"My lord... isn't that a bump? Why are you here?

Lucille noticed the noise coming out of the back of the store.

"I still don't know, but it seems that the Raptors have captured the seat link...."

"... occupation...? Even if it was true, there was no premise. There can be no such immediate occupation. Should the lord and the army move first?

Certainly, if there is any noise on the sheet link, the information should come first. There will definitely be a struggle when it comes to occupation. If this was a reinforcement request, I would nod immediately, but the information I received is that the seat link has already been captured. Too soon.

"Eh... do you have a seat link?

"A war with Raptarica?"

In the shop, the noise began to grow. Just because there aren't many people, you can't talk like this.

I immediately closed the shop as a temporary closure and decided to hear from Tsubaki again.... but in the meantime, Lili disappeared and didn't even look for her.

"So, why did Tsubaki have that information and why did he let me know?

Tsubaki is involved with those red foods. I didn't seem to be one of them, but I was close as a standing position. I wonder why she came to let me know about the seat link.

Tsubaki remains worn out. Even if I don't give you a potion, my HP is gradually recovering naturally, so I should be able to open it all soon. Besides, I'm not going to be so kind to someone I don't know if they're still on my side.

"There's no need to explain in order... As a member of the Black Raven, I was hired by someone to act."

"Black Raven... somehow I thought so."

"Do you know?

"Black Raven is one of the dark guilds that does everything from kidnapping and assassination to paying for it."

Speaking of which, there was also a video that Tsubaki-san and the Red Hood had been talking about before. It's the first time she actually knows a member of the organization, so behave like that.

"By the way, Lord Chloe... who are you?

"This child is a relative's child. I know a lot of things."

Lucille's explanation is familiar.

Well, why don't we leave Lucille alone and continue?

"So who is your employer? Isn't that Ignis?

"My employer... is Lord Sheetlink's wedded son, Mr. Galadra."

... that's the first name I've heard of you. But I didn't expect that name to appear here.

"I see... I also understand that you learned about the current status of the sheet link.... most of the time, the capture was also led by Galadra, the illegitimate son?

"You don't understand quickly. That's right. Galadra invited them into the seat link through Raptarica."

"And the Red Chaos apostles have connections, right?

"I was only acting on orders, so I never heard anything but orders... In my opinion, the Apostles themselves seem to be communicating with Raptarica in the first place. I think it was through Ignith and the others that I talked to Galadra."

... I didn't know the red food bag was Raptorical.

Son of the Lord of the SeatLink... I don't know a man named Galadra, but I can almost see him. Tsubaki was hired by Galadra to work with Ignith and the others on his behalf.

"... the seat link lord's house must have had a lot of trust in the royal family. So I entrusted that port town to you. When something like this happens, the harbor won't easily fall into the hands of the enemy... and yet the house betrays me."

Lucille was surprised to hear something incredible.... surely the port is an important place. You can't rest assured if you can trust someone.

"Isn't he the only one who betrayed you?

"Yes, Mr. Galadra, it seems to be a plan by yourself. Lord... Galadra's parents are under arrest."

"Hmm... I see. Even so, I can't believe it...."

Most of the time, Raptarica must have betrayed you with a flicker of power.

"Well, I'll tell you when I'm almost done, but this isn't a lie, is it?

The problem is the credibility of this story. If Tsubaki herself was still on the other side, she could have lied to us.

"I'm not lying...."

"You should have known earlier about the war in your position. If it was true that the seat link had fallen, why did you betray it now? You could have acted before the Raptors arrived, right?

"You're absolutely right... I was lost... It was an act that should not be done if it was a member of the black raven, such as disobeying the order of the client, but for this reason. It's tantamount to betraying a family-like organization that picked me up and raised me...."

Tsubaki-san's eyes opened when she closed her eyes.

"But... I didn't think so. This city has a lord... Lord Chloe. If someone who said I was a friend of mine got caught in the fire... I didn't like it."

The red eyes did not waver in the bitterness of disobedience, but contained a gentle light.

"Besides, didn't you tell me that your lord would help me?

"Speaking of which, that's what you said."

"Don't let me forget you. I betrayed my life for you, didn't I?... this information, and the treachery of the handicapped, should be of benefit to Lord Chloe. If the handicapped have lied, kill them then. Don't be hungry."

"To be honest, if you think of me, I wanted you to let me know before the Raptors came out... well, there must have been something going on with you. I see what you mean, let's believe you as a friend."

If this is a double agent, I'll do it... but I don't think it's such a character, and I'll think it's okay.

"Isn't that true...!

The happy look on Tsubaki-san's face when she saw us... Does this look include acting? You seem pretty happy. When you see this, it doesn't look like you're lying.

"Well, then... we don't have much time."

If the seat link has already fallen into Raptarica's hands, this die road won't have much time to battle. Then you should let him know.

Speaking of which, Tsubaki-san, do you know where the sword of the brave is?

"Hand it over to Oswald, that's all, I don't know...."

I thought Tsubaki-san knew something about the person who stole it, but apparently he doesn't.

"Well, do you know anything about a girl with white hair? I'm a girl named Meatier."

"Hmm... you don't sound familiar with the name Meatier. I do think there have been such people around Lord Oswald and Lord Ignith lately."

Hmm... my friends seem to be working with Ignith and the others.... this is where we're going to meet on the battlefield.

Well, you know I don't like this. Shall we go to the person who should go to see him first?

◇ ◇ ◇

"I see... that's why you came to me."

Ange, the female lord of Dailord, had a wonderful look on her face.

A report from Tsubaki learns that the seat link fell into the hands of the Raptors.

The next goal of the Raptors is the Dayrord... which means this city.

That's something I can't handle personally, and Ange, the leader of this city, should know, so I came to let her know.

The Kingdom of Raptarica is one of the countries south-east of the Kingdom of Swaro. Lucille said that the country is the same size as the Kingdom of Swaro and that Swaro has been an ally for many years.

"Recently, I knew that the Swarovski Kingdom and the Raptalic Kingdom were at fault... and I could have predicted a war in the near future... but I didn't expect to get caught up in this."

It's even farther from the land of this die road to Raptarica. So even in the event of a war, the main battlefield was said to be near the border between Swaro and Raptarica.

"Anyway, thank you for bringing me the information.... but how credible is that story? Even if the Raptalican army has slipped into the seat link, it's strange that no information has been leaked to us. Even I'm in the harbor, but I haven't heard from you. Neither the country nor Raptarica contacted us. You can report it in one communication, right?

Ange put her hand to her ear. It's like making a phone call. By setting up this world, magical personal communication is possible, so you can talk like a reality even if the player or NPC is far away.

"He said he was a reporter, but didn't he have to come all the way here to report it?

Ange looks at Tsubaki next door.... it was definitely just one communication. You didn't bother to report it to me until you took the risk.

"... I don't have a face for that. At first, I was thinking of doing the same thing, but because I felt the movement of the selfish on the other side... I fled for my life to reach Lord Chloe."

I would have been lost just before I betrayed you, and if you had found out and escaped at that stage, you wouldn't have had time to contact us. With the last update, you can't communicate without putting your hands around your ears, so you can't communicate at all if your hands are sealed free.

"... well, that's fine. You'll see soon enough anyway. In the meantime, why don't you join us for tea?

Ange didn't seem anxious, but she gave the maid tea instructions with a calm attitude.

"Tea... I know I can't trust this story... but I don't have time for such a long story. What about the city?

"That's why I told you. Anyway, we'll find out soon enough."

Ange-san's expression changed. The position where you sat gracefully with your feet together collapsed and your feet spread out as if you were monopolizing the sofa.

"--From now on, it's off-record. If the story were true, the war would begin. But what is this place? It's not a real world, it's a game. Games have rules. And of course, war has rules of war."

Suddenly a loud siren rang. With the flood of overflowing sounds in my ears, I saw a window full of sight.

The Kingdom of Raptarica has declared war on the Kingdom of Swaro! The area is now in a state of war.

"Apparently your story was true. - Welcome to the battlefield."

John laughed hard on the other side of the window.

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