"I …"

Chu Huaizhi still wanted to explain himself, but when he saw Yan Xiao's cold expression, it was simply impossible for him to say it out loud.

Yan Xiao looked at him quietly. "From start to finish, the one who was at fault the most was you!"

Chu Huaizhi's face suddenly turned cold. "Yan Xiao, I'm still your father after all, so don't forget, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here right now!"

Yan Xiao tilted her head and looked at him as if she was looking at a monster, "Do you know that I have your dirty blood on me? Every single time I think about it, I want to suck out all of my blood and throw away the disgusting things that might be inherited from you. Without you, I might have been born into a cleaner and happier family. My mother wouldn't have married you, and my father wouldn't have been a scum like you, much less have such a dark history. Every time I see you, I want to pick my stomach clean and spray it all over you, just in case it breaks my eyes. "

"Yan Xiao, you... "Pfft!" Chu Huaizhi was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood. With wide eyes, he pointed at Yan Xiao with trembling fingers, and the rage on his face was so ferocious that the veins on his forehead bulged out.

However, Yan Xiao just looked at him and laughed, "Why, are you not willing to admit it? I think that Chu Baocheng, Chu Baoyu and Chu Baoai, the two siblings, would also have the same thoughts as me at this time. A prisoner about to be tried, but the stain of their lives, you say... Once they are safe, will they turn around and try to kill you? "

Yan Xiao started to think happily: With Hong Yan's self-proclaimed beauty, support from her own family, and her self-righteous intelligence, she's much more sensible than you. Since you're useless, I think she should be a different person. As for the Linjiang City, she wanted to find a rich and powerful family. She was looked down upon, but there were plenty of promising men around, even though they found her at a lower level. Back then, when she was unmarried, she had seduced you and brought you back home with her. Now, which man's bed do you think she will be in? "

Chu Huaizhi was trembling with anger, but it seemed as if Yan Xiao had not yet vented her hatred, "Oh, she might even want to compare your abilities with hers, haha, didn't you already have the strength to do so? Sigh, do you think that Hong Yan was able to think of this framing of my mother back then? Did she have such experience in this area, that's why she was able to do it so flawlessly, so you didn't discover anything? Did she have a lover a long time ago? "

Yan Xiao suddenly clapped her hands in surprise: "That means, Chu Baoyu is not much older than me, and Chu Baoai is not much younger than me, don't tell me they are not your …"

Chu Huaizhi was already rolling his eyes in anger.

"Sigh, maybe Chu Baocheng isn't either. Chu Baoyu is extremely similar to Hong Yan, Chu Baoai's impulsiveness is bad, Chu Baocheng is neither one of you."

"Oh my god!" Could I have guessed it right? The more I look at it, the more it doesn't seem like anyone else. Then, who is his biological father? Chu Huaizhi, you were actually put on a green hat for more than ten years, and even became a cheap father for more than ten years.

Yan Xiao's eyes widened in shock, Jian Mo and the others who followed along already had an unknown feeling in their hearts, this was simply amazing.

What kind of thoughts could Chu Huaizhi have?

Chu Huaizhi was already about to be blown away.

Aha, wuu." "Chu Huaizhi's voice was hoarse as he stared at Yan Xiao with a trembling body. He could not find the words to express his anger at this point.

Chu Huaizhi could not help but guess at what Yan Xiao was saying. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was amiss.

Because what Yan Xiao said made sense, Hong Yan's two women were more similar to Hong Yan herself. Although Chu Huaizhi's looks were not bad, but he was a man with a man's looks, if he had this kind of appearance on a girl's body, it would be enough to make him fear.

Chu Baocheng was the most similar to him out of the three, but now that he thought about it, could it be that his eyes were similar to his or his nose and mouth?

In the past, he only said like this when Hong Yan was acting coquettishly with him, "Master, look at this, Bao Cheng is smiling. He looks more like you, in the future, he will definitely grow up to be as outstanding and capable as you, Master."

At that time, Chu Huaizhi was still very proud of himself. Having a son like his would make him more capable in the future.

But the more he looked, the more he didn't know if Chu Baocheng was like him. In his mind, he would often think of Hong Yan constantly emphasizing that Chu Baocheng was similar to him, and his eyes seemed to flash a little.

Could it be that when Hong Yan was with him, it was for the power and fame, or maybe it was because of the child in her womb that Hong Yan had long ago gotten involved with?

Hong Yan was pregnant not long ago, could it be that Hong Yan had lied to him from the beginning?

Yeah, why is that impossible!

Otherwise, how could Hong Yan have heard that something had happened to him, and escaped with all the valuable things in the house? His three children actually did not care about him, and anything that wanted to save him, all ran away with him.

Could it be that this slut and those three bastards already knew the truth, which was why they were so merciless? These four sluts had been deceiving him, using him all this time. Could it be that they went to enjoy the heaven's joy with that wild man's family of five?

From beginning to end, it was just a flurry of words!

From beginning to end, it was just a flurry of words!

Chu Huaizhi couldn't help but keep thinking about this sentence, which made it hard for him to endure any longer.

Oh, Chu Huaizhi's chest was still moving up and down, it was obviously not the sign of him losing his breath.

Yan Xiao coldly snorted, turned, and walked away.

After exiting the prison, it was eerily quiet at the back. Not long later, Jian Huan slowly walked over and extended his arms out, "Boss, just come and hug me when you're sad. I'll comfort you."

Then, Jian Huan's head was pressed down by a palm. Jian Huan turned his head and saw the scary black expression on Jian Mo's face.

Yan Xiao looked at him speechlessly. "Who said I needed comfort?

Jin Yi disagreed: "In front of us, you don't need to be so forceful."

Yan Xiao looked at them with disdain. She couldn't help but say: "But, I really didn't expect Hong Yan to be this woman, she really is … It's really vicious! "

Forget about Chu Huaizhi, even if other men with good bodies heard about how his family of four treated Chu Huaizhi like a monkey after raising him for more than ten years, they would still be furious if they did not know anything.

This was a humiliation that neither men nor women could bear.

Yan Xiao looked at them strangely, and then looked at Jian Mo. "You all believe it?"

Everyone did not say anything, they did not believe him, but Yan Xiao's words were clear, and every detail was perfect, making it difficult for them to find any problems. If it had to be said that way, then this Chu Huaizhi was miserable enough. His scheming was deep enough, and he was truly ruthless enough.

However, the character of Hong Yan and her three children was not impossible.

No matter what, Chu Huaizhi had been with Hong Yan for more than ten years, and had raised Chu Baocheng,, and the two others for more than ten years.

Yan Xiao was a little speechless: "The things I said, were of course said randomly by me. How would I know if Hong Yan stole anything or not."

"Ha!" Fake? Boss, you were so complete with your narration that you could hardly escape from any of the small details. It's fake, you started spouting nonsense after that, you're teasing me? " Jian Huan felt a huge impact, his face was filled with disbelief.

Yan Xiao said: "If Hong Yan had not left with his three children, there would be no use for me to say anything. They have all given up on Chu Huaizhi, plus what happened all those years ago, who knows what would have happened.

Speaking of which, Chu Huaizhi still remembered Mei Luo, it was because the impression this woman left in his heart was too deep. Or perhaps it could be said that her memory was so good that she could still remember who had worn what clothes on a certain day more than ten years ago.

Chu Huaizhi had only mentioned a possibility, and it seemed to be completely reasonable as well. His heart was filled with panic, as well as pain and anger, and it would be weird if he could calm down and think about it carefully, but no matter how hard he tried, it would be difficult to think through the dozen of years had passed, and the more Yan Xiao said it, the more she felt that Yan Xiao's words were reasonable.

Jin Yi gasped in amazement, "So you were the one who made it up just now!"

Everyone present looked at Yan Xiao strangely.

"It was originally to anger him. Of course, what makes him more unhappy, what do you mean by that? "Actually, I've always been guessing. Didn't I say something like 'I think it's possible', so it's obviously me guessing. He didn't hear me, so what does it have to do with me?" "Think carefully, you're the one that I said the most. In fact, I'm just reminding you that Chu Huaizhi is the one who thinks about all the conditions, and only believes in me if he suspects Hong Yan himself."

Yan Xiao nodded: "That's right."

Jian Huan felt like his head was going to explode from the impact, this was fine!

She might have thought of something, or it might have been an impromptu matter, before she began to analyze it irresponsibly. It was just the matter of her saying a few more words, before she slapped Chu Huaizhi, who was previously unconvinced, away.

Who the hell could do that!

Yan Xiao looked unsatisfied: "Why do you guys think so much? I am too disappointed in you."

As he spoke, he clasped his hands behind his back and left.

Jian Mo turned his head and looked at them disapprovingly. He seemed to be overthinking it, how could his heart be so dirty?

Jin Yi and Jian Huan were extremely furious, they wanted to hug him and cry, what does this have to do with them!

But the two of them were a little sad, and when Yan Xiao walked out, the expression on her face slowly disappeared.

Even if the back is processed, the front can't be faked.

Her eldest brother had almost been treated like a bastard and burned to death. Her mother was still being tortured by Hong Yan, but her eldest brother was feeling worse than anyone else, just that he was too strong and did not want to tell them.

Jian Mo, who had followed him out, immediately said: "Are you alright?"

Yan Xiao turned her head around, her expression somewhat bland. "If anything could have happened to me that I would be angered Chu Huaizhi to this extent, I would be so happy to death in my heart."

Jian Mo looked at her deeply and hugged her, "You still have us!"

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