Nangongxuan opened the door and went in.

Little Muxuan first saw him, and the sad expression immediately turned into an excited smile.

"Daddy, you're back!" rushed over quickly.

Nangong Xuan saw her baby daughter rushing towards him and quickly opened her arms to catch her little soft body.

"Slow down and be careful if you fall!" nangongxuan looked at his baby daughter and said.

When little Muxuan heard Daddy's words, "hee hee!" smiled and rubbed him coquettishly.

Nangongxuan looked at the lovely and naughty appearance of her baby daughter and rubbed her little head.

"Well, go downstairs and have dinner! Don't let mommy wait."

Holding little Muxuan, he went to the two sons, rubbed their little heads, smiled and said, "let's go!"

"Daddy, you put down little Muxuan. She's so big and hugged. It's not ashamed!" xiaohaotian looked at little Muxuan in daddy's arms and said.

"It's not big. I'm only five years old." little Muxuan stretched out five fingers and said that she was still very young.

Xiaohaotian rolled his eyes and said, "who just said she wasn't a little fart child!"

"I... I..." little Muxuan choked and couldn't say a word. She could only stare at the beautiful eyes and look at Xiao Haotian bitterly.

Seeing that the baby daughter was bullied, Nangong Xuan was a little distressed and hurried out to mediate.

"Xiao Tian, you can't say that. No matter how old you are, you are all children in the eyes of daddy and Mommy, do you understand?"

"I see, Daddy!" Xiao Haotian looked up at Nangong Xuan with a smile.

Nangongxuan is very glad to have these three babies. In that way, Xi'er won't be lonely when he leaves.

Perhaps, in the near future, Xi'er will meet men who are willing to take care of their mother and children.

At the thought that his wife would snuggle up in the arms of other men, and the child would call the man daddy, Nangong Xuan had an impulse to kill.

He is unwilling, he is jealous and crazy, but what can he do!

He can compete with anyone, but he can't compete with life!

After dinner, the family sat in the living room watching TV and chatting. It was very warm and happy.

Bai Yanxi looked at the time. It was very late and urged the children to say, "babies, it's time to take a bath and go to bed!"

The three children are obedient and self-conscious.

"Good night, daddy and Mommy!" The three children said in unison.

"Good night, babies!"

After the children went upstairs to have a rest, nangongxuan sat on the sofa in a daze.

Seeing this, Bai Yanxi looked at him suspiciously, gently pushed him with her hand and asked, "what's the matter with you? I seem absent-minded tonight. "

Nangong Xuan pulled back his thoughts and looked at his little wife with a smile, "it's all right. I just don't want you and the children."

"Don't you want me and the children? Why do you say that? Are you hiding something from me? " Bai Yanxi looked at him nervously.

Nangong Xuan was bitter in his heart, but his face was still a gentle smile.

"Nothing. I'm just reluctant to go abroad on business tomorrow."

Lying on the mouth, the pain in my heart has been unbearable!

"Ah, why didn't you say it earlier! I'll go up and pack your bags. "

Bai Yanxi stood up and walked upstairs.

Nangong Xuan didn't refuse her kindness. Her dark eyes were full of desolation and grief.

Bai Yanxi was busy packing in her bedroom. Suddenly, a pair of powerful arms wrapped around her waist.

A little stunned, put the last dress in her hand into the suitcase, raised her hand and held her hands on her waist. Her head leaned back on the people behind her. She narrowed her eyes happily and enjoyed the warmth at the moment.

Nangong Xuan looked at her side face with a complex look, hoping that such warmth could stay at the moment.

The arms on her waist could not help tightening slowly, "huh!" Bai Yanxi snorted stiffly, looked sideways at the people behind him and said reproachfully, "you hurt me!"

The people behind heard his wife's voice. The strength on his arm relaxed slightly, lowered his head and blocked her lip flap accurately.

"Well!" Bai Yanxi gave a warning. The people behind him seemed to be encouraged. The more he kissed, the more fierce he became.

Bai Yanxi obviously felt the difference between nangongxuan and nangongxuan tonight. As soon as he asked about the exit, he was brought to the peak again. He didn't know how many times. He was like a wolf who had been hungry for a long time, constantly devouring her!

The two lingered until midnight, and the room was slowly quiet.

The next day, when the three children learned that their father was going on a business trip, their faces showed an unhappy expression.

Seeing this, Bai Yanxi smiled at them and asked, "what's the matter? They're all unhappy?"

Little Muxuan shrunk her mouth and asked with some reluctance in her eyes, "Daddy, how long will it take you to go on a business trip? I can't bear you! "

Hearing the baby daughter's words, Nangong Xuan rubbed her little head with a smile and joked, "Daddy hasn't left yet, he began to be reluctant to give up, huh? Daddy also thought that after daddy left, he would like you three to take care of Mommy. You look like this, daddy is really worried about giving mommy to you! "

As soon as little Muxuan heard that Daddy wanted her to take care of Mommy, she immediately forgot what she had just said. She patted her chest and said solemnly, "Daddy, don't worry, I will take good care of mommy and her two younger brothers."

Nangong Xuan heard the speech and looked at the baby daughter with satisfaction and nodded.

"Well, daddy believes you!"

After nangongxuan left home, he didn't go to the airport, but got on a black car, stopped near his home and looked at his wife and children.

"President, we should go! Dr. Zhang is still waiting for us at the airport! "

The man in the driver's seat is Zhang Xing, who came back from abroad a few days ago. He is also the only subordinate and friend familiar with nangongxuan's condition.

Zhang Xing is an internationally famous gold medal lawyer and nangongxuan's right-hand man in the underworld organization. When nangongxuan is away, he is generally in charge of the organization.

This time, nangongxuan handed over all the property and organizational management rights to Bai Yanxi, which must be handled by Zhang Xing. Therefore, nangongxuan only told Zhang Xing about his illness.

After several days in a row, Bai Yanxi didn't know what was wrong. She was always restless. She was in a trance at work.

Seeing this, he Zixin said jokingly, "Yan Xi, why are you always absent-minded these days? Nangong Xuan has only left for a few days, and you begin to miss it day and night!"

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