Bai Yanxi came to the construction site with a heavy heart. Peter prepared a helmet for her early.

However, as soon as I entered the construction site, I saw several workers sitting there lazily, and I didn't mean to work at all.

Holding her anger in her heart, Bai Yanxi went to the workers and asked, "why do you sit here and don't go to work?"

Seeing Bai Yanxi's beautiful and delicate face, several workers began to look at her.

Seeing this, Peter looked at them angrily and shouted, "get up and look where your eyes are?"

"Yo, who are you? It's very wide! We look at the beauty behind you. Why don't we even let you see it? " A dark man looked at Bai Yanxi with a dirty face and said foolishly.

Peter clenched his teeth angrily and raised his fist to beat him.

"Peter!" Bai Yanxi made a noise to stop it.

She was afraid to annoy these people. At that time, it must be she and Peter who will suffer.

Anyway, there are only two of them. If she wasn't there, Pete might still win, but now she's dragging, Pete must not be able to match.

At that time, Peter will be injured. That's the last result she wants to see.

Peter heard Bai Yanxi stop, raised his fist and slowly put it down.

Bai Yanxi walked from behind Peter to the front, stood in front of the workers and asked expressionless, "where's your head?"

Before I saw the workers speak, I heard a man's voice coming from the inside of the construction site.

"Who wants me?"

Several workers saw their head, got up quickly, pointed to Bai Yanxi and said, "boss, it's this beautiful woman looking for you!"

When the contractor came out from the inside, he saw a beautiful woman standing in front of him with bright eyes and staring at him.

That look looks like I haven't seen a woman in my life!

Bai Yanxi also noticed the hot eyes of the contractor and felt sick in her heart. But in the past two years, she learned to bear it. Therefore, even if she was sick now, she wouldn't show it.

"Are you the head of the construction site?" Bai Yanxi looked at the contractor with sharp eyes and asked.

The contractor head originally stared at Bai Yanxi with hot eyes. After seeing the sharp and cold eyes in her eyes, he instinctively shivered.

Well, who is this woman? Her eyes are terrible!

Seeing that the foreman did not answer, Bai Yanxi asked again patiently, "are you the head here?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm the contractor here!" The contractor bowed respectfully.

Bai Yanxi nodded and continued, "well, since you are the leader here, I'll ask you a few words."

"How long have you worked here?" Bai Yanxi asked.

"It has been more than two months since the beginning." The contractor replied.

Hearing the answer she wanted, Bai Yanxi nodded and continued to ask, "do you have any comments on this project?"

"No, no problem!" The contractor continued to answer. He didn't understand. Who is this woman and why should he investigate the project here?

I want to go home, but he dare not ask! As soon as he looked at the shrewd eyes of the woman, he knew that the woman was not small!

He can only answer whatever she asks.

"Well, the last question, why don't you work, but idle around there?" Bai Yanxi asked the question she wanted to ask just now.

When the contractor heard Bai Yanxi's last question, he exhorted for a long time and didn't say anything.

Looking at the way the contractor wanted to talk and stop, she knew there must be something in it.

So she became smart and said in a cold voice, "don't hide anything."

The head contractor was stunned by Bai Yanxi's momentum. He looked at her in amazement. He trembled timidly and swallowed his saliva in fear. Then he said in panic, "I, we, too, can't help it! Since we started working here, the developers here have never settled our wages. We also have families. How can we support our family without wages? However, I have asked them for dozens of times. They always perfunctory me and said that we should work hard. Wages are indispensable. At the beginning, they still patiently perfunctory us, Later, I didn't even bother to see us. You said, how can we still be in the mood to work! Several people in my team have left. If we continue like this, we may run out of people! Ah! "

When Bai Yanxi heard the speech, Xiumei frowned tightly, surrounded by the cold breath.

Defaulting on workers' wages and embezzling people's compensation. Good, good, really good!

Peter was also very angry after hearing this. He never thought that this was the case. If his wife didn't check it privately and didn't prepare them in advance, he probably wouldn't find it out!

After a long silence, Bai Yanxi looked at the contractor and said slowly, "go and call all your men. I have something to say."

When the contractor heard Bai Yanxi's words, he looked puzzled. What level of person is this woman?

However, without much thought, he said to the workers behind him, "go and call them all and say it's a meeting!"

Several men ran to the construction site and shouted from time to time.

In less than ten minutes, everyone arrived.

Bai Yanxi glanced at about thirty people, including several female workers.

Standing on the opposite side, she looked at the workers without waves and said, "let me introduce myself to you. My name is Bai Yanxi, the current president of Nangong group. Next to me is the vice president of Nangong group. I came here today to solve some problems for you. From now on, if you have any problems, start saying, I promise Bai Yanxi, Absolutely face these problems. "

When the contractor and the worker heard Bai Yanxi introduce their identity, they were shocked and speechless.

They never thought that the woman who looked so young in front of them would be the president of Nangong group.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Bai Yanxi thought they were worried and continued, "you don't have any worries. Don't worry and speak out boldly."

Finally, a female worker inside said tremblingly, "I, I, we..."

I held it for a while, but I didn't hold a word.

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