!

Moreover, I don't know why, she always has a feeling that this person must have something to do with herself!

"Bang!" With a loud voice, a man bound by flowers was thrown out of the inner room.

Bai Yanxi was startled and instinctively stepped back a few steps!

Seeing this, Nangong Xuan quickly hugged her shoulder to reassure her and not make her afraid!

The moment Bai Yanxi was hugged by Nangong Xuan, the panic in her heart disappeared in an instant.

Then he looked at Nangong Xuan and asked, "who is this man?"

Nangongxuan heard his little wife's words, looked at Zhang Xing and said, "lift his head!"

After Zhang Xing got the order, he went to the bound man and grabbed his hair, forcing him to lift his head.

When Bai Yanxi saw the man's face, he was stunned. His face was full of unbelievable expressions.

She retreated from nangongxuan's arms, looked at the man's face, and then looked at nangongxuan's face. For a while, she had some reactions but came!

Seeing his little wife's expression, Nangong Xuan knew that she couldn't believe it and whispered to her, "Xi'er!"

Bai Yanxi heard Nangong Xuan's voice and slowly recovered. Then she pointed to the bound man and asked with a trembling voice, "he, who is he?"

Nangong Xuan knew that his little wife had guessed who the man was, but he still said, "Xi'er, he's the man who bullied you with Ding Minjia!"

Hearing Nangong Xuan's answer, Bai Yanxi couldn't help it anymore. Tears fell down her cheeks.

Knowing the pain in his little wife's heart, Nangong Xuan went to her and hugged her in her arms, letting her cry!

The bound man heard Nangong Xuan coax the woman in her arms with such a gentle voice, and finally something happened.

He suddenly raised his head, looked maliciously at Nangong Xuan and Bai Yanxi, and said angrily, "Nangong Xuan, how can you treat miss like that? Miss, she is deeply in love with you, but you kiss me with this woman. Do you deserve everything she has paid for you?"

When Nangong Xuan heard the man's words, he gave a sneer at the corners of his mouth and said in a cold and lukewarm voice, "I know what Ding Minjia did better than you. Moreover, if she paid for me, would I have to respond to her? If you hadn't colluded with her and hurt my wife and son, maybe I would let you live. Now, I'll give you a taste of what life is better than death! "

"Ha ha, ha ha......" the man suddenly laughed when he heard Nangong Xuan's words.

After stopping laughing, he looked at Bai Yanxi with disdain and said, "I've caused you to be separated for so many years. If you want to blame this woman, it's so stupid that you can't even recognize your husband. Ha ha, ha ha!"

After listening to the man's words, Nangong Xuan frowned and looked at Zhang Xing. Zhang Xing gave him a look. Zhang Xing immediately thought, went to the man, pulled him up and threw him back into the house.

Bai Yanxi recalled what the man had just said and suddenly realized that she didn't love nangongxuan as much as she did.

Suddenly, something in my heart was untied, and I was relieved!

Nangongxuan looked at some Mona's little wife and didn't know whether it was right or wrong to bring her today!

"Xi'er, Xi'er?" Nangong Xuan called her twice with some worry.

Bai Yanxi heard nangongxuan's voice, looked at him in a daze, smiled bitterly, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm so tired. I want to sleep for a while!"

Nangong Xuan nodded and said, "OK, I'll take you back to rest!"

Nangong Xuan picked Bai Yanxi up and said to Zhang Xing behind him, "he'll give it to you, as long as he doesn't die!"

Then he left here with his little wife in his arms!

Nangongxuan didn't take her back to where they live now, but took her back to Tongyuan.

Back in Tongyuan, nangongxuan gently put her on the big bed and wanted to get up and pour her a glass of water.

Suddenly, I was entangled by a pair of small hands. Then I heard my little wife say in a dull voice, "don't go, don't leave me! Will you stay here with me? "

Hearing the uneasy voice of his little wife, Nangong Xuan felt a pain in his heart. His eyes were sour and nodded, "OK, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here with you!"

Taking off his coat and shoes, Nangong Xuan took his little wife into his arms and lay in bed like that. They didn't say a word and quietly enjoyed each other's temperature.

Unconsciously, Bai Yanxi didn't know whether she was physically tired or mentally tired, so she fell asleep in nangongxuan's arms.

Nangongxuan also gradually went to sleep in this quiet atmosphere.

When nangongxuan woke up, it was dark outside.

Slightly stunned, I thought that my baby daughter was still at school and hadn't answered yet!

Now nangongxuan was in a hurry. He gently put his little wife on the bed, put on his shoes and coat, and walked outside the bedroom.

Took out his cell phone and took a look. There were several missed calls on it.

Nangong Xuan didn't even hesitate, so he quickly dialed back.

Before he spoke, the man on the other end of the phone spoke first.

"Uncle Nangong, I'm Fu Yirui! Little Muxuan is at my house now! Don't worry, she has nothing to do! " It was Fu Yirui who answered the phone. When Fu Yirui saw the phone number, he knew who it was. Therefore, he said it himself before nangongxuan spoke.

Nangongxuan was relieved when she knew that her baby daughter was in the Fu family, and then began to feel uncomfortable. The baby daughter was cheated back to their Fu family by the smelly boy Fu Yirui!

So nangongxuan said in a cold voice, "tell little Muxuan, I'll pick her up later!"

As soon as nangongxuan finished speaking, he heard his baby daughter at the end of the phone say, "Daddy, you don't have to pick me up! I'm going to sleep with brother Xiaorui tonight! His bed is as big as daddy's and can sleep with mine! "

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