"The target is a dildo! Do not be afraid, Royal Raptor Army!


Under the blue sky, a huge number of troops were marching toward this die road from the seat link. Soldiers with armor of national purple, holding the flag of the Kingdom of Raptarica.

"This is a nice view."

I was looking at these views from above. Nil's vision is correct. Nil is currently flying near the city of Dirod. This sight can be seen through Family Skill [Vision Sharing].

"Enemy soldier confirmed. I thought we were about five minutes from the die road."

Got it, Chloe. But are you sure you're okay? I'm not saying I don't trust you.... "

Beyond the comms, I hear Kyle's suspicious voice over Roll.

"I know now. Look there. I will blow away your enemies for every anxiety you have."

On the Swarovski side of the Dailord... that means we're going to battle the Castle. Close the gates on all sides of the die road and stop the enemies from going to Ilu while preventing them from being attacked.

In contrast, it appears that the Royal Raptor Army has decided to lay a siege net to attack this die road.

Divide your troops around the walls of the city of Dirod and surround Dirod.

"As I was afraid, there was no war with Raptarica... and I didn't think the dildo would get involved."

Lucille stands up with her cat ears stretched out.

Lucille is a wizard, so she can share Nir's vision of the same wizard. So you're looking outside the die road.

You never thought the city you lived in would get caught in the fire.

"People's entertainment can sometimes seem barbaric."

"... nh, did you say something?

"Cohon... no, anything"

I can't say that the beginning of this war came from the human feeling of just wanting to fight a war of play.

"Now... it's time to do it. Ready? Ms. Lucille asked for assistance with the situation. Earl, please don't let me die."

"Hmm, leave it to me. Just do it."

Art nodded forcefully at Lucille's voice.

Start chanting with Earl's wand. A magical formation appeared at my feet and began to shine.

"Let's start with the East Gate."

Got it. --It's the Portal Gate of Dimensions... Open it!

The newly acquired Space Magic Portal Gate . This can open doors in as many dimensions as a door. One in front of the magician, and another in sight, and through that gate you can come and go.

A little limited warp magic, huh? It seems that the doors connecting the shops in the city of Dayrord to the log house in the Twilight Forest are an application of this magic.

Well, there was a gate in front of me. And the other corresponding gate was installed over the east gate of Dailord. Thanks to Nil's sharing of visibility information, we can install gates even in remote locations.

Shall we now ambush from the sky? Oh, of course I'm not going.

Magic is the only way to go.

" Dark Power (Dark Burst)...... Kill your enemies!

Build up your magic, finish chanting, and unleash the power that remained in your wand now and now toward the gate.

The lump of darkness passed through the three-dimensional gate and appeared in the sky of a distant dildo.

And if you think it landed on the ground, dozens of Raptors rolled up and made a massive explosion. The soldiers who took a direct hit fell down as if they were pins being knocked down by bowling balls.

"Hmm, what!?

"Wow! Aahhhh!?

From the three-dimensional gate through which the magic passed, the shock waves of the explosion, the screams of the soldiers and the screams of the Terminator came through.

"Looks like about 30 people are dead now."

"Unfortunately, it was hardened in front of the gate, so I thought I could wind up and kill 50 people."

Looks like it was a long way from a strike.

"Chloe... what did you do now? The enemy soldiers at the East Gate blew it up.

"What, you shot a dark burst?"

Was that really a dark burst...?

"You know Kyle because he's watching, right? My Dark Burst"

─ After all, your Dark Burst is a strange power!!

Kyle accidentally forgets Roll and screams. Thank you for your compliment.

I'm still shooting at you with my life. If you don't praise me, I'm dying.

I have 13 Condition Abnormalities in Poison of All Purposes and activate Dark Magic skill The Cost of Darkness to increase my Firepower.

This time, I also use Black Sigil to increase my Attack Rating in exchange for Defense.

Thanks to this, I can't lose half my health. Momentum that can kill you the moment you shoot.

To avoid that, Earl throws [Universal Potion] right in front of us, so he won't die.

And this time, there is another effect that raises the firepower.

I'm sure this Dark Burst can withstand a monster like Willamedes.

"Ahahahaha! Beautiful, witch! Keep up the good work!

That's what John said, echoing the laughter of a tall, beautiful woman.

"Yes, of course. Now let's go for a second shot!


Isn't this the end of it, Mr. Kyle?

When Darkburst's cool time is over, you can shoot again, so you're going to shoot, right?

You can shoot about every 30 seconds.

There's still plenty of potions and medicine. Let's shoot it down.

"Hey, Chloe. We're at war."

"Should I?

Well then... why have all the enemy soldiers been destroyed in less than 20 minutes!

About 20 minutes after the Dark Burst rains on the enemy. The area around the city of Di Road looked terrible.

A pile of soldiers' bodies was being built. All of them are Raptarican soldiers in purple armor.

Cool time of [Dark Burst] is 30 seconds. You can defeat about 30 people in a single attack.

In other words, 60 people a minute. Enough for 600. Over 1000 in twenty minutes.

There are about 1,000 Raptors in the army. So we can destroy that army in less than twenty minutes. Correction, now done.

Well, this means that the Raptalic army was divided into fourths to surround the four gates, so there were only about 250 people per gate. In contrast, the Swaro army has about 120 troops per gate.

The defense was made possible by the fact that there was a difference in the number of people, but it was a battle that separated the gates, so the disadvantage due to the difference in the number of people was not obvious.

Thanks to this, we were able to use the [portal gate] to wipe out the Raptor army that gathered strawberries in front of the narrow gate with an air strike by the [dark burst] from above.

It's also influenced by asking John and Kyle to keep their enemies together as much as possible.

And now you know that most of the enemy forces are NPCs.

NPC is not stronger than player. As long as the Raptors aren't all strong, they'll be set up as normal soldiers.

John says this Swaro soldier has an average of about level 20, so that's about it.

In fact, there were a few players out there, but they used their skills well to avoid and manage to endure it.

If all the hostiles were players, it wouldn't have worked.

"Even so, where are you shooting from?

"That's a secret."

Behind the three-dimensional gate that connects to the sky above the die road is a familiar view of the forest.

A raging wind is setting the water surface of the lake on waves.

A quiet and peaceful space where you can't imagine there's a war going on right there.

This time, in order to increase my magic power even further, I set a location as a firing point.

--This [dusk forest] is also feared to be the forest of the dead, east of the die road.

"This is how I use the power of my Guardian...."

"Well, well. That army could attack this forest as well. Then we have to take him down. And Miss Lucille wants to protect the city of Dillroad, right?

"Well, that's a long way to go....."

Mr. Lucille seems a little unconvinced. Yes, this time I'm getting stronger than ever. By the power of the Guardian of the Seal.

This Guardian's Power is only activated in the Twilight Forest. However, the three-dimensional gates can be used to activate the Guardian's power while magically shooting from a long distance.

"Besides... it's not over yet."

It's not over just because we destroyed our enemies. Because they will come back to life.

The same purple army is approaching from the seat link.

They must have been resurrected from the Starstone Monument on SheetLink. Unless we shred the City's stone tablet, they'll come to us.

And I don't think the same thing works... even the enemy would have expected this.

The battle of the bastion or the battle of attacking the castle is harder to do than the battle of attacking the castle.

It is difficult to attack when the defense is hardened.

Like John said he might be able to handle it, he might have managed without my magical powers.

Furthermore, in this case, if we take too much time, reinforcements from the Kingdom of Swaro will come. So the enemy will want to settle as soon as possible.

Apart from my magical powers, I don't think they're going to set up a tough battle against the castle without any strategy.

Nah, what!?


Screams echo from all over the city of Dayrord.

When you look at the city from above, you can see people running around and the red food that goes wild.

"... look, I knew it. I thought you were coming."

The same sight that I once saw in the city of Ilu was happening in the city of Di Road.

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