Yan Xiao lowered her head. "What do you want to say? It's getting late, we're going back to the Academy."

Jian Mo withdrew his brows as deep scars appeared on his forehead, "Yan Xiao, you should know this as well." Jian Mo slowly reached out and gently stroked Yan Xiao's hair, then his face.

Yan Xiao was shocked, and immediately turned her head to dodge Jian Mo's hand. However, Jian Mo did not stop because of that, instead, he lifted Yan Xiao's chin, so that Yan Xiao could no longer avoid his eyes. "Yan Xiao, your heart is actually clear, right?

Yan Xiao pursed his lips and did not answer. Jian Mo held onto Yan Xiao's chin, his fingers gently stroking Yan Xiao's skin, bringing about a kind of warm feeling, causing Yan Xiao's chin to immediately burn: "If you have something to say, say it, then let your hand go!"

Jian Mo retracted his hands: "No, you're not willing to talk to me at all, am I that scary?"

Yan Xiao tilted her head twice but didn't succeed. She directly reached out and patted Jian Mo's hand: "Release!"

Jian Mo's eyes were deep and profound as she stared into Yan Xiao's eyes, it was hard for anyone to escape from her gaze: "Yan Xiao, I am not a casual person, you and I have already kissed twice, do you think you do not know?"

Yan Xiao was startled, she expected Jian Mo to suddenly mention this.

When Yan Xiao recalled the kiss back then, she also felt that she had been a little rash.

But after that, no one mentioned it, so it was fine. Who would have thought that when Jian Mo suddenly mentioned it, compared to the first kiss, the kiss that Jian Mo used to calm her down earlier was actually something she was slightly grateful for. In the end, when Jian Mo said it, the nature of the kiss completely changed!

"You are asking for a favor!"

Jian Mo looked at Yan Xiao, who was staring at him with wide-open eyes. If you think like that, then just take it as that, so do you agree with my request? "

"Consent my ass!" Even if … Even if the first kiss is my fault and the second kiss is yours, this can be considered a tie. We owe each other nothing! "

Jian Mo raised his eyebrows: "Can this be considered as such, my starting point is always to help you, and you want me to do this so clearly?"

Yan Xiao was immediately speechless, it was just like that. It seemed to be unreasonable for the other party to be so calculative for you to help him.

However, Yan Xiao's heart was in a mess right now, he really did not want to mention it. Back then, when he thought about the kiss now, she could not understand it at all, so he might as well not think about it. However, Jian Mo did not give her any chances at all.

"Of course, we have to be very clear about this. If I say this matter is even, then it's even, you're not allowed to bring it up again!" Yan Xiao was flustered and exasperated.

Jian Mo looked at Yan Xiao deeply: "How can I forget that when we kissed, you don't feel a single thing? When our lips and teeth touch, do you not have any feelings that make your heart beat faster? " Jian Mo didn't wait for Yan Xiao's reply and continued, "I do, when you get closer, I feel that my entire body, every part of me, is filled with dense joy. As long as you're by my side, I feel especially happy, I want to catch you closer."

Jian Mo's eyes were filled with dense love, like a huge blazing net, enveloping his entire person, even his body couldn't help but feel hot, those eyes were too warm, and even if Yan Xiao didn't turn her head to look, she could feel the strength in his eyes, which made it impossible for her to escape.

"Your lips are soft and sweet. Before this, I have never experienced something like this. It is you who made me feel that I could be so lively and want a person so much. He has a magical power, and whenever you are by my side, I feel that any difficulties will not be difficult at all. Because, this kind of good you, even if I have to give my all, I will still desperately chase after you. Jian Mo had practically said all the love words that he thought he could say in one go.

The corner of Yan Xiao's mouth twitched a little as she looked at his deep feelings. What she had said before sounded exactly like it, but what she said afterwards made Yan Xiao feel that it was a bit weird.

She didn't have much experience in this area, so she felt that when someone confesses, it shouldn't be this kind of memorizing and a bit rigid, right?

Hearing Jian Mo's words, Yan Xiao was sure that she had never had such experience before, she was so pale that she was not nervous at all. Looking at Jian Mo who had such a handsome face, saying such funny things made his want to laugh.

Fortunately, Yan Xiao had tensed up and was looking at him expressionlessly, without showing any signs of happiness or anger.

Jian Mo was also stunned, what did that mean? He was somewhat confused.

After Jian Mo had passively kissed him in the cafeteria earlier, Jian Mo felt that his knowledge in this area was truly lacking, so he secretly collected some information.

The proper people on the continent studied how to cultivate. There was no market for love and love in these poems and things, so these things weren't easy to find.

Jian Mo wasted a great deal of his strength before finally finding out what had been passed down from an unknown place. Some of the words were too shameful, some were incomprehensible, some were old-fashioned, and if they were to be revealed, the other party would not necessarily understand it. There were even some words that were inexplicably strange.

Jian Mo also picked a few that he thought were useful from the inside and silently memorized them. He still wanted to become more proficient in cultivation and would be able to use them sooner or later.

His plan couldn't have changed as fast as it had. He did have it on his back, and it was quite familiar to him.

However, when he confessed to Yan Xiao, Jian Mo felt his heart thumping hard. With his memories, what should have been a perfect confession, changed its tone when it reached his mouth.

Some of the things that he said in the first few sentences might just follow along, but in the end, Jian Mo's thoughts were in a mess and he was unable to recite the words in his heart.

After saying this, he thought of a few more words and added a few more. Then it became this kind of confession.

Jian Mo swallowed his saliva. Looking at the expressionless Yan Xiao, he was so anxious that sweat started to roll down his forehead, "Yan Xiao, I hope you can give me a chance so that we can be together."

This sentence was too straightforward, but it was even more forceful than all of them together. After Yan Xiao heard this, her eyes flickered, and she looked a little uncomfortable as she turned his head and said: "I don't want to consider this right now, and since you have no previous experience, it is possible that you suddenly saw me and thought that I was strange. That's why you had such a strange idea. If you meet someone new to you, you might not like me anymore. It's still too early to say all this now, so I think you should just forget about it. "

After saying that, as if there was a dog chasing after Yan Xiao, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Jian Mo took control of his long arm, and hugged Yan Xiao from the back.

Yan Xiao's body stiffened, and said anxiously: "Let go of him, what are you doing!"

Jian Mo leaned his head on Yan Xiao's shoulder, taking in a warm breath, it felt as soft as a feather touching Yan Xiao's ears, causing him to feel as if all the hair on his body had stood up, and he struggled to struggle out.

Jian Mo's voice was firm: "I haven't finished speaking, I can't let go, if not you won't know where to hide, and I'm afraid I won't be able to finish speaking, then I won't have the courage to speak with you again."

"Then don't say anymore!" Yan Xiao's tone was urgent.

Jian Mo frowned: "No, I have to explain everything to you."

Yan Xiao was about to cry: "I don't want to hear it at all, let go of me first, we can talk about this later, don't be so stubborn, it's just a moment of confusion for you, once you meet the right person, you will definitely regret everything you've discovered."

"No, if you don't regret it in the future, I know very well in my heart. Today, don't even think about escaping while my confession is still in the process. I won't let you go. Today, you must finish listening to what I have to say." Jian Mo was also stubborn now.

With Yan Xiao dodging like this, she did not know how she would dodge him in the future.

If he had spoken correctly, Yan Xiao would have no place to hide or retreat, and the two of them would be done for. At that time, he would truly regret everything.

When Jian Mo thought here, his tone became even more determined: "Yan Xiao, I have seen more people and things than you think. There are those with unique personalities, but you are different, my heart is very firm, I am not confused, I do not have a momentary infatuation, and it is not because you are the first to kiss me that I will treat you differently. "The fact is that before that, I had already fallen in love with you. That kiss only strengthened my heart."

Jian Mo leaned on Yan Xiao's shoulder, and sniffed at Yan Xiao's body, and couldn't tell if it was the fragrance of the flower or the other faint scents, they were especially fresh and pleasant to the nose. He took a deep breath, and felt Yan Xiao becoming more tense.

Jian Mo chuckled, his low voice was like a hammer striking at Yan Xiao's heart.

Yan Xiao gasped a breath of air. What kind of sickness was this, that even Jian Mo was blowing into her ear? Right now, she felt that his entire body was itchy from her ear to his heart, to the point that she wanted to jump out uncomfortably.

"I like a person, I like him so much that I want to see him smile. In my heart, I can't help but laugh along with him. He loved it so much that when he saw the other party crying, he felt pain. He wished that he could walk over and embrace him, then shift the other party's pain onto his own, so that he could bear the pain of the other party. "I like it so much …" Jian Mo swallowed his saliva, and did not have the face to say the rest.

There were some things that should not be said, if not Yan Xiao would have been more furious.

Jian Mo thought that it was really dangerous, and he almost blurted out the uncontrollable desire in his heart.

Yan Xiao, do you know how much courage it takes for me to pronounce your name? Every time I pronounce your name, I can't help but want to confess to you.

Yan Xiao's face turned red, her breath continued to blow against her neck and ears, disturbing her skin, causing her to feel as though his entire body was being played with by small, fine feathers, hot and itchy.

"I …"

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