The next morning, Yan Xiao and the others met again.

"Then Young Master Jin and Jian Huan will organize the stage together. I will bring Young Master Jin and the guard to continue the auction."

Jin Yi said: "No need, since I dare to cooperate, I naturally will not doubt it."

However, Yan Xiao said: "Young Master Jin misunderstands, I will go auction the pills, I need protection, and I also need to be an assistant."

Jin Yi did not speak anymore, and went out with Jian Huan. Yesterday's plan, the early stages of the construction was extremely important, they could really do it at the same time, although his goal now was to stir up trouble, listening to the plan, he felt a little bit of anticipation.

"Nonsense..." "Guards …" Yan Xiao called out to the guards by her side.

The corner of the guard's mouth twitched as he said, "Young Master Yan, you can call me by my surname."

Yes, you did not hear wrongly, Jin Yi gave his four bodyguards the names of bullshit, nonsense, randomly playing and messing around, making the names sound like a joke. Towards Jin Yi who was obviously very rich, but acted like he was intentionally causing a mess, Yan Xiao also had a new understanding of him.

"Alright, Protector Hu, let's go."

With an ashen face, Hong Yan looked at the few piles of melon seeds that she had collected and brought out from the pavilion, his face twitching, "How do you guys do things?

Looking at these melon seeds, she could completely imagine how that little bastard had hidden himself in the shadows, laughing at them while watching their sorry state.

Hong Yan was almost sure that it was that damned bastard who returned!

Although the person she sent out did not find anyone, she had this kind of intuition, otherwise, no one would dare go against the Guarding Mansion!

The servants felt wronged after being scolded. Did the master's family still need them to take the blame for the trouble they had caused?

The attic was not too far away from the main courtyard, and had just been decorated before. In order to prevent them from messing around, it was rarely opened, and when they thought of the cleaning, the door was still locked. Who knew why that person had entered without anyone noticing?

Hong Yan's face darkened, "Send people to continue investigating, I want all the suspicious people in the city to keep an eye on them."

The Chu Residence guards were in a difficult situation. Right now, Jiangyun Town was holding a youth selection, so there should not be too many strangers entering and exiting.

"Mom, I know a few suspicious people."

"Who is it!" Hong Yan immediately asked Chu Baocheng and his siblings who had heard about this.

Chu Baoai said fiercely: Someone intentionally caused trouble for me yesterday, and that person was covered all over his face, to not have the face to meet anyone, who else could it be other than that damned bastard!

Chu Baocheng was startled, but seeing the look in Chu Baoyu's eyes, he did not say it out. The ones who offended them were both male and female, Chu Baoyu and Chu Baoai obviously wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the few people who were selling the medicines.

Hong Yan was clear about that in her heart, but she was prepared to make use of the competition to make her children famous, so that she could help the Chu Family and her parents progress further.

"Fine, I'll give it to you two. When necessary, kill them!"

Chu Baoyu smiled as she affectionately hugged Hong Yan, "Thank you, Mother!"

On the other side, Yan Xiao had already brought Nooblet to the stall that they set up yesterday, but the moment she came, he was immediately surrounded by people, all of them asking about the pill at once.

Yan Xiao was in a good mood: "Of course we're going to auction today, we'll start with fifty taels!"

Everyone was shocked. It was only five taels yesterday, why did it increase ten times today?!

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