Yan Xiao was startled: "Isn't everyone just charging us a fee to pass by? We don't have much money on us, we only have some for us to eat and live in. We really don't have much money."

"Stop wasting time, are you going to hand it over or not!"

The leader waved his hand, and everyone immediately surrounded him.

"Take out everything you have on you, otherwise the Chaotic Sword will stab you to death!"

The 30 to 40 people separated into 10 groups and surrounded Jian Mo and the rest of the group. The rest surrounded Yan Xiao, being stared at ferociously by the various weapons and sabers that the group held.

Yan Xiao was also scared, to the point that her face had already turned white. Brother, let's talk properly. We … I'm really nervous right now. It's not like I don't want to give it to you. "

"Someone, this coward still wants to argue? Kill him!"

"It's big brother!"


A few of them held their swords and pierced towards Yan Xiao's body, causing him to immediately shout out loud: Stop, I'll give, I'll give it to you, quickly stop!

When those people heard this, their hands did not stab over. Instead, they wielded all sorts of weapons, eyeing them covetously. However, they also retracted their hands, obviously threatening.

Yan Xiao was so terrified that she started to dig for things for everyone with her white face.

The contestants in the distance weren't as quick as the bandits to rush over and wait there. They were still hoping to snatch the power of the fishermen in the end. Once they had snatched the person away, both sides would suffer injuries before taking action.

"Sigh, wasn't this Yan Xiao very arrogant before? Why is she so useless today?"

"Yeah, he doesn't seem like him, doesn't he?"

"What do you know? We aren't familiar with these people, so how would we know what's going on with them?" In my opinion, these people were all fake previously, didn't you all hear about it? This is because Kong Hua wanted to take down the Jiangyun Town, so they purposely supported him, without any ability at all. They only had some dog legs, and climbed up Kong Hua early, that's why they had the chance to. Don't you think that the moment we appeared, we would be terrified! "

"Uh, what you said makes sense."

One of them frowned. "That can't be right. I heard they fought in the ring?"

"I heard about it too, but you all didn't hear what was said by the family of four before, it was because Yan Xiao and the rest wanted to kill them, and because they knew a secret, they didn't have any real ability at all. It was just Kong Hua showing off his Jiangyun Town to them and gathering a few young talents, wanting to encourage them, but in reality, for his own people, they drugged them. Although it looks like Yan Xiao and the others are very powerful, in truth, we can kill them with one finger! "

"There's actually such a move? No wonder they used such despicable methods when they were unknown and became the champions. They definitely can't be spared."

"Right, snatch their belongings and trample them under our feet. Let's see if they still dare to do such dirty things in the dark. We will definitely teach them a lesson."

"You're right!"

He actually dared to rob someone else with just his words. It was as if he was doing a good deed. There was really no shamelessness, only more shamelessness!

"Hey, look over there, Yan Xiao took it out. Are we still going to wait?"

"F * ck, there are so many good things here, what are we waiting for. Hurry and snatch them!"

However, the situation had changed, Yan Xiao seemed to be scared out of her wits, and she took out two porcelain bottles and another money pouch from her bosom. The moment the porcelain bottle was opened, the leader of the group poured out a pill.

Then, a light appeared on his face as he stuffed the two bottles of pills into his arms.

"Big brother, how's the medicinal strength of your medicine? Give me one as well."

"Big brother, give me one."

Some of these bandits were ordinary people, and some of them were just entry level soldiers. However, because their talent was not high and their progress was not satisfactory, some of them were old and difficult to enter, and there were even some experts who didn't want to be controlled by others, so they came out to rob.

In reality, even if they couldn't handle such an imposing caravan, they would not dare to snatch anything from it. Some small caravans and passersby didn't have much of a chance to snatch anything from them.

Along the way, they had not snatched many pills, and when this boss ate Yan Xiao's pills, he felt like he was about to level up. He thought to himself that maybe after eating these pills, he would be able to level up, so he wasn't willing to take them out.

"We're busy. We'll talk about it when we get back."

How could they not know what kind of character this boss had? Seeing how he wanted to take it for himself, some of them were dissatisfied, "Boss, we previously agreed to split it equally, but now you want to take it for yourself, that's too much to say."

"Right, hand it over!"

"You want to rebel? Retreat!"

However, his words were of no use at all. The robbing team instantly dispersed. The internal explosion caused them to attack their own people first!

When the other three teams saw this, they couldn't sit still any longer. The items had all been snatched away, and now they were all rushing out.

These three teams had varying numbers of people, but there were a total of a hundred or so people. These people all rushed out, and there were so many shouting and shouting that they could pierce the heavens.

Yan Xiao immediately retreated backwards, but Jian Huan had already slid down, holding back his laughter until his face flushed red and came over: "Boss, you really are … look at how you speak."

Jin Yi gave a thumbs up, "Especially your cowardly look just now. You did so well, and I thought you used to do it a lot, especially so!"

Yan Xiao stared at him, and said: "There are more people than you can imagine."

Jian Mo said: "The robbers have long been prepared, and there are more of them. The two groups of participants have fewer members, but their overall strength is a little stronger, so they can actually have a good fight."

Shao Zi's eyes were blazing: It's a pity I can't go down, if I did, I would have to help them.

Hearing that, Jian Huan laughed: "Why can't I do that? Look at how pitiful those robbers are, they have beaten up my face, my eyes are swollen, I have to help them."

As he spoke, he jumped out to help, but Jian Mo grabbed him by the neck and said, "Stay put."

Jian Huan felt wronged, he saw Yan Xiao rushing out, and immediately shouted: "Brother, Boss has gone out, quickly go protect him!"

Jian Mo was startled, he immediately followed, Jian Huan laughed and rushed into the crowd, and the others followed suit.

Yan Xiao immediately ran to the side of the bandit boss and glared at him. "What's going on with this big brother here? This road was all opened by you, and now someone actually dares to fight on your path, it's simply too shameless, I'll help you! "

The boss didn't think that his words would be acknowledged as an imperial edict by this person. He thought to himself that there was still such a stupid person to help him even though he stole the item.

After Yan Xiao finished speaking, she immediately swung her hand towards her opponent.

"Pa!" The opposing contestant was slapped in the face.

The contestant was about to use his sword to stab over, but before he could do anything, his face was suddenly slapped, and he was startled: "Big brother, look at him, he admitted his wrongs, he is indeed big brother, before we even do anything, let these people feel inferior, I will help you teach him a lesson."

Saying "pa pa pa pa", he slapped the person a few times. The person's face swayed left and right from the slap, and there was even a confused and pained expression on his face from the slap.

After slapping five or six times, Yan Xiao stopped and was also stunned. She thought to herself, why is this not a fight, why did he become the boss of a slap? He clapped happily for him, "Boss, it's such a good move, I only hit you with my palm, and it was completely useless. Boss, this chain of palm techniques really only happens once in a hundred years.

"Ah?" "Oh …" The boss was completely flabbergasted by the praise, and he even had a sense of admiration for this skill. How come he didn't know that he was so amazing? A combo slap technique? What a great name!

Ah, that's not right. When did he learn this technique? He didn't even do anything just now.

When the boss came to his senses, he saw the face of the contestant who was staring at him with a dark expression. The contestant gritted his teeth: "Serial palm technique... Hah! I'll show you what Chaotic Sword Piercing Heart Technique is!"

As he spoke, he stabbed out with his sword.

"How dare you!" The boss was shocked and angry.

He was so scared that his heart almost stopped. He hurriedly dodged it, but he was still unable to completely dodge it. His shoulder was stabbed directly.

With a "pu" sound, blood splashed out from the boss's face. He was shocked in his heart as he hatefully looked over and said, "You're courting death!" He raised a large hammer in his hand and smashed it towards the contestant.

This boss had quite a bit of strength. The hammer wasn't small, yet he could actually use Tiger Fist. He had quite a bit of brute force.

However, the scene was so chaotic, he actually bumped into someone. He did not manage to dodge, and in the next moment, he cried out in pain as the big brother's hammer smashed into him, landing directly on his shoulder. Immediately, he felt as if his bones were shattered.

What was Yan Xiao doing? No, it should be Yan Xiao and the rest.

Jian Huan suddenly jumped out and said angrily: "This is too hateful, you actually dared to hit him!"

He punched one of them, and when the other was still in a daze, he punched the other person while the other person wasn't paying attention.

Both of them were struck at the same time, while he stood at the side and shouted, "How dare you! You dare to hit us?! If you don't know what's good for you, I'll fight you to the death!"

Since the two of them were beaten up at the same time, naturally, they were very angry in their hearts. Jian Huan's roar had aroused their anger, and now, they started to fight while shouting angrily.

In this chaotic chaotic battle, the sounds of Yan Xiao's slapping and slapping were not very loud. Jian Huan and the others had also used their own method to make the four-sided party completely chaotic.

Jian Mo followed beside Yan Xiao and he wasn't too far away from them as well. He had his eyes on the two of them and wanted to protect them from danger. Seeing the two of them, he couldn't help but laugh.

Yan Xiao turned around at this moment, his eyes shining with an unimaginable beauty as he hooked his fingers at Jian Mo. "It's not enough yet, come over here and help me quickly, I have a good idea!"

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