When Jian Mo was in charge of registration, he coincidentally saw Yan Xiao going out, so after thinking for a bit, he immediately followed Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao did not deliberately avoid people, but the competition had just ended and most of the participants were in the tavern, there were some who were not with Yan Xiao, and because of the end of the competition, they had relaxed, and were not eating with people she knew, or thinking about how to play, there were very few people on the street.

Yan Xiao walked out of the city and arrived at a courtyard house on the outskirts of the city.

Jian Mo stood outside the courtyard silently for a while, his eyebrows knitted tightly, and his expression slowly darkened. He quickly entered the courtyard, and not long after, he saw Yan Xiao.

There were many peach blossoms blooming in this courtyard. When the wind blew, the fragrance of the peach blossoms filled the air, bringing about an intoxicating feeling, which was extremely tempting.

And inside the Peach Blossom Forest, Yan Xiao had plucked a peach and was playing with it in her hand. At the same time, she was looking across to his with an expressionless face.

Why would a man and a woman meet here in such a misty environment?

Jian Mo didn't want to think about it further.

Jian Mo stopped in his tracks as he was about to step forward. Clenching his fists slightly, he quietly retreated a little and watched Yan Xiao and Gu Zhongying from afar.

That's right, it was Gu Zhongying who secretly gave Yan Xiao the slip of paper when he left. The paper said that they would meet up later, and the paper had a map drawn on it, but she did not say anything else.

Originally, it was just a trap, but Yan Xiao still came.

Gu Zhongying stood silently under the peach blossom on the ground, continuously fiddling with the beautiful peach blossoms with her fingers. The handsome Yan Xiao felt an unknown feeling in his heart, and a hint of jealousy appeared: "I never thought that little vendor Yan would really come."

Yan Xiao said: "The note you gave me, why is Miss Gu so apprehensive?"

Gu Zhongying started laughing. Gu Zhongying was a beauty, this point was indisputable, otherwise, with Chu Huaizhi's superficial ability, he wouldn't have taken a fancy to her.

After looking from afar and saying a few words, Gu Zhongying revealed a charming smile. Jian Mo immediately became agitated, he did not want to think about others in a dark, but because Yan Xiao hated Chu Huaizhi so much and his relationship with him was not clear, so Yan Xiao should not be willing to get along with her. However, if Gu Zhongying smiled, he was not sure anymore.

"Little vendor Yan, I have never hurt you before. I want you to know this very clearly."

Yan Xiao declined to comment, and only indifferently looked at Gu Zhongying, waiting for her to continue.

Gu Zhongying felt a little awkward, but there were too many things that had embarrassed her in the past few years. The corner of her mouth lifted into a smile, as she said in a pleased and happy manner: "Actually, I want to express my gratitude to you all. If not for you, who knows how long this Jiangyun Town would have been controlled by Chu Huaizhi and his Gu Mansion.

"Oh? If that's really the case, then they should be the ones thanking me personally. Miss Gu's actions might cause others to think that you are ungrateful and betraying your family, and that you are not a good person. " Yan Xiao's words were too straightforward, causing Gu Zhongying's face to stiffen as he turned and looked deeply at Yan Xiao.

"Sure enough, you did know about me and Chu Huaizhi, right?!" Gu Zhongying was excited, she bit her lips, and her eyes immediately turned red.

Yan Xiao became silent again, only her expression was indifferent. Seeing that Gu Zhongying's tears were about to spill out, Yan Xiao said: "Miss Gu, why did you call me here? You don't need to turn and wipe your feet, everyone is very busy."

Gu Zhongying took a deep breath: "I know what you think of me. You're willing to go down, to actually be in cahoots with a shameless thing like Chu Huaizhi? But I didn't do anything bad because of this relationship, I just wanted to protect myself! " Gu Zhongying said somewhat excitedly, her body slightly trembling, "Who can understand the life that I've led these past few years? If others knew that they would only scold me as despicable, they would just scold me. But everything is good, why would I willingly submit myself to a person like Chu Huaizhi?

"Gu Mansion's people simply do not regard me as a human being. If I do not properly plan for myself, they will only treat me like a commodity. At some point in time, they will sell me to someone who might be even more despicable. In that case, I'd rather choose someone better for me, wouldn't I? If it was you, you wouldn't even consider yourself! "

Yan Xiao nodded, she looked at Gu Zhongying's smiling eyes and laughed: "Miss Gu is right, people have their own selfish side, other people do not have any qualifications to talk about you, even if it is voluntary or forced, it is your own choice.

Gu Zhongying became silent: "Is that what you think? Don't you think... Have you never thought that I would be so shameless? "

Yan Xiao said: "I gave my face to others, but I don't care what others look at, so I won't do it."

Gu Zhongying suddenly laughed, this time tears continued to flow out of her eyes, she could not stop them from crying until Gu Zhongying started to twitch, but there was a faint smile on her lips, the way she was laughing and crying made her look like a madman.

After crying for a while, Gu Zhongying roughly wiped her tears away. "I have to thank all of you." No matter how Yan Xiao reacted, Gu Zhongying urgently needed someone to explain her thoughts, and continued to speak urgently, "Since I was young, I have always lived in the shadow of Gu Mansion. Regardless of whether it was the masters of father's or mother's house, or the servants in the house, there are only a few people who can see me as a human. "When I was young, I often felt that it was unfair. Why am I also the young lady of my family, but they had to treat me like this? It's not that I didn't resist, but the result was that I suffered a lot.

"Being able to learn about the talent for cultivation is actually all an accident, but I have hidden it well. I just want to one day be able to leave this cage called Gu Mansion. When I overheard my dad... When the patriarch of Gu Mansion had given me away for resources for cultivation, I had made up my mind that I must save myself. At that time, I had no choice but to shamelessly follow Gu Zhongxian and climb onto the Chu Residence. Because I know what kind of person Chu Huaizhi is, and only Chu Residence would be able to hold their Gu Mansion back like this. I can only choose Chu Huaizhi, and if I succeed, I will truly save myself. "

Gu Zhongying didn't even need Yan Xiao to say anything. She just wanted to say the words hidden in her heart for all these years. Her life was simply too painful, but there wasn't a single person by her side who knew her well.

Maybe Yan Xiao was too indifferent, too heartless, or maybe he was too understanding, and she couldn't help himself anymore.

Before she came, Gu Zhongying had thought about it before, if possible, if she could explain things to this person, then she would leave with these people. With these people's temperament, at that time, under their protection, she wouldn't need to fear Gu Mansion anymore.

However, she now understood that she was not on the same side as Yan Xiao and the others.

Yan Xiao didn't have any extra sympathy for her. Just like Yan Xiao had said, she had suffered a lot, but with Gu Zhongying's mentality, she did not need any sympathy. She only wanted to charge out, charge out into the sky, so that she would no longer have to live under the shadow of Gu Mansion.

On this basis, she herself did not care what method she used.

Even if others didn't care for you, if you said you were heaven breaking, others would only feel that you were mocking them.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Zhongying was unable to hold back from saying the words out loud in her heart.

She had kept these words in her heart for too many years, she thought that she would never tell anyone else. In this moment, she seemed to understand why so many participants could unconditionally give their funds to Yan Xiao and help him become the champion. This person seemed to have that kind of magic power.

If she hadn't …

Gu Zhongying laughed bitterly, there was nothing to it, she and Yan Xiao were people from different worlds.

Hearing Gu Zhongying recount her past, Yan Xiao's face did not show any signs of sympathy nor disgust. It was as if she was listening to a story of a person she did not know. "You are really special …"

Jian Mo was not far away, but the look on his face kept getting darker and darker, he almost couldn't resist rushing out, and wanted to take Yan Xiao away.

In this direction, he could only see Yan Xiao's back. Although Yan Xiao had always been calm during their conversation, what if she really felt sympathy for his? If she felt sympathy for his, wouldn't she …

Jian Mo did not want to think too deeply into it, and his heart also became more and more anxious.

Gu Zhongying was indeed very pitiful, but that didn't mean she could seduce Yan Xiao.

Jian Mo's face was extremely tight, and his eyes were dark.

Yan Xiao nodded her head indifferently, "Is that so, everyone has said it like that. Miss Gu, I have heard so many stories about you, you should at least explain your true purpose of coming here right?"

Gu Zhongying sighed: "You all have to be careful of Chu Huaizhi, he isn't simple, he might launch a counterattack next, and Hong Yan as well …"

Yan Xiao interrupted, "How much do you know about what happened that year, Miss Gu?"

"That year?"

The stunned Gu Zhongying made Yan Xiao even more certain: "Right, back then, I wanted that child who was almost burnt to death by Chu Huaizhi."

Gu Zhongying was startled. "You … You are his child! "

Initially, in order to deal with Hong Yan, she had slowly found out about it. She only knew that Chu Huaizhi had an extremely beautiful wife back then, but when he was found out, her child was killed by Chu Huaizhi.

Gu Zhongying thought of Hong Yan, and suddenly laughed: "Your mother shouldn't be dead, she's been locked up by Hong Yan!"

Even Yan Xiao, who had been prepared for a long time, couldn't help but become excited as she stepped forward and grabbed onto Gu Zhongying, "Where is my mother!?"

The next moment, his body was pulled by someone, and his face crashed into something …

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