"Go back? Back where? " Bai Yanxi asked with a confused face.

"Go back to where you should be!" Nangongxuan just stood there quietly and looked at her and said.

"Where should I go?" Bai Yanxi looked at him suspiciously.

"Well!" Nangong Xuan nodded lightly.

Seeing him nodding, Bai Yanxi asked in some wonder, "but where can I go when you are here?"

"Go back! go back! Go back... "Nangong Xuan seemed not to hear Bai Yanxi's words. He kept repeating the word" go back ". Moreover, his figure became more and more blurred and his voice became less and less.

Bai Yanxi was very worried when she saw that Nangong Xuan was getting farther and farther away from her. She looked at the figure with tears in her eyes and shouted, "don't go, don't leave me, don't leave me..."

Looking at the figure almost disappeared, Bai Yanxi screamed in despair, "don't..."

Suddenly, Bai Yanxi sat up from the hospital bed with a look of despair and heartache on her face.

Because she didn't eat for a long time and relied on nutrient solution to maintain her life, she looked obviously out of strength, and soon fell back.

Therefore, when shaoxueer came in from the outside, she saw such a scene.

"Xi Xi!"

Shao Xueer hurried to the hospital bed to check Bai Yanxi's situation!

I saw her staring at the ceiling with her empty eyes open, like a puppet without soul.

Shaoxueer looked at such a good friend and tentatively called her twice, "Xi Xi, Xi Xi!"

Seeing that she didn't respond, shaoxueer didn't dare to delay for a moment. She quickly ran outside the ward to call a doctor.

The doctor soon followed Shao Xueer to the ward, examined her, looked at Shao Xueer and said, "Mrs. Fu, the patient is no longer in serious trouble, just need a good rest!"

"But why didn't she respond?"

Shaoxueer looked at Bai Yanxi on the hospital bed like a puppet doll and asked the doctor in doubt.

"Hey!" The doctor sighed helplessly and said, "the patient has no physical problems. Why is this? It should be related to what happened recently to her. As the saying goes, heart disease still needs heart medicine. We have no way. Otherwise, you'd better find a psychologist for her!"

After listening to the doctor's words, shaoxueer nodded clearly and said, "thank you, doctor. I'll find a psychologist for her as soon as possible."

After the doctor left, Shao Xueer went to Bai Yanxi's hospital bed and sat down, took her hand, looked at her with distressed eyes and said, "Xi Xi, when will you get better? If Nangong Xuan saw you like this, how distressed and uncomfortable he would be! "

When Bai Yanxi heard the words "nangongxuan", her eyes blinked slightly, but she was caught by shaoxueer.

She happily clenched Bai Yanxi's hand and continued, "Xi Xi, I know you can't accept nangongxuan's death, but you have to accept the reality. You still have three children to take care of. In addition, nangongxuan has transferred Nangong group to you. Do you want to lose all nangongxuan's efforts if you go on like this?"

Perhaps Shao Xueer's words stimulated Bai Yanxi. Her eyes were filled with tears, and her hands on both sides trembled slightly.

Shao Xueer felt her excitement and held her hand happily, "Xi Xi, cry if you want to cry! Don't hold it in your heart! "

Finally, the tears accumulated in Bai Yanxi's eyes fell from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing this, shaoxueer finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she cried, it would be all right to vent.

Shaoxueer didn't stop her from crying. She quietly walked out of the ward and made a phone call to ask the domestic servant to send some light liquid food.

Because she hasn't eaten for a long time, now she can only eat some liquid food to cushion her stomach discomfort.

During Bai Yanxi's coma, Shao Xueer and Ou Zishan took care of her.

The three children will come to see her as soon as they finish school, but they have to go to school. Shaoxueer can't let them stay in the hospital. When time comes, they will be sent home to rest.

During this time, Nangong Xuan's death caused great fluctuations in the company. If most of the shareholders were not trusted by Nangong Xuan, Nangong group would have been in disorder.

The country cannot be without a king for a day, and Nangong group cannot be without a master for a day. Now Nangong group has no leader. Even if Peter comforts everyone there again and again, people are still terrified!

The two young masters are too young to believe that they can support the important task of Nangong group.

Now no one is qualified to take over Nangong group except madam!

The next day, after Bai Yanxi cried, the whole person knew a lot and wanted to understand some things!

Before shaoxueer came, she had ordered a breakfast and asked someone to buy her a suit of clothes and dress up.

When shaoxueer came to Bai Yanxi's ward, she saw her dressed up and came out of the bathroom.

Seeing this, shaoxueer happily walked into the ward.

"Xi Xi, you finally cheer up!" Shaoxueer's voice has some hard swallow.


Bai Yanxi thanked her best friend very much. Although she has been in a coma for a long time, she knows who is taking care of her and talking to her all the time.

"Thank you, Xueer. Thank you for staying with me during this time!" Bai Yanxi said gratefully.

"What are you talking about! We are good friends and close friends. Can I ignore such a thing when you encounter it? " Shaoxueer glared at Bai Yanxi and said.

Bai Yanxi knows that Xueer is kind to her and that there is a real friendship between them. However, she still can't help but want to say thank you to her!

"Xueer, I know what you're thinking, but I still want to say thank you!"

"Well, well, I accept your thank you. Let's go!"

Shaoxueer really had no choice but to compromise and accept the thank you.

"By the way, Xi Xi, what are your plans for the future?"

Shaoxueer is very happy that Bai Yanxi can cheer up, but she is still worried and wants to ask.

"I listened to what you said to me yesterday. You're right. I can't be decadent anymore. I'll help him support this family and the company he worked hard to build! I can't let him down. I want to finish what he didn't have time to finish. "

After hearing Bai Yanxi's words, Shao Xueer was very moved and knew that she really cheered up!

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