Dai-ro's red food hunting was a little better with Lili's entry. You're doing exactly what you expected.

However, I still don't have enough manpower. I wish the players would come at all... but they don't seem to be here much.

The information may already be online, but the main battlefield is the southern battlefield, where players are concentrated. You can't expect players to come together like you did in Ilu.

"Chloe, I'm sorry I'm late!

"Mr. Kogane! We've been expecting you!

Looking at the group of golden lights overflowing from the [Gouro Mountain Road], I feel a little sinking.

Everyone in Clan [El Dorado] was just passing through a cave on the side of the Ilu mine and heading for the [Twilight Forest].

Actually, I was trying to reach out to Kogane-san if they could help me. Mr. Kogane said he wanted me to call him if anything happened to him as a mercenary.

"I'm glad you came. Besides, I can't believe it's so early..."

I'd rather thank you. Thank you for telling me such an interesting thing! That's why I flew!

A group of thirty people was all riding horse-like animals. If you look closely, are you a lizard? Such a strange creature runs faster than people.

It's been an hour since the war started. He was near King's Landing when he contacted us. Though it was easier to move with fewer troops than the Kingdom's reinforcements, I thought we would arrive a little later, but this was a happy miscalculation.

I'm flying too fast, so it was hard for everyone to follow me, leader.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, Friday."

Yes, thanks to you, we've arrived in half the scheduled time.

Mr. Kogane, you seem to be having a lot of fun, and I'm still running a lizard through one head from the group. It's going to be really hard following this leader, Mr. Friday.

We can't let them forget us!

Well, Aji-chan and I were together.

I ran into them on my way here. Chloe called me and gave me a ride. "

You explained it to me, didn't you, Mr. Bluey? Actually, I was talking to Aji-chan and the others.

"... I wonder if you haven't arrived yet. I can't get drunk... hey..."

Savaru! You're almost there. Good luck!

Please bear with me! Don't log out!!

... it looks like about one is dying, but I'm sure it will help.

Um, Chloe, can you tell me the situation?

"Yes, Friday. Dealing with the whole city of Dayrord was more serious than the soldiers outside, and they got into the enemy."

"Ahh!? There are enemies in the city!? What the hell have you been doing?!

"Could someone please shut the mouth of someone like Rush over there?

Mr. Rush's anger broke in and hurts. I can't help it, can I? Though I knew it, there was no way to identify the inhabitants who lurked in them, and there was no time to move them anywhere.

"Rush, shut up. You don't have the information you need, do you?

"... I see. I'm sorry."

Mr. Kogane... I can't believe I'm really going to shut that Rush up in one word. It was a voice enough to freeze my spine even over communication. You don't look like the person who was moving the lizard while you were there just now.

"... well, the enemy was in town anyway, so I want everyone in El Dorado to deal with this. After passing through the Twilight Forest, head straight for the West Gate. Ah, Aji-chan, wait outside. I have another assignment."

Got it.... but is the city surrounded? If we don't get rid of the soldiers first, we're not going to the city. "

"I'll take care of that. I'll make the road."

When Kogane-san left the forest, he started chanting. Open a three-dimensional gate toward the west gate to unleash a dark burst.

This time, we didn't open the three-dimensional gate to counter jamming, and we closed it immediately after shooting. I can't shoot Dark Bursts for that minute because of the long cool time at the gate, but I'm more afraid of being attacked and entering again.

"Ahahahaha! We really have a way out!

The enemy soldiers were wiped out and Kogane ran along the path he had just finished. There's still a body of blown up enemy soldiers falling from the sky, right? Ah, the enemy soldier that fell and almost hit me was blown away with Kogane-san's dagger. Poor thing about that soldier stepping and kicking...

"Wow... wow... really?"

Rush, don't activate the trauma. I'm leaving now.

Hey! You're not going to shoot me!? You're not going to shoot us!!??

I can't help it, so please meet your expectations...

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!!!!!!"

You shouldn't be so scared. I'm on your side, so I won't die, so I'll just be blown away. I thought... but Mr. Rush was afraid of heights.

"Hyeh... but if you're fighting in the city, you're not coming down?

"Sorry, Azi-san. You're going to move with Tsubaki-san outside."

That's not true!

Ignoring Aji-chan's screams, she handed them over to Tsubaki-san. There are a lot of troublesome people out there. The face of such a person is already broken, so it won't be surprising if you focus on defeating it, but Tsubaki-san couldn't handle it alone.

It's okay, even if it hits, it'll just blow up a little bit. I don't know if he died of falling damage.

"... that's right! You're not coming down the city!

"You look really happy, Mr. Rush."

Ursa. Well, anyway, I can protect the city from a riot without worrying about you. "

Aren't you more motivated than usual, Mr. Rush?

This kind of thing doesn't seem to bother me.

"Wait, Miranda! Since I'm here, I'll knock them all down!!

... uh. I see. Understood. This is certainly motivating.

So let's keep quiet that Miranda is not logged in today.

Soldier morale is important. Don't do anything to lower it. Oh, what a soldier I am!

By the way, please rest assured that Clin is safe.

Well... now that we have enough manpower, we'll be able to handle it.

--That's what I thought.

Chloe, it looks like there's an intruder in the woods.

When I heard the news from Lucille, I looked into the dusk forest and found out that there were about two intruders. Someone is coming for our lake.

"... Tsubaki-san, can you leave that to Aji-chan and move to the place I designated right now?

"Chloe, what's wrong?

I found a few troublesome people.

They're the same tall, red-hooded cult clothes.

Instead of turning the monsters in the forest into monsters, they defeated each other.

One is burned to death by the magic of fire, and the other is slashing down the great sword in his hand.

The big sword is wearing a white sword, and it's like...

"Is that the Great Sword Rex?

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