"Herbal cafe, house of dusk... open!

The handcrafted door plate is written with a letter to announce the opening of the store. On the edges of the plate is an illustration of this shop's trademark Tonkotsu Hat and Black Cat. Earl made this for me.

It has been a few days since I opened the store. Thanks to the festival, the advertisement was just... just a reputation for the cake. So I talked to Earl and decided to open it not just as a pharmacy but as a coffee shop. So herbal tea. Many of the cakes I sell use medicinal herbs.

Open the door and go inside the store. There are several tables and chairs in the store that have been slightly renovated where Lucille lived. It is characterized by the presence of a dollop figurine as an ornament. I'm glad I bought it.

"Welcome, Kyle..."

It's been a long time, Chloe.

I wonder who's coming today's customer number one... it was Kyle. As always, it's a brilliant and refreshing smile.

"I'm here too!!

"Of course I didn't forget, Light."

A greeting with Light, which is becoming a classic exchange. I'm sorry, I was hiding behind Kyle's light.

"Oh, you look a lot more stylish and beautiful before you even look at it."

That's exactly what Kyle does when she pays attention to changes in women.

"That's how Kyle got his gear back. Besides, I don't know if you're in line with Light."

Kyle and Light's armor was unusual. Silver plate with gold-coloured armor.... this is certainly Royal Army armor.

"You're both soldiers now."

Ah, it was a bit special.


"More than that, Chloe.... the lord of the Dailord wants to see you."

... yes? The lord of the Dillon told me?

Leaving the shop number to Earl, I decided to go to the lord's mansion with Kyle and Wright.

The new lord of the die road. I saw it twinkle at the previous festival, but were you sure it was a woman?

I understand that Kyle and Wright are now escorting the lord.

"Meet her when we were about to become soldiers in King's Landing."

"... look, that big sword Lex belonged to the lord here, right?

Ah, speaking of which, yes.

The Great Sword Rex chose Wright as a brave man. Originally belonging to the lord, those three thieves... did Aji-chan start stealing them?

Lucille asked for it, didn't she?

"That's right... I was in a hurry at that time."

Lucille followed me to see if I was worried about the lord calling me. The explanation is troublesome when it comes to the child's appearance, so it is now the black cat's appearance.

During the Red Beast incident, Lucille, who was looking for a brave man, asked Aji-chan to steal the sword. Somehow it fell into Wright's hands and was stolen by Tsubaki-san.

Speaking of which, what's going on with that sword now? I wonder if those red hoodies have it.

"That's why we got caught as sword thieves."

"There was a testimony that Light had the Great Sword Rex...."

Thinking about it, when we first met, Light walked around town majestically without knowing the stolen sword. That's something I've never caught before.

"You didn't get caught, did you?

"Yes, I was told that I was innocent and that I had the power of a brave man."

"First, the daughter of the victimized lord... and now the current lord has stopped her."

At that time, the lord liked her and hired her as a soldier.

The Lord who saved them... I'm starting to wonder who they are. I remember being a beautiful woman when I glimpsed it in the square.

We have arrived at the Lord's Mansion. Close to the city center. Diving through the gates and through the large garden, you can see a long and splendid building beside you. I'm familiar with the city of Dailorde, and I've known the lord's mansion for a long time, but it's the first time I've been inside.

The mansion was splendid without betraying expectations. The red carpet is covered and the ceiling sparkles with chandeliers.

"Oh, Ange! You look perfect today!

The voice of a tense woman echoes through such a luxurious mansion.

What...? Looking at the voice, there was a woman in the stairwell in the center of the entrance. I have a mirror and I don't think I've noticed what I'm seeing.

"My beloved angel....!

"Dear Ange, I've taken you with me."

"... hey, I told you not to call my angel's name casually!

Oh, me...? Did you just say me...?

Now that I see a beautiful woman praising herself with a mirror in her hand, I am angry with Kyle who called out in a masculine tone.

Kyle sighed deeply at me when I was stunned, and said, "That's what happens when I first see you."

"Nh... ah, thank you so much for coming! I've been waiting for you!

Did you notice my presence, a beautiful woman who also pulled in her glasses and intimidation and turned her smile.... I'm curious, but let's just read the air and move on.

Hi, my name is Chloe.

"I am Ange, lord of this dyke."

Lift the hem of the dress to each other and greet them nobly. There was an aristocratic lady there, I wonder what that was.

"Well... I'm sorry for calling you so suddenly.

I moved the location to the conversation room, where I decided to speak with Ange. They are sitting on each other's sofas and facing each other with their tables sandwiched. Kyle and Light stood behind her by the wall as soldiers.

"No, I was surprised the lord knew about me."

"I don't know what rumors you've heard in this territory lately. I'm a lord anyway."

Ange smiles, adding that it's just been before.

"I wonder what kind of rumors they're making."

"The cake made by your servant is delicious."

"It has become famous to get into the Lord's ears. Our Servant will be delighted. If so, I should have brought it to the souvenir."

The cake will be ready again.... this time I summoned you because you're a good pharmacist. "

"As a good pharmacist...?

Ange-san smiled at the tea he had prepared. After drinking one sip and moisturizing my throat, my lips became red and opened.

"Yes. … Did you know that there have been a lot of human assaults with dangerous drugs in the city of Dayrord and nearby cities lately?

"Of course. What a horrible thing...."

"The drug incident, another drug that's starting to flow, has helped keep the damage under control."

"Well, that's good. Now you can live with peace of mind."

"I see. And I wondered," Who made this medicine? "

"... that's why you called me. I'm not the producer of the medicine."

"Thank you for talking so fast. So, are you the producer?

Of course, I made it. I can't say... If you talk about recovery potions that have the same abilities as holy water, you will tell yourself about the magical formation of the seal and who you are.

Honestly, I don't think I need to hide the identity of the Guardian of the Seal anymore. Even if it is revealed, the level of problem is too high, and the information has come out.

"When I looked into the source, I found that it is mainly located in Miranda's shop. Among them, you were the pharmacy that made me particularly jealous."

If you've been investigated so far, there's nothing to hide...

Last time, I cut through my wrist, but I may be able to tell Ange. Kyle and Wright are here, but they can be trusted as well.

That's how I tried to open my mouth, but Ange-san put out her palm like she said to wait.

"If there's something I can't tell you, I won't ask. However, I need medicine for this territory. I just need you to trade the medicine."

"... don't you think it's a suspicious medicine?

"Effectiveness has been well reported. And Chloe, you seem to be valued as a trustworthy person."

Ange glimpses at Kyle and the others in the back.... I don't know what kind of talk they gave me, but I'm sure they trust me.

"... please tell me the number of deliveries, the price, and then the delivery date. Then we'll think about whether or not to trade."

"Thank you, Chloe. This will keep the territory at peace."

Ange offered a lot of money. Besides, they're exempt from taxes. Here are the benefits of doing business with the lord.

"I'd really like to get more out... but this city of die-roads isn't as wealthy as Ilu or Seat Link."

I hope you don't pay much attention because you still pay enough. I wondered what I would do if they told me to help people for free.

"Thank you. A pharmacist like you saved my life in this city."

"I haven't delivered or done anything yet."

"I appreciate your presence."

After signing the contract, Ange shook hands and said so.... well, it's unlikely that there's a high level blender in this early city. Most of them have traveled here and rarely come back.

"And if there's a recovery potion or something, I'd appreciate it if you could deliver it. Bring me plenty as long as you have the amount."

"I'm fine... but what do you use it for?

"Just in case."

She didn't tell me about the application with a smile. Well, it won't be abused only by this lord, and I don't think it will be a problem to deliver it. They also trade without asking for details.

"It was an honor to meet you today. I can't believe the Lord was so nice."

"Well, thank you for saying that."

"The appearance and contents are beautiful."

"Yeah, yeah... that's right. Because Angel is an angel!

... hmm? What did you just say?

The way she nodded with her arms folded apart from the lady Ange-san.

"Oops, did it collapse? I'm not used to this role yet. I'm sorry, Ange, but I'll let you rest for a while. I'm a little tired."


... yeah, well. I knew it from the first one. I wonder if Ange is a role player and a man.

"... Ange-sama"

"Hey, you called my angel again. Ji-"

Kyle! Don't try to call me by my real name!

I'm sorry. Uh, Kyle. "

... I don't think so.

Kyle and Ange are friends of Leah's?

I want you to forgive me for accidentally breaking my roll. I mean, don't you care?

"Yes, me and Ji... Carlo have been together for decades..."

"Don't say weird things. It's just a business thing. And not Carlo, Kyle."

"It's cold, Lyle."

"I told you Kyle... you made a mistake."

From this exchange, it seems that you really know each other. Still, you work with Kyle... You said you were working as an actor, so maybe Ange is also involved. Then I nodded at Ange's performance earlier. But....

"You were such a classy lady... you don't have a shadow to see."

You know Kyle or something?

I nodded with Light. Severe gaps mean that there is only one difference between the act and the person.

"... really, why are you doing this?"

"Such a thing... when you can produce the perfect beauty just for me, you'll do it! Oh, Ange! You're really beautiful! My angel!

Ange, who also had a mirror, praised his avatar.... it's not like I don't know how it feels... but... it's a little too much or too open.

"Kyle's acquaintance has changed."

"I didn't think it was like this either. I've known her for a long time, but I've never known her."

"Don't treat me like a freak, there. That kind of karil looks just like the character I used to play. You liked it so much, that character."

"Ahh! Stop talking about it!

Kyle, you can't afford to rush into the wrong name. Looks like you don't want to talk about it that much.

"Can you tell me more about that?

"I'm curious about Kyle's old man too!

"Fine, fine! Yes, that was a long time ago. When I was still an unknown rookie, I played a certain hero. This is another classic protagonist, just like Carol."

"... Kyle."

"By the way, this guy was coming to the audition for the protagonist and was dropped instantly.... but instead, I was under enemy service."

"Don't leave your personal information behind!

... Kyle has such a past. By the way, Kyle was hiding his face with her hands shy.

"You've always wanted to play that role... I'm glad you're here. I like it."

"... think about the situation when you find out that you were making and playing a character that resembles a character you admire in real life... if there's a hole in it, I'd love to get in!

"Eh, I was happy? I knew you liked the part I played so much."

"That's why I didn't want anyone to know!!

"Then you should have made it okay to be seen! Like me!

"I want you to share your grandeur!

You don't have to be ashamed of Kyle. Well, I'm sort of the same type as Ange. My real acquaintance, Meatier, actually knows the character.

In Kyle's case... it was a role played by an acquaintance, so it would be twice as embarrassing.

"Damn it, Ange, I really didn't want you to know..."

"So don't call my angel by any other name than Roll."

"Weren't you angry during the roll earlier!?

"Was it? Well, I don't like to be called by my angel's name."

"Then what should I call you now, and you'll be irrationally angry again if you stay like this?

"Well, then, John and Smith... call them properly, Cain."


Ange-san... you're a very free man. Kyle is tired too.

"Please call me back. Call me John for now, witch!

"Um, thank you very much. Mr. John."

About someone in Ange, John winked while introducing himself with a light tension.

It's confusing, but this person should call the character and the contents completely separated.

"By the way, it's forbidden to fall in love with Ange. My wife won't give it to anyone."

"I wouldn't do that without being told."

Because this is it. Incidentally, Ange's character name was registered as "Ange of Love." It seems that Mr. John is more than just Angel.

"That's right! If you need anything, you can count on me, Chloe."

"Eh, yeah... okay."

She switched to Pa and said that in Ange's face.... I think you know Kyle here.

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