"Boss!" Jian Huan immediately rushed over.

Jian Mo quickly rushed over.

Yan Xiao had initially opened her eyes wide in shock, but when the arrow shot into her body, the surprise on her face suddenly changed, becoming satisfaction, and even some satisfaction.

When he looked at Chu Huaizhi again, there was actually a trace of dissatisfaction on his face, which seemed to mean that if it wasn't enough, there would be two more arrows.

Jian Huan, who was rushing over, nearly kneeled down to the ground in fright. He staggered for a few steps before regaining his balance.

Jian Mo also stabilized himself after taking two steps, and looked at Yan Xiao with a bit of amusement.

Everyone present had a ghastly expression on their faces. Many of the soldiers in the Poison Arrow Formation were so scared that their hands trembled. They even looked at their poisoned arrows doubtfully. Were they shot with poison? And then a bit uncertain thinking, it should be...

Chu Huaizhi could not believe it, all the others who were hit by the poison arrows were on the ground, twitching and unable to get up, how come Yan Xiao was hit by the poison arrows and nothing happened?

Just what kind of monster is this Yan Xiao!?

This scene was so strange …


Suddenly, Chu Huaizhi cried out in pain. He flung his arm fiercely, and with a whoosh, he retreated two steps, then his face turned black. He had imagined Yan Xiao suffering from poison falling to the ground, but right now, everything was happening to him.

Jin Yi was immediately escorted and protected behind him. The four guards surrounded him in a hurry.

Chu Huaizhi, who was extremely arrogant just a moment ago, was actually twitching on the ground, and was continuously using his hands to pick at his mouth, looking like he was in extreme pain.


In a situation where everyone was very quiet, even the slightest sound would attract the attention of everyone present.

A small black snake crawled out of Chu Huaizhi's neck. It was only the size of a finger, but it was covered in a layer of strange luster. It didn't look like a nice person at all.

After this little snake crawled out of the water, even though it had lowered its head, it was still very nimble.

The little black python's tail flung towards Chu Huaizhi's face with a "Pa Pa Pa Pa" sound. Chu Huaizhi's body continuously twitched, and his face once again shook from side to side as if he had been struck by a snake.

After the little black python thrashed it a dozen times, Chu Huaizhi's eyes were already wide open, as if he had become an idiot.

The little black python slowly crawled towards Yan Xiao, and then "whoosh whoosh" it climbed onto the wrist and rolled up the snake tail, exposing only the black head. It would occasionally spit out Hong Yan's tongue, making the dark red color look even more dangerous and strange.

Looking at the sharp triangular serpent's head, it was obviously a poisonous snake. Chu Huaizhi suddenly dropped to the ground and had an explanation.

Yan Xiao rubbed Hei Ze's snake head, as if she just noticed the scene becoming eerily quiet, she raised his head in confusion and asked naively: "What's wrong, why aren't you capturing him yet?"

"Ah …" "Oh!"

"Here, quickly surround them!"

It was also at this time that noise suddenly came from outside. A team of armored guards came from an unknown direction and surrounded the Guarding Mansion soldiers.

If there was anyone who dared to resist, they would not waste any time. First, they would give him a punch, and if he still wanted to resist, he would give him another punch, punch after punch, until he stopped resisting.

The group of armored guards walked over and greeted Hua Li, "Vice City Lord."

"Ah!" Seeing them coming over, Kong Hua kept his surprised mouth and pretended to be serious as he nodded his head: "En, they came in time, we need to lock them up first."

The group of soldiers that Kong Hua called over were not few in number, even if there were a few that ran away, there would still be people chasing after them, and if they got caught like this, it would not end with them beating you up.

Several of the Guarding Mansion soldiers looked depressed, and even had bitter faces as they said to their comrades: "What do you think we're looking for, there's something wrong with guarding here, we originally said that we had planned everything out, but we didn't even hit them a few times, and they're all caught, it's not too reliable!"

"Sigh, no matter how much you say it, it's just tears. Chu Residence is already very abnormal, and they are both stupid and crazy. This time, they are going to implicate us."

Originally, these people had bitter expressions on their faces. Originally, they were guarding this place because they wanted to eat and drink to their heart's content, but not long after, not only did they not get anything good, they instead had them dig the soil day and night, and also had them attack and kill the people surrounding them.

He had the courage to be the guard here, but he didn't have the brains to do so. He should change his position as soon as possible!

The captured soldiers were cursing Chu Residence's group to death in their hearts.

Chu Huaizhi on the ground did not feel good at all, he felt as if his body was on fire. His entire body was numb to the point that he could not even speak, but the pain held tightly onto every single piece of good meat within his body.

Chu Huaizhi anxiously looked at Yan Xiao: "Yan Xiao! Solve... "Unravel …"

Jian Huan walked over, stepping onto Chu Huaizhi's body. He snorted: "You've done so many evil deeds, and you even want the antidote, beautiful you!"

But when Jian Huan saw Yan Xiao walking over, he stopped in his tracks and suddenly retracted.

Yan Xiao squatted down and slowly laughed: "Does being poisoned taste good?"

"Unravel..." "Pfft!" At this moment, Chu Huaizhi's face was completely black. With bloodshot eyes, he glared at Yan Xiao in anger and fear. "Pfft."

Jian Huan thought to himself as he pursed his lips to prevent himself from laughing.

Jin Yi glanced at him, snorted, and laughed openly.

They were not saints, Chu Huaizhi had wanted to kill them time and time again, but now, they were purely because of the consequences, what could Chu Huaizhi do?

Yan Xiao said faintly, "Chu Huaizhi, do you remember that child from fifteen years ago, when you clutched at his neck, about to be burned to death?"

Hearing that, Chu Huaizhi, who was vomiting blood, suddenly widened his eyes. He panted heavily as his chest rose up quickly: "Evil beast, as expected … It's you... Damn the Wild... Seed!

It was not that Chu Huaizhi and the rest did not suspect Yan Xiao's identity. Firstly, Yan Xiao looked much worse than him, and later, because they were busy trying to take Yan Xiao's pills, they did not care too much about her identity.

Chu Huaizhi looked at Yan Xiao's expression, with dense hatred.

Yan Xiao laughed coldly: "You still dare to glare at me? Chu Huaizhi, you really don't know your own limits. If you glare at me again, I'll poke your eyes out, do you believe that I'll poke you to death?!"

Yan Xiao looked at Chu Huaizhi fiercely. Towards the bastard that failed to kill and made him wear a green hat, Chu Huaizhi could only wish that he could tear Yan Xiao apart. Right now, he was the only one who had no way to make a move. Otherwise, Yan Xiao would have been dead.

However, when Yan Xiao saw Chu Huaizhi like this, with two fingers in her hand, she fiercely stabbed them towards Chu Huaizhi's eyes.

Chu Huaizhi cried out in shock and tightly closed his eyes: "You dare, you bastard, you dare injure me! You have to die, you will be struck by lightning! "

At this time, Chu Huaizhi seemed to have forgotten about the torture of poison, and scolded people quickly.

After Chu Huaizhi scolded them for a long time, he felt that something was wrong. He slowly opened his eyes, and saw Yan Xiao sneering at him disdainfully, and beside Yan Xiao, Jian Mo, Jian Huan and the rest were laughing and ridiculing him.

Being toyed with again, Chu Huaizhi was about to go mad, he was so angry that his vital energy and blood surged "Pu" and he spat out another mouthful of blood.

Shao Zi felt a bit uncomfortable: "Chu Zhen's body is really good, vomiting blood, he's still fine."

Hearing that, Chu Huaizhi trembled from the anger, and vomited even more blood.

The scene had already been controlled, Kong Hua watched from the side for a while, feeling that he was in a useless place, and looking at Chu Huaizhi who was so angry that even if he was poisoned, his face would change color, for some reason, he suddenly sympathized with Chu Huaizhi.

At that age, even if he were to fight with these youngsters, Chu Huaizhi would still … Pitiful!

Kong Hua hid his lips which were unceasingly curling up, and walked over with a serious face: "How is the poison?"

Yan Xiao said: "Poison? Chu Huaizhi was not poisoned. "


Jian Huan looked at Yan Xiao speechlessly, "Boss, are you kidding me? With Chu Huaizhi acting this way, you're telling me that he's not poisoned? My eyes are so bright, I can see them all. "

Jian Huan said with a face that looked like he was telling the truth, while the others looked the same.

Yan Xiao shrugged her shoulders, and said with a helpless look on her face: "I did not say that I was panicking, but from the beginning to the end, I never said that Chu Huaizhi was poisoned."

Everyone thought that it might be true, but Chu Huaizhi's appearance was clearly a symptom of being poisoned.

Chu Huaizhi was also stunned, he was not poisoned? But the burning pain in his body didn't seem to be fake. Yan Xiao must be lying again, this little bastard was truly something!

"Then he's …"

"Oh …" Yan Xiao walked in front of Chu Huaizhi, and under Chu Huaizhi's furious glare, she shouted, "What else do you want?!

Yan Xiao suddenly extended her leg, and with a "pa pa pa" sound, she kicked a few of Chu Huaizhi's body, and then twisted, stepping on Chu Huaizhi's stomach.

"Ugh, puff!" Chu Huaizhi then spat out another mouthful of blood, his stomach spasming as he jumped up in anger: "Evil child, die!"

Kong Hua snorted heavily, he raised his palm and slapped it towards Chu Huaizhi's back, following that, his hand pressed on Chu Huaizhi's body. With his palms pressed together, the battle qi in his hands suddenly gushed into Chu Huaizhi's body, immediately spreading towards Chu Huaizhi's body and destroying him. This time, Chu Huaizhi even spat out a few blood clots.

At the same time, he fell to the ground weakly, without any bones on his body. He looked at Kong Hua in shock and fury: "You dare to cripple my Inherent Skill, Kong Hua, you dare to cripple me!"

That's right. A person can have a stronger cultivation talent than an ordinary person, but it can also be abolished. However, a person with a lower cultivation level can cripple a higher cultivation level unless the other party is unprepared.

However, it was clear that Chu Huaizhi did not belong to this situation, but had been stronger than him, and had crippled his cultivation. This attack was even stronger than him dying from poison, and had been played by this bastard Yan Xiao in all sorts of ways, he had always been proud of his cultivation, and now his entire body had been destroyed!

This was something that he had been working on for decades.

Chu Huaizhi screamed like a madman, "AHH! You deserve to die, you deserve to die!

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