Bai Yanxi really wants to cry without tears, but she can understand the security aunt.

NB group headquarters has 12 floors, but she is assigned by the security aunt to clean on the first floor. How can she get to the top floor and see Nangong Xuan?

Looking at such a magnificent NB group, Bai Yanxi was amazed. She wondered how nangongxuan did it. In one year, she developed NB group so large, and there were many branches.

In fact, what Bai Yanxi doesn't know is that nangongxuan is a stock genius. As long as he determines which stock can make a lot of money, it's nailing on the iron plate. He can't be wrong.

Therefore, when nangongxuan woke up penniless and had no memory, he relied on this ability to work for others first, earned an objective fund, and then began to make money for himself with this fund. In this way, roll and roll, and earned an unimaginable wealth.

He used this money to start his own company. He worked continuously all year. Even at night, he had little rest.

In fact, he is selfish. He wants to open the company to various countries and find his relatives and lovers.

Although he didn't remember anything when he woke up, there was a feeling in his heart that he had loved ones and relatives in this world.

In order to let them find him, he also walked in various countries, working and observing.

Finally, when he returned to s City, a woman chased him and said that she was his wife, and both had three children.

He didn't believe it at first, but every time he saw the injured look on her face, there was always a burst of heartache in his heart, which was impossible to feel in the face of countless women.

Therefore, he also concluded that this woman must have a great relationship with him.

Had it not been for some problems in the head office, he could not have left s city so quickly.

Now that he knew her existence, he was sure to find her, so he went back to country y to deal with things first.

Think about going back to s city to find her after dealing with things here.

Bai Yanxi didn't know what nangongxuan thought at all. She honestly cleaned the company for several days, and even saw a hair of him.

When she was very lost, she finally saw him in the hall of the company.

She was dragging hard with a mop. Suddenly she heard a steady sound of footsteps. She was so familiar with that sound.

Suddenly raised his head and saw nangongxuan come in from outside the company.

He was dressed in a fitting black suit, with a briefcase in one hand and a trouser pocket in the other, and walked to the exclusive elevator without squinting.

Bai Yanxi forgot to catch up for a moment of joy and stood there staring at Nangong Xuan who came in.

The people who had been looking straight at themselves and walked to the hall finally felt a pair of hot eyes, staring at him tightly.

When he looked at her, he saw Bai Yanxi wearing a gray and loose suit. His deep eyes trembled hard, his heart beat inexplicably for several times, and a touch of joy flashed. However, he soon recovered to his composure.

He turned his head, as if he hadn't seen Bai Yanxi, and went straight into the exclusive elevator.

Seeing this, Bai Yanxi was stunned. Soon, she was discouraged and hung her head and continued to drag her ground.

While dragging, I planned how to get to the top floor and get close to the smelly man.

So she decided to bribe the security aunt.

When she came to the cleaning department, Bai Yanxi opened the door and looked at the security aunt with a smiling face, "aunt, all my places have been cleaned."

Hearing the speech, the security aunt nodded with satisfaction and praised her, "good job, Xiaobai. I didn't expect you to be so weak and work so quickly. It's good to do it well!"

Bai Yanxi twitched a few times when she heard the speech. However, in order to bribe the aunt in front of her, she had to accept the exaggeration of the security aunt, "ha ha" smiled and took off her famous brand watch from her wrist. "Aunt, you see, I've been working here for several days, and you've seen my work effect. Just be kind and let me clean up on the top floor!"

Then he put his famous brand watch in the hands of the security aunt.

Security aunt has also seen famous brands. When she looks at this watch, she knows that the price is not cheap.

Then he agreed to Bai Yanxi's request, asked her to clean on the top floor, and repeatedly told her not to be careless, but to clean carefully.

Bai Yanxi happily agreed to come down and promised that she would not get into trouble and would work well.

Finally, it was time to get off work. Bai Yanxi dragged her tired body back to the hotel. After taking a hasty hot bath, she lay in bed and fell asleep.

Several bodyguards hiding in the dark were shocked when they looked at such a lady. Unexpectedly, the lady could do so in order to find the president.

Bai Yanxi's actions were all admired by the bodyguards.

The next morning, Bai Yanxi had a big breakfast and quickly came to the company.

Walking to the door of the company, I saw the security guard who recommended her to enter the company.

She went over with a smile and said hello to him, "good morning, big brother!"

"Good morning, good morning!" Looking at Bai Yanxi's charming smile, a blush appeared on the security guard's handsome face.

Bai Yanxi looked at the blush on the security guard's face. Knowing that he was shy, she shook her head and walked into the company.

I thought, that security guard is really naive and lovely!

Finally, she came to the top to work. She cleaned other places first, and then cleaned the president's office, so that she could see him in the process of cleaning!

Sure enough, after she cleaned other places and cleaned the president's office, nangongxuan had already sat there and worked.

She quietly walked in and began to clean, thinking about how to let him see the certificates and photos?

When wiping his desk, because of her absentmindedness, she accidentally knocked over the coffee on his desk and soiled his information.

In a hurry, without thinking about it, she took the dirty rag in her hand to wipe his documents. The more she wiped, the dirtier it became. Before she thought of what to do, she was thrown out by a force.

"Touch", Bai Yanxi was thrown to the ground. Unfortunately, her head hit the edges and corners on the tea table, "ah!" After the sound of, I saw blood dripping on her forehead.

Nangongxuan, who was dealing with those dirty documents, heard her voice and looked up slightly. He saw her sitting on the ground, covering her forehead with pain.

She frowned slightly, but when she saw the bright red blood flowing from her fingers, she immediately panicked in her heart.

Instinctively ran to her and asked anxiously, "how are you?"

Then he gently took down her hand covering her forehead. When he saw the blood gushing from the wound on her forehead, he was really flustered. He picked her up in panic and walked out anxiously.

On the way to the hospital, some intermittent fragments flashed in his mind, as if such a scene had happened.

He wanted to think more deeply. However, as long as he thought more, his head seemed to explode and hurt.

At this time, he also determined that the woman in the back seat was probably his wife.

Otherwise, he would not be flustered and confused after seeing her injured, and he was so afraid of losing her.

That feeling of panic and heartache has never happened in this year.

There was never a moment when he wanted to know who he was, what kind of person he used to be, what kind of woman his wife was, and what his three children looked like. Were they boys or girls?

Upset, he got out of the car and opened the rear door. He took Bai Yanxi down and walked quickly to the hospital.

Leaning in the familiar arms, Bai Yanxi mumbled vaguely, "Xuan, I'm looking for you so hard!"

After mumbling this sentence, she sobbed wrongfully.

After hearing her grievance, Nangong Xuan was shocked, and an unknown emotion came out from the bottom of his heart, which made him red in his eyes.

Resisting the urge to cry, he quickened his pace and soon came to surgery.

Because the wound was a little deep, the doctor sewed two stitches in the wound.

Bai Yanxi had fainted from pain, so she just frowned when the doctor sewed the needle.

On the contrary, Nangong Xuan was very distressed when the doctor dealt with the wound. He was always afraid that the doctor would hurt her. He shouted at the doctor from time to time, "be gentle!"

The doctor was speechless, so he had to dress up slowly. The wound that could have been treated in ten minutes took more than twenty minutes.

The doctor treated the wound and gave her an anti-inflammatory needle. Nangongxuan didn't leave the whole process.

Looking at the man lying in the hospital bed, he didn't know what he felt in his heart.

"Ba Da!" Suddenly, something fell out of her wide pocket.

Nangongxuan picked it up from the ground and found it was a small video recorder.

Wondering why she put this thing in her pocket, she looked at her on the doctor's bed and then at the video recorder in her hand.

After thinking again and again, he decided to open it and have a look. Anyway, he was sure that she was his wife. If he looked at her things, there should be nothing!

When the video recorder was turned on, a handsome man appeared on the screen.

Although his face looked morbid, he recognized it at a glance. It was himself.

This video should be recorded when he was ill!

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