Nangong Xuan finished saying that without looking at Bai Yanxi, he walked into the study and closed the door with a bang.

Bai Yanxi knew that he was angry, but she was not confident. Nangong Xuan was such an excellent man. How could she take a fancy to her divorced woman! Besides, she doesn't deserve him, does she?

Alas! How distressed! Forget it, no, let it be!

Bai Yanxi suddenly thought that nangongxuan seemed to be socializing at noon. She shouldn't have eaten anything! So she decided to have lunch for nangongxuan in the kitchen.

When nangongxuan came out of his study, he wanted to get a bottle of water from the fridge, but unexpectedly saw a busy figure in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Nangong Xuan frowned slightly and asked coldly.

Bai Yanxi, who was preparing lunch, was shocked when she heard the cold voice. The knife in her hand deviated, and her sad fingers could not escape. In this way, the bright red blood flowed out along the knife wound.

Bai Yanxi gave a stuffy hum, wrinkled her pretty willow eyebrows, put her finger to her mouth and blew it. Before she had the next move, Nangong Xuan had come in stride, pinched her injured slender finger, stuffed it into her mouth without hesitation, and didn't put down her hand until she didn't bleed.

Looking at Bai Yanxi's injured hand, although he felt a little distressed, nangongxuan still kept an expressionless look. He glanced at the stove and said quietly, "they are all injured. I don't know what to do!"

Bai Yanxi was not sad when she heard Nangong Xuan's words of reproach. Instead, she was warm in her heart. She knew that he was concerned about her, so she deliberately pretended to be wronged and hurt. She looked at Nangong Xuan pitifully and said in a low voice, "I think you didn't eat anything at noon. I just wanted to make something for you, but I didn't expect..."

Sure enough, it was very useful. When Nangong Xuan saw her wronged appearance, he felt soft in an instant. He sighed helplessly and said softly, "your hand is hurt. Go out and watch TV. I'll make lunch."

Hearing this, Bai Yanxi looked at him in surprise and asked curiously, "can you cook?"

Nangongxuan looked at Bai Yanxi with a surprised face and knew that the woman didn't believe it. Who would believe that the president of an international group could cook!

"Why, am I surprised that I can cook?" Nangong Xuan asked while cooking.

"Er! To tell you the truth, I'm really surprised! I didn't expect that you, a big president, could cook. I thought you ate out every day!" Bai Yanxi blinked and said with some embarrassment.

"It's nothing. When I was 13 years old and my parents died, I began to live independently. Although my adoptive father took me in for me to eat, wear and go to school, I still want to be independent, so cooking is not difficult for me!" Nangong Xuan flashed a touch of sadness in his eyes and said these things in solitude.

Bai Yanxi looks at Nangong Xuan's lonely back and suddenly thinks of her mother. Since her mother died, she also began to take on all the things in the family. However, she is lucky that Grandpa Kang has been taking care of her. She won't worry because she doesn't have money. She just takes care of her sister and does some housework.

She suddenly felt that her experience was somewhat similar to that of nangongxuan, but she was luckier than him because she had a father. Even if her father was not very good to her, it was her father after all!

"Sorry! I, I don't know your parents..." Bai Yanxi felt guilty, but she didn't know what to say.

Nangong Xuan turned around and just saw Bai Yanxi's guilty eyes. He smiled. He walked up to her and touched her head, like, like his pet. "There's nothing to feel guilty about. I've been used to it for so many years. You go watch TV and I'll call you after dinner."

His intimate action made Bai Yanxi blush uncontrollably.

"Oh!" Bai Yanxi walked out of the kitchen with a red face and a shy bow of her head.

After nangongxuan finished the meal, he called Bai Yanxi, who was curled up on the sofa watching TV like a lazy cat, to the restaurant.

He cooked ordinary home cooking, three dishes and one soup, tomato and egg soup, one meat and two vegetables, which seemed to have an appetite.

Bai Yanxi didn't eat anything in that restaurant. Coupled with the two people's unreasonable trouble, she was already a little hungry.

So she didn't care about her image, so she wolfed down and ate two bowls of rice and a bowl of soup.

Nangong Xuan was stunned when she looked across from her. She twitched at the corners of her mouth from time to time. Has she not eaten for several days? It's like a starving ghost.

"Didn't you eat in the morning?" he remembered saving breakfast for her in the morning!

"Ah? Oh, eat! What's the matter?" Bai Yanxi said without knowing why.

"Well, nothing!" Nangong Xuan picked up his chopsticks and ate slowly. He was elegant and would never make an indecent sound.

Bai Yanxi inexplicably looked at nangongxuan eating gracefully. When she was ready to ask him, Yu Guang from the corner of her eyes suddenly turned red in the three plates on the table. She also understood why nangongxuan asked her like that.

Because she not only ate two bowls of rice and a bowl of soup, but also ate more than half of the dishes, and some had only one bottom.

Bai Yanxi looked at the three dishes on the table, blinked and explained with some embarrassment, "well, I'm really a little hungry. I eat so much. I usually eat very little."

Nangong Xuan heard that the corners of his mouth twitched seriously and thought, "are you a little hungry? If you are a little hungry, you can eat like that. If you are really hungry, you don't know what to eat!"

Although he thought so, he still hooked his lips in front of Bai Yanxi, smiled a little evil and said, "it doesn't matter. If you eat more, I can afford it. Besides, with my money making ability, you can't eat me!"

After Bai Yanxi heard what he said, her eyes twitched. She has hands and feet. Why let him raise her! She also admitted that he has a strong ability to make money, but what does this have to do with her! She didn't promise to be his girlfriend.

If Nangong Xuan knew what Bai Yanxi was thinking at the moment, she would be furious and throw Bai Yanxi out of his house. This heartless woman can't warm her heart or get into her heart.

Nangong Xuan looked at Bai Yanxi in silence and asked, "why don't you talk? Just say what you want to say. Don't hold it in your heart."

Bai Yanxi is waiting in her heart. Can she say she hasn't promised to be his girlfriend? The answer is, of course not! What if the president gets angry and dismisses her!

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