Bai Yanxi and Peter quickly took Xiao Na out of the abandoned chemical plant and met Zhang Xing who had just arrived. Bai Yanxi said in a hurry, "take some men back and take good care of them. They must tell the mastermind behind the scenes."

When Zhang Xing heard her order, he nodded and agreed, "I see, madam!"

After ordering this, Bai Yanxi followed Peter and took Xiao Na to the central hospital.

Xiao Na's body was full of traces of abuse. Even when the doctor saw it, he couldn't help but want to scold.

Who abused the girl? It's so cruel. There's almost no good place on her. In addition to the blue and purple pinch wounds, there are also bitten scars. The whole person is like a broken doll without a trace of vitality.

Bai Yanxi looked at Xiao Na like this and felt very uncomfortable. This innocent girl was implicated by her. How would she face this kind girl and Peter?

She looked at such a small Na and felt uncomfortable and suffocated. If Peter saw such a small Na, how uncomfortable and self reproach he would be!

The only thing she can do now is to quickly find the masterminds behind the scenes and bring them to justice.

Although she now suspects that Mo qiufei and Shen Yimin did it, she has no evidence and can't act rashly.

Moreover, Shen Yimin is her biological mother. No matter how cruel she is, she can't hope her own mother to do such a thing.

Even though she has never received maternal love, she still hopes that one day she can call her mother and get the love of that woman.

She even prayed that the woman who gave birth to her really didn't participate in it.

However, the truth is always cruel. Just when she was thinking, her phone rang.

She rubbed her eyebrows, took out her mobile phone decisively, and took a look at the caller ID on her mobile phone. It was a call from Zhang Xing.

There was a moment of hesitation in her heart. She was afraid that she was really as she thought, but she still clenched her teeth and connected the phone because of her guilt for Xiao Na.

"Hello, Zhang Xing, how's the interrogation going?" Bai Yanxi asked nervously.

"Madam, we have pried open their mouths and know who the mastermind behind them is?"

"Who is it?" Before Zhang Xing at the other end of the phone could tell the mastermind behind the scenes, Bai Yanxi asked eagerly.

"They only know that there are two women. According to their words, one woman is called the other woman's mother!" Zhang Xing said truthfully.

When Bai Yanxi heard Zhang Xing's answer, her mind was like being struck by thunder.

"Hello, madam, are you still listening? Hello, Hello, madam... "Zhang Xing at the other end of the phone didn't get Bai Yanxi's response and called anxiously.

After a while, Bai Yanxi just recovered from her emotions. Her voice was a little stiff and replied, "I, I'm listening. You continue."

"Madam, from their mouths, we know that the two women don't seem to be from our B city."

Bai Yanxi didn't know how she felt at the moment. She opened her mouth a little numbly and replied, "what else?"

"Madam, I just learned from a man that one of the women is mo qiufei!"

When Bai Yanxi heard the words "Mo qiufei", she had already determined who was behind the incident.

She suddenly felt that she wanted to laugh. She was a big joke for that woman.

She could bear being abandoned since childhood, not taking care of her for a day, not giving her a trace of maternal love, but what she couldn't bear was that the woman wanted to kidnap her and destroy her reputation and happiness.

For Mo qiufei, that woman can be so crazy. Since she doesn't treat her as a daughter, she won't be merciful anymore.

She never had such a mother!

Thinking of this, Bai Yanxi seemed to be a changed person. Her whole body exuded a strong cold breath, her eyes were sharp as a knife, and constantly exuded cold light.

Her voice was cold and lukewarm. She said to Zhang Xing at the other end of the phone, "look after those men first and bring some people to the central hospital."

After saying that, without giving Zhang Xing any breathing time, he had resolutely hung up the phone.

I just wanted to go to Xiaona's ward to have another look. Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned around, I saw Peter looking at her with cold eyes, and then asked in a deep voice, "Madam knows who kidnapped Xiaona, doesn't she?"

Bai Yanxi looked at this without the usual gentle Peter, and suddenly felt a little strange.

But she didn't want to cover up the mother and daughter, and didn't want to be sorry for Xiao Na, so she nodded and said, "yes, I know who kidnapped Xiao Na and already know where they are."

When Peter heard the speech, his eyes instantly turned scarlet, clenched his fists, tried to resist the impulse to rush out immediately, and continued to listen to Bai Yanxi's following.

"They are the wife and daughter of the president of Morse group in s city. At the moment, they are staying in a hotel under our Nangong group. I have ordered them to keep an eye on their movements."

Bai Yanxi said everything she knew.

She has no idea about the mother, and she will no longer admit that she has such a mother and sister. Therefore, if they make a mistake and touch her bottom line, they will pay the corresponding price.

"Peter, I know you are eager to find the person behind the scenes and ask for an explanation for Xiao Na. However, Xiao Na is in a very unstable mood. You are the person in her heart. I hope you can accompany her more. Just let me do the rest. I will give Xiao Na a satisfactory explanation." Bai Yanxi looked at Peter firmly and said.

When Peter heard the speech, he also felt that Bai Yanxi's words were reasonable. However, he wanted to ask for an explanation for Xiao Na himself, so he looked at Bai Yanxi firmly and said, "I know my wife will avenge Xiao Na herself, but please promise me. If you catch the mastermind behind the scenes, please let me solve it myself."

Bai Yanxi knew that once Pete had decided something, no one could change it, so she had to nod and agree first, "OK, I agree to your request."

"What do you want to do first, madam?" Peter still asked with some uneasiness.

Bai Yanxi was silent for a long time before she looked up at Peter, who was expressionless. She suddenly felt that Peter was different, but she didn't know what was different for a moment, so she had to say what she thought, "I want the Mohs group to disappear completely in s city. The mother and daughter are nothing without the support of Mohs group, There will be no rampant capital. "

Peter lowered his eyes. After listening to Bai Yanxi's plan, he looked aside coldly and added in a cold voice, "I will make the Morse group disappear overnight."

"What?" Bai Yanxi looked at Peter with unbelievable eyes, as if what an incredible thing he said, "you mean, you can make the Morse group disappear overnight in s city?"

After all, Mohs group is also a very competitive enterprise in s city. It is not easy to make it disappear overnight!

"Good!" Peter replied firmly.

Bai Yanxi digested his words for a long time. Finally, she took a deep breath to calm her mind. She looked at Peter with a cold face and said, "what do you want to do? I'll try my best to help you. "

This is Bai Yanxi's promise to Peter. No matter how he makes the Morse group disappear overnight, she unconditionally agrees and supports him.

With Bai Yanxi's promise, Peter didn't take any care of it and left a sentence, "take good care of Xiao Na for me!" He turned and left the hospital.

She knew that if he did what he said, he didn't come forward and let him do what he wanted to do.

In the past two years, he is not only her assistant, but also her mentor in the mall, but also her good friend.

It was a great blow to him, and it was also the first time he asked in front of her. She knew that his feelings for Xiao Na might not be what he knew. Maybe he had deep feelings for that kind girl before he knew it!

Sitting by Xiao Na's hospital bed, she felt guilty and upset. Suddenly she didn't know how to face the girl.

Now things have happened, and she can't recover anything now. She can only make up for and care for the injured girl as much as possible in the future.

Bai Yanxi didn't close her eyes all night because she was waiting for Peter's news.

In the hospital, doctors and nurses came to work one after another, and there was an instant of noise in the corridor.

Until the doctor examined Xiao Na, there was no news from Peter.

But after all, she is the president of a large company. She can't let the company go there, but she is worried that Xiao Na in the hospital bed will be excited when she wakes up.

In desperation, she had to call the Secretary's office and said that she would not go to the company today, and neither would the vice president and Xiao Na. If there was something that was not very important, there was no need to call her.

After hanging up the phone, Bai Yanxi picked up the thermos on the cabinet next to the hospital bed to get hot water.

Who knows, when she played a pot of hot water, Xiao Na on the hospital bed woke up and was so excited that she drove the nurses and doctors out of the ward.

She was afraid that Xiao Na would think hard and do something extreme. Despite the obstruction of doctors and nurses, she pushed open the door of the ward and went in.

Who knows, she just walked a few steps and saw an unidentified flying object, "touch!" With a bang, it hit her forehead.

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