After a while, Bai Yanxi finished her long clothes and trousers. She tied her long shirt at her waist, with her sleeve slightly above her elbow, and tied her trousers with a belt. Her trouser legs turned in a few folds. It looked very fashionable as a whole. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror, looked at it left and again, which really fulfilled the saying that women love smelly beauty.

About half an hour later, a knock on the door sounded. Then, nangongxuan's low and cold voice came in, "can I come in?"

Bai Yanxi hurried out of the bathroom, adjusted her breathing, pretended to stand by the bed and began to make the bed, "you can come in."

Hearing the response, nangongxuan pushed the door and came in with two bags in his hand, one is the shopping bag of brand clothing and the other is the boxed lunch package bag of the grand hotel.

When he saw Bai Yanxi standing by the bed to make the bed, his eyes flashed slightly, and there was an indisputable warmth at the bottom of his eyes. But when he saw Bai Yanxi's dress, he was stunned, and then he smiled again, thinking, "this woman can wear his clothes so well. I knew it would not be in a hurry to buy her clothes."

Bai Yanxi stood by the bed and slowly made up the bed and pretended not to look at him. However, she didn't see the things nangongxuan was carrying in her hand and the warmth in his eyes. She just heard nangongxuan chuckling, turned around and looked at him with an inexplicable expression, "what are you laughing at?"

When Nangong Xuan heard her question, she put away the smile on her face and returned to her previous indifference. It's just much softer than when facing others. Maybe Nangong Xuan's expression will change forever only when facing Bai Yanxi!

"I bought you a suit of clothes. After supper, I'll change it and take you home!" nangongxuan said, putting the shopping bag on the bedside table and opening the supper on the front tea table.

Bai Yanxi is really hungry. Looking at what nangongxuan has done for her, she suddenly feels a little moved and wonders, which woman can have such a good man! Just the thought that other women would have him, and he would be so considerate to other women, suddenly his heart was a little sour.

Nangongxuan arranged all the meals and sat on the sofa next to the tea table. Seeing Bai Yanxi standing there, he didn't move. He ordered coldly, "hurry up!"

"Oh!" Bai Yanxi replied stupidly and walked towards the tea table.

Just sitting on the sofa, nangongxuan opened a heat preservation box, which was hot ginger purple rice porridge.

Seeing this, Bai Yanxi felt another warm current in her heart, and her nose was a little sour. She tried hard to suck up and didn't let herself cry in front of nangongxuan.

She picked up the spoon and drank a few mouthfuls of ginger purple rice porridge first, because she was too hungry and ate a little fast. Nangongxuan, sitting next to her, frowned and reminded her, "you haven't eaten anything since tonight. Don't drink too fast. The porridge is a little hot. Eat some food first!"

Then he opened the food on the tea table and handed her a pair of chopsticks.

Bai Yanxi was stunned and looked down at the white hands holding a pair of chopsticks in front of her. She slowly raised her hands to take it.

"Thank you!" Bai Yanxi said stiffly.

"Bai Yanxi, don't you want to go to work?" Nangong Xuan said in a threatening tone.

"What, what?" Bai Yanxi took the chopsticks and was ready to start eating. She heard Nangong Xuan's question.

She was a little confused. She didn't know why Nangong Xuan asked so. She looked at him and hoped he could explain more clearly.

Nangong Xuan looked at her blankly expression and knew that she had forgotten what he had said that day. She was a little angry and looked at Bai Yanxi coldly. She wanted to strangle the woman in front of her and didn't take his words seriously.

Bai Yanxi looked at Nangong Xuan, who was a little angry. She didn't understand why he was angry. Did she say something wrong?

Seeing that she still had an unknown expression on her face, Nangong Xuan said coldly, "you won't use it to work tomorrow."

"What? Why? Did I do something wrong?" Bai Yanxi opened her eyes and looked at Nangong Xuan strangely.

"What do you say? If you don't pay attention to what I said, then I can only dismiss you. If you don't want to be dismissed, think about what I said that morning!" Nangong Xuan said sullenly.

"What did you say? What did you say?" Bai Yanxi scratched her head. Her head was like a crash. She couldn't remember anything.

"Gulu, Gulu, Gulu" Bai Yanxi's stomach came to join the fun again. She covered her stomach and looked pitifully at Nangong Xuan. She saw that he didn't say a word and didn't dare to eat. If she provoked the uncle again, she would really lose her job. Therefore, she can only look at the food in front of her and swallow her mouth.

Finally, nangongxuan still couldn't bear it to her and said helplessly, "eat quickly and it will be cold in a while."

Bai Yanxi listened to his words, looked at him with a grateful look on her face, picked up chopsticks and began to eat.

She ate two mouthfuls and felt that the taste was very good. She wolfed it up. Nangongxuan, sitting next to her, looked at her unbearable eating appearance and kept sighing and shaking her head.

When Bai Yanxi was about to finish eating, she suddenly felt something wrong. She looked up and just looked at the deep eyes of Nangong Xuan. His eyes were like a bottomless vortex, as if they could suck her in.

She quickly looked away and asked in some embarrassment, "what's the matter?"

"Are you full?" Nangong Xuan didn't answer her, but asked her lightly.

"Full!" Bai Yanxi was confused.

Nangongxuan took out a bottle of disinfectant and a box of ointment from a small bag, sat next to Bai Yanxi and pulled up her sleeve without saying a word.

Bai Yanxi was startled by his action. The conditioned person was about to stand up, but Nangong Xuan held him down, "don't move!" with an ordered tone.

"No, I'll just go home and apply the medicine myself..." Bai Yanxi didn't dare to get too close to nangongxuan, but she still remembered why she was designed today.

However, what else did she want to say? She was frightened back by Nangong Xuan's cold eye. She had to close her mouth and let him disinfect and apply medicine to her wound.

After everything was done, he told me, "don't touch the wound with water. Take this medicine back. This is my ancestral ointment. It won't leave a scar after use."

Bai Yanxi was a little moved, "Hmm!" she said.

Suddenly, she thought that he had just said he would dismiss her! So, she said somewhat flatteringly, "Xuan, did I just say something wrong?"

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