Bai Yanxi was silent. However, she soon recovered to her former calm and said confidently, "even if you stand in front of him naked, it's not possible that he will look more."

"Do you believe him so much?" Mo qiufei looked at her sarcastically.

"Yes, I believe him!" Bai Yanxi blurted out without thinking about it.

Hearing the speech, Mo qiufei "ha ha ha ha ha!" smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Bai Yanxi looked at her puzzled.

Mo qiufei pulled Bai Yanxi's hand away from her hair, sorted her hair, then sneered and said, "Bai Yanxi, I really don't know whether to say that you have a simple mind or that Nangong Xuan has a strong ability to coax people!"

"What do you mean?" Bai Yanxi squinted at her.

"What do you mean? Hum!" Mo qiufei snorted coldly, "which man in the world doesn't get fishy? Nine of the ten men get fishy, and one who doesn't get fishy is either a fool or an extremely ugly man. No woman wants him to get fishy!"

Hearing Mo qiufei's words, Bai Yanxi was speechless, turned her eyes and said, "what kind of messy logic are you? Do you think all men in the world will be as obsessed as the men you know?"

"Yes, the living Liezi in front of you are standing here!" Zhang Xing pointed to himself.

Zhang Xing's words brought the white eyes of everyone familiar with him.

"Hey, what are your eyes? Don't believe me?" Zhang Xing quit immediately. Do these smelly boys distrust him like that? It seems that they have to strengthen their training when they go back.

If those men knew what Zhang Xing thought at the moment, they would leave a word. It was a pure threat!

Bai Yanxi couldn't see it anymore. She glanced at him sideways and said, "OK, don't stare at them anymore. We don't know what kind of person you are. We'd rather believe that pigs will go up trees than your words!"

Hearing the speech, Zhang Xing was immediately wronged and looked at her innocently, "madam, how can you believe them? They only look at me like that because they are jealous of my handsome and extraordinary face. Therefore, madam, you should believe me!"

When Bai Yanxi heard his words, the corners of her mouth jerked. She reluctantly helped her forehead with the impulse to laugh.

The brothers behind him also smiled, and they could only see their heads drooping and their shoulders shaking.

Looking at these two goods, Bai Yanxi was really speechless. After glancing at him, he said helplessly, "well, let's get back to business. Don't waste time. It doesn't matter whether I believe you or not. What's important is that your future wife believes you!"

Zhang Xing wanted to say something more, so Bai Yanxi glared out, so he had to close his mouth and swallow all those words into his stomach.

Bai Yanxi ignored him and looked at the three members of the Mo family with a serious look. "I have made it clear to you what to say. I can not pursue the previous things, but this time, you completely violated my bottom line, so I won't let you go!"

Mo qiufei immediately panicked when she heard Bai Yanxi say she would not let her go. She looked at the door of the hall with the rest of her eyes, came forward, took Bai Yanxi's hand and said anxiously, "Sister, I'm wrong. You can bypass me this time! I know you've lost your innocence. It's hard for you. As long as you don't give me to those men, I'll do what you want me to do. Or you can beat me until you calm down. I won't say a word and never complain."

When Bai Yanxi heard that she mentioned it again, her anger surged out again. She suddenly pinched her jaw and said gnashing her teeth, "Mo qiufei, I tell you, you can't escape this matter!"

"Take them all away. Zhang Xing, you can contact our private plane and take them to city B as soon as possible." Bai Yanxi ordered.

"Yes, madam!" Zhang Xing took orders.

Everyone except Zhang Xing came forward to catch the three members of the Mo family. President Mo didn't struggle and was soon tied up.

Instead, Mo qiufei and Shen Yimin screamed when those people walked towards them.

"Ah - don't touch me - go away - I don't want to go with you -"

"Bai Yanxi, I'm your biological mother. You can't treat me like this - ah - don't tie me - Bai Yanxi, you'll be damned by heaven - you can't die well -"

Bai Yanxi was hurt by Shen Yimin's words. This is her biological mother, which makes her die hard!

After being tied up, Shen Yimin slumped to the ground.

Mo qiufei over there was still struggling. Suddenly, she looked at the door of the hall and shouted, "brother Xuan, please help me. I won't follow them. I'll die!"

Hearing Mo qiufei's cry, Bai Yanxi also turned and looked at the door of the hall. Sure enough, she saw nangongxuan standing at the door of the hall.

Instead of meeting him, she stood there, looked at him without any expression on her face and asked, "Why are you here?"

Nangongxuan didn't want to hide her meaning and said truthfully, "I received Mo qiufei's distress message, so come and have a look!"

Bai Yanxi glanced at Mo qiufei obliquely, then looked at Nangong Xuan not far away, sneered and asked, "you should have been here for a long time?"

"Yes, I've been here for a while!" Nangong Xuan looked at his different little wife. He didn't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that she had some misunderstanding about him.

Bai Yanxi nodded lightly, "then you should have heard the conversation between me and them?"

"Well, but I only heard half of it." Nangong Xuan still said it honestly.

Bai Yanxi doesn't care how much he listens. Now, she just wants to know, will he intercede with her for the three of the Mo family?

If she doesn't plead, she can act as if nothing has happened, or she can act as if he hasn't been here.

But if he did, what would she do? In fact, she has no bottom in her heart and doesn't know what to do?

After taking a deep breath, she slowly asked, "do you want me to let them go or let me take them away?"

Nangong Xuan pursed her lips tightly. After thinking for a while, she looked up at her and asked, "will you let them go because of my plea?"

Bai Yanxi looked at him coolly and said two words coldly, "no!"

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