"Ha-ha-ha, it's finally over."

Light stretches his back like he's tired. By defeating the boss, this dungeon was treated as clear. We returned to the entrance to the dungeon using an escape portal that leads to the ground.

"But since I'm a big boss, I expected to be able to peel it off, but I can't take anything..."

"That's only for tumored stone rollers, right?

"Oh, no, I did."

It's Oliver who sighs at Wright's words, man.

Sure, I couldn't peel it off extra from the boss. But the drops weren't bad. I even got [Core of the Golem] and [Amethyst]. There are other things that aren't going to work for me, but if I sell them, they're going to be money.

"Okay! This was a good time!

"Well, I thought it was a good number."

"Now we get the best of it... what the hell, there's Chloe and the others. Have you cleared it yet?

Oh, it looks like Mr. Kogane and the others are done attacking the labyrinth, too. Apparently, they think they came out as soon as they finished attacking the labyrinth. But unfortunately, our party got the fastest clearance of the labyrinth.

"Seriously! I thought we were the best!

"... Hmm. I see you were quick to attack in the boss battle to hear the story. Attack by increasing the power of Dark Magic..."

"Friday, there must have been a kid who remembered dark magic, right? Why don't we bring him in and go again?"

"You'll be logged in almost as usual. What's missing..."

Mr. Kogane and the others will begin the operational meeting for the next attack on the spot.... Unfortunately, the fastest clearance ranking is likely to be taken away soon.

That's how our party broke up while we struggled with each other.

Well. You can log out already today... but there's only one thing that bothers me.

"Good day, Mr. Southern Ka. No, should I call you Mr. Tsubaki?

After dissolution. I went after that back that was going to disappear in the crowd and I called it that. It's crowded, so the neighborhood is busy. But you must have heard my voice firmly. She stopped walking and looked back.

"... did you realize that?

"Yeah, don't think you'll mislead my eyes"

"Boulder, did you just say Lord Chloe? The awkward haven't done it yet."

I wondered if you noticed or found out anything. You might not have figured it out if you hadn't taken Haku yet. Still, you seem to think you haven't really found out from her reaction. Don't you dare tell me here. I can't believe there were other people besides me who noticed.

"So, what can I do for the awkward? If it's retaliation, take it and stand."

"I just wanted to ask you a few questions."

Move out of the crowd and into less crowded places. Mr. Tsubaki, who took the hood and exposed his face, is looking at this one. Scarlet eyes are cold against color and I can't see the expression.

"Why are you here?


She keeps her mouth shut and doesn't try to answer. You could have anticipated this response because there was no reason for her to answer even if you asked her directly. One thing, let's do an act that makes you flatter your shoulders.

There's no reason for her to be here. Daita, you must have been involved in the last incident.

It's not good if there's anything left. Evidence has kept it that way, so have you come to erase it or something? I think that red-food flavor has been based in this city for a long time.

Well, this is just my speculation. I don't know about it, actually, and you won't even tell me.

"I'm wondering why you're here... now more than that. Why did you come into our party?

"... it"

"Why do you shut up?


"You can't tell me because it's not a mission, can you? 'Cause I'm sure this is your personal behavior."

If the goal is to enter the dungeon, you don't have to bother to be like us.

Besides, it's the last time Mr. Tsubaki came into the party. I could have checked with the members and avoided going in.

She's the one who took Wright's sword, the brave one before, or killed me. It's a funny story to come into a party until you take the risk that you won't just be sorry if you find out who you are.

"... Dungeon offense, was it fun?

"Why ask such a thing"

"You enjoyed being with us and attacking, didn't you?

"That's not...!

"Mr. Tsubaki. You're not like those red foods, are you?...... I took Wright's sword or something, but if I were to take it, I should have done it right away. Yet it was after I exorcised the Red Beast that I took it. You've helped me to help Mr. Lucille."

"It's more convenient..."

"... that's enough excuses. Mr. Tsubaki. You're a really sweet man. And as much as I wanted to have an adventure with us, I wanted to be one of us until I faked myself."

Mr. Tsubaki in the dungeon wore a hood, so he couldn't read the detailed look or anything. But I still think you seemed like a lot of fun.... There may have been just a few vegetables of people inside, but I can't even say that everything is. If you think about her character.

She looked away from me and leaned down. I lean against Mr. Tsubaki worried about Haku flying next door.

"... the Awkward have been born and have lived for duty. Think that's the role of the awkward, and that's the only thing you can do... without any questions. Just then. When I helped Lord Lucille with the Chloes, it was the first time I knew that the awkward could save people as well.... So."


"... so this is the first time I've had my doubts. I wonder if the awkward really only have the power to carry out the tasks just as they say. Even when I killed Lord Chloe..."

You didn't hesitate to kill me, did you? I'm not saying that while I think. I'm not saying this on such a serial occasion. Let's hide mine and say what we say as Chloe.

"You came to our party because you wanted to know the answer to that question.... Did you find the answer?

"Not yet..."

"Really? - So what are you going to do now?

"... now?

"Without finding an answer, do you still have a mission ahead of you? I think that's harder than ever. 'Cause you had an adventure with us once. You thought it was a lot of fun, didn't you?... If you go back the same way again, you will be hostile to them. It's hostile to me too. If you become Southern Ka again, you will be one of us, can you do the same again?

Meet people who can be called comfortable and companions as Southern Ka.

But I'm sure the next person I see is Tsubaki, who's loyal to the mission.

After that, it would be hard to repeat the same thing again. Because Mr. Tsubaki has a conscience. What will happen to her heart if she continues this relationship with deceit...... you will see.

"So... what do I do? What am I supposed to do with the awkward?

"It's a simple story. Just throw out the mission and wash your legs."

"... you must be easy for me to say! Lord knows how much easier it would be if it were easy!

Loudly she screamed and denied this one. But that cry from the heart also sounds like a sorrowful voice asking for help somewhere. Mr. Tsubaki was still crying.

"Yeah, I don't know. But I can give you a hand. To wash your feet with ease."

"... Lord, is that what's so easy to take on?

"Of course I'm not helping you for free. If you don't cooperate with them, it's in their interest."

I don't know how much Mr. Tsubaki influences in the red hood...... a little on this side would be advantageous. It would be nice if Mr. Tsubaki were brought in here, at least because of the influence. Because it's better to have more allies.

"... I see. Is that a deal?"

"You seem convinced. More importantly. It's a mutually beneficial story, right?

Yeah, but...

"It's true that I want to do something for you.... I haven't forgotten. That we acted together in the Dusk Forest, right? Because I think of you as one of my few friends."

This is just a word as a friend. Because this is the first friend I've ever made here for Chloe.

"Lord Chloe......... are you a friend? I didn't know the awkward could exist like that..."

Given the character's position and convenience, it would be difficult to do something called a friend...

... Whoa, this wasn't about thinking right now. Excuse me.

But now the words seem to have struck Mr. Tsubaki's mind. Yeah, it worked.

"I want to live up to the words of my friend who says so... Let me think a little bit."

"Yeah, I'll always be waiting for your answer, Mr. Tsubaki"

That's what Mr. Tsubaki turned his back on leaving...

"Oh yeah. Mr. Tsubaki."

"... something yet -"

It was Mr. Tsubaki who tried to say something, but the words were never spinned.

Why? That, of course, is because my offense hit and blew her HP.

"Will you stand in retribution?

"Huh, unintentional strikes are cowardly..."

"Oh, would you like one? You killed me by accident from behind."

I thought I should pay back what I owe you.

Someone who might be one of us from now on, too. You want something that won't rot later, right?

I'll see you later, Mr. Tsubaki.

I waved to see Mr. Tsubaki off as a corpse and disappearing.

She was smiling as she disappeared, so I'm sure she'll be fine.

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