Yan Xiao looked over, and saw a white robed, long-bearded old man walking over.

As for the teachers of the Warrior Academy and the older students, they were all startled and hurriedly bowed to the old man. "Principal."

Even the empty mirror's expression changed slightly. "When did Principal Lin return?"

This old man was the Principal of Warrior Academy. He did not look young, but he looked energetic and light as he walked.

Yan Xiao was startled, and also bowed to this Principal Lin: "Greetings, Principal Lin."

However, Yan Xiao felt that she seemed to have seen something wrong in the eyes of the experienced Principal Lin. His smile became even friendlier: "This sword in the hands of this young man, can you let this old man have a look?"

Yan Xiao did not hesitate, and handed the sword over.

Principal Lin was stunned for a moment before he said with a smile, "You weren't willing to take it out just a moment ago, but now that you're giving it to me so simply, aren't you afraid that I'll withhold it and return it to you?"

Yan Xiao blinked her eyes, with an extremely clear and innocent look: "How can that be? However, Principal Lin is the Principal of the Warrior Academy, and with your vast knowledge, you can tell at a glance that you are a person who has a very magnanimous personality. With your identity, if you need me, there will be many people who will request for your protection.

Looking at Yan Xiao's pretty face, the cute girl blinked her eyes slyly from time to time, he could not help but curve her eyes, picked up the sword to look at it, his hand moved on the sword, his gaze slightly congealed, and then he returned the sword back to Yan Xiao: "It's a good sword."

Yan Xiao laughed and said: "It's just a coincidence, I found a good angle and purposely attacked from a corner. That place can be considered the weakest part of the 100 year old Profound Iron Stone, and is even more fragile than other places.

However, the power of an attack that could shatter it was still not something that an ordinary person could accomplish.

Principal Lin smiled and did not point it out. There was something strange in his eyes as he looked at Yan Xiao.

However, Gu Changlong's face was currently pale and large drops of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Wasn't Principal Lin out and wouldn't be back for the next half month? If not, Gu Changlong wouldn't dare to do such a thing.

It was precisely because Principal Lin was not in the academy and Gu Changlong had enough contacts in the academy to bribe other people who knew about it that he dared to do such a thing.

Gu Changlong hurriedly stepped forward, "Principal Lin, these three people are acting in an extremely strange manner. They are not looking at the Academy at all, and have even slandered the Academy many times. I think …"

Principal Lin looked at the two people behind Yan Xiao: "Isn't it just a group of three? The other two can start the exam now."

With Principal Lin present, all the other rules naturally had to change because of him.

However, it was said that no matter how many years it was, there would never be a scene. The Principal of the High Scholars had actually appeared. Whether it was the new students or the older students, all of them had dreamy expressions on their faces.

If he could catch President Lin's eyes, he would only be able to say a few words of advice. It was likely that he would be of great use in cultivation.

Jian Huan and Jin Yi had been standing guard by Yan Xiao's side the entire time. The two of them had been very quiet just now, observing everyone around them.

When Principal Lin came, he was also a little confused.

Jian Huan let out an "oh", "Ah, let me do it!"

As he said that, he spread out his arms, let out a shout, and struck towards the hundred year old Profound Iron Stone. As Principal Lin just opened his mouth to ask them to go to the new students to train on the stone, he was unable to react in time, and Jian Huan had already made his move.

However, when Jian Huan retracted his hand, the mark of two fists could be faintly seen on the hundred year profound iron stone.

Although Jian Huan wasn't that surprised with the pearl in front of him, but it was normal for them to be able to leave an imprint at such a young age. Their future was limitless.

The surrounding people were also secretly speechless. They looked at Yan Xiao and the other two with different expressions.

Who were these three people? Why did they seem so strong?

They were both around the same age, but why was there such a large disparity in strength? Could it be that the descendants of some large clan came out to gain experience?

All of these questions caused the eyes of these people to burn with passion.

At this time, Jin Yi had already gone up on stage. He took out a dagger from his chest pocket, unsheathed the dagger, and then fiercely stabbed it into the hundred year black iron stone. After that, he struggled with great effort to move the dagger outwards, but was unable to do so.

When Yan Xiao and Jian Huan heard this, they immediately ran over. The three of them used their strength to push the dagger away.

Jin Yi heaved a sigh of relief, kept the dagger well, and said to Principal Lin: "I'm done."

"Huh?" Everyone present had a stupefied expression on their faces. They were on the verge of saying, Are you f * cking joking with us? When did you use your full strength?

With Yan Xiao and Jian Huan's Pearl Jade in front of him, it was as if Jin Yi was doing this on purpose to make fun of them.

Looking at the crowd that even Dean Lin had fallen silent, Jin Yi was a little angry. "Didn't you say it's fine to leave traces on the hundred year old Profound Iron Stone?

Jin Yi tapped on the black iron stone a little and everyone looked over, yes oh, there really are traces, wasn't it your dagger that made such a mark, why the f * ck is this special, are you really not here to tease them? I can cut it out with a dagger!

Although he could only find low levelled War Weapon, this was not battle power, right?

Gu Changlong even laughed out loud. "Where did this juggling come from, this is the Academy's examination, and is not here to make a fool out of you, a trash that isn't a warrior, that isn't fit to enter the Warrior Academy!"

"How dare you! You're not allowed to talk to my young master like that!"

The four who were messing around immediately rushed over. They were furious and started fighting with all their might against Gu Changlong.

Gu Changlong laughed coldly: "Not the trash of a warrior, this is the truth, you really think I am afraid of you!"

Yan Xiao said with an ice-cold face, "The academy had already made it clear that leaving a mark on the Mysterious Iron Stone would suffice. My third brother has already stayed behind, and in front of so many teachers and students, Mr. Gu is just spouting nonsense.

Jian Huan scolded him, "That's right, even if we did anything wrong, it's your fault too. You can't explain it clearly yourself, we've fulfilled the requirements, so we're still the students of the academy."

"Heh, even though the academy is opened by your family, you still dare to create trouble here for me!"

The academy is not opened by your family, why do you think it's fine if you say it's fine, if you say it's not then it's fine, you can stop tarnishing the academy, and take care of your nephew. It's almost time, if he doesn't pass the exam, with so many people watching on the side, Principal Lin is also here, do you want to openly cheat? Furthermore, you even failed to put the rules of the academy in your eyes. We refuse to accept it! "

"We can't accept this!"

"We can't accept this!"

When Yan Xiao said this, the students who were quiet all followed along and shouted.

There were some who did not pass the examination in the first place, feeling depressed in their hearts. Seeing Gu Changlong call a deer his horse so openly naturally aroused their anger, while the other students felt extremely disgusted when they saw Gu Changlong.

They were students, but were they really unworthy of saying anything?

This person was a teacher of the academy, but he had guessed too much. If he were to study under him in the future, wouldn't he have no other choice?

They were extremely worried in their hearts, but when Yan Xiao called out, these people could not help but angrily yell out.

"Shut up! What are you all doing? Don't want to stay in the academy anymore!"

Yan Xiao sighed emotionally and said to Principal Lin, "Principal Lin, it's not that I want to say it, but this Mr. Gu is really discrediting the academy. Principal Lin, you are obviously so good, people who don't know about you might think that the people in the academy are such despicable people who work together like this."

Yan Xiao openly helped Gu Changlong to wear his small shoes. Even though Gu Changlong was the Academy Master, he had been with Principal Lin for even longer periods of time, and she had already said bad things about the Academy Master right after meeting him. Under normal circumstances, people would not have a good first impression of her.

Yan Xiao didn't care at all.

At this point, it wasn't that important whether or not one could enter the academy.

However, Gu Changlong was still going to stay in the academy, so she wouldn't let Gu Changlong feel so comfortable with her. He really thought that he had bullied them, and wanted to escape unscathed!

"Alright, these three will be the top three in Jiangyun Town selection. They are qualified to be enrolled in the academy, the other students can continue with the test." Gu Changlong only felt a chill run through his body. Principal Lin turned around to look at him again, "However, that nephew of yours, it's getting late, if you don't come soon, you won't have the qualification to enter the academy anymore."

Gu Changlong's body shook for a moment, Dean Lin was obviously not giving him face!

Yan Xiao sneered, causing the veins on her forehead to bulge out. Her heart was filled with hatred towards Yan Xiao, it was no wonder that his big brother and the others would resent Yan Xiao's group so much. Indeed, they were despicable people who only knew how to do evil.

Hmph, so what if he entered the academy? He is still the academy's teacher. If he can make things convenient for people within the academy, he can also toy with them to death here!

To think of everything after entering the academy was simply a dream!

Principal Lin walked to the empty mirror and the mirror immediately said, "Principal Lin, we haven't seen you in a while, but you're still as energetic and healthy as ever."

"The master of the sky city has also improved, congratulations!" He then looked at Jian Mo: "Is this the Mr. that you recommended?"

"Yes, Sir, although you look young, your strength is not inferior to any teacher in the academy. Your name is Jian Mo."

Principal Lin squinted his eyes, sizing Jian Mo up from head to toe.

Jian Mo stood up straight, his back straightened and his expression relatively calm. He was not the slightest bit displeased from being uncourteously sized, nor was he about to be provoked.

Principal Lin nodded his head, "Then bring the new students."

Jian Huan was suddenly overjoyed, "That's great!"

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