"Talking pig?"

In the room, Jian Mo sat beside Yan Xiao, and seeing that Zhu Fugui was standing foolishly at the side and eating with his nose arched, he asked about his suspicions.

Under Zhu Fugui's intense request, Yan Xiao cooked a meal for it and then called Jian Mo over.

Regarding Zhu Fugui, Yan Xiao did not hide the truth.

However, Jian Mo looked at this chubby pink piglet, and it was rare for him to be unable to remain calm.

"Only legendary beasts that can speak will be able to cultivate to rank 9 and successfully become spirit beasts. It is said that these Spirit Beasts can absorb the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, and become great beasts that can speak for themselves and live for eternity. " Jian Mo's sharp eyes stared at Zhu Fugui without blinking, unable to stop.

Zhu Fugui hummed as he ate happily, he really wanted to use his pig tail to make a flower. Looking at his silly appearance, how could it be possible for him to be a Spirit Beast.

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao did not feel awkward at this moment, there must be something more important going on, and both of them could see the doubt in each other's eyes, that Zhu Fugui was such a spirit beast? It wasn't that they despised it, no matter how weak the spirit beast was, it couldn't possibly look like a piglet that had just been born. Furthermore, the strong warriors had their own auras, even if they had restrained their auras, they couldn't possibly be idiots like Zhu Fugui right?

Furthermore, with Jian Mo's many years of experience, he knew quite a bit. However, he had never heard of any boar type expert in this continent since ancient times.

It could be said that it was better to see than to hear.

But on this topic, Jian Mo and Yan Xiao did not chat much, "You said that there is also a type of poison in Aunty's body, but the two poisons are opposite of each other."

Yan Xiao lowered her eyebrows and nodded.

"If you want to save Aunty, then you have to pry something out of Hong Yan's mouth."

Yan Xiao nodded. "Yes, this is the only way."

Jian Mo nodded his head: "What do you want to do?"

Yan Xiao scratched her chin: "I think it's time to lure the snake out of its cave."

Jian Mo looked at Yan Xiao and smiled: "Alright, I will have my subordinates cooperate with you."

Yan Xiao was a little uncomfortable being stared at. "If there's anything that can help this time, I will give you a bottle of Energy Replenishing Pills."

Jian Mo frowned when he heard it, "You want to calculate it so clearly with me?"

Yan Xiao scoffed, "This has nothing to do with you, no matter what you do, it is impossible to ask for it unilaterally. You may not mind, but if you want to run away and not give me the horse grass, I am not that stingy."

Jian Mo looked at Yan Xiao helplessly: "You are scolding me in a roundabout way, right?"

Yan Xiao laughed coldly: "It's rare that you could still hear it. Should I show some encouragement and clap my hands to cheer you on?"

Jian Mo sighed: "You're the one who destroyed the bridge after crossing the river, I finally understand."

Yan Xiao slightly raised her chin. "Don't worry, since other people have good fees, you will naturally have one as well."

Jian Mo lowered his head, and smiled: "It's only a few pills, you won't be able to get rid of me."

Yan Xiao frowned: "Heh, I'll give you the pills, do you want it or not."

Both of Jian Mo's hands were ringed on the table. His expression was calm and reserved, his eyes were as deep as the ocean, filled with a myriad of tenderness, "If this makes your heart feel good, then pretend I didn't say a word, I'll do as you wish."

Yan Xiao had a feeling of powerlessness when she hit her fist on cotton. Hey, hey, hey, what are you trying to do?

Zhu Fugui lifted his pig head and looked at it. He snorted, then lowered his head and continued eating.

Tsk tsk, he's still fighting with that guy with this level of skills.

Zhu Fugui had the impulse to rush over and expose someone's shamelessness just now, but after thinking about it, he still endured.

In the alley behind the brothel, a figure looked around and quickly ran into the door behind the alley and knocked.

"Who is it?" A lazy voice sounded from inside.

"They're here to deliver the food." The person who knocked on the door replied in a low voice.

"Creak!" The door was opened. The person inside looked around and said, "Come in quickly."

The figure quickly entered, and the person who opened the door looked outside. Only after it was clear that there was no one outside did he retract his gaze.

The figure was quickly brought into a secret room. Not long later, a strong fragrance wafted into the air before the person arrived. The door was then opened as a person with bent hips walked in smiling. "Madam Hong is punctual."

The one who came was Hong Yan, who had reached an agreement with the old procuress, Mother Li.

Hong Yan said with a straight face: "You have news? Have you found him? "

Mama Li smiled. "Madam Hong, don't be in such a hurry. The building is very busy. Look at me, I've been busy all this time. I haven't even had time to drink my tea. My mouth is almost dry." Saying that, Mother Li did not care about Hong Yan's reaction, she smiled and sat down, and took a small sip of the tea.

Hong Yan's heart was at a loss for words. This mother Li was just a brothel prostitute, why did she need to care about etiquette?

Hong Yan's heart was filled with hatred, but seeing as Mama Li was lightly sipping her tea, smiling and not saying a word, she was anxious, she was not anxious, Hong Yan's face was cold, she took out another bag of silver and laughed: This time, the matter has happened too suddenly, causing mother Li to be affected, this is a small disrespect, consider it my kindness, please have a cup of tea with me.

His mother said, "How can you be embarrassed?" She picked up the money bag and weighed it in her hand. Although she didn't open the bag, she could still calculate how much money was inside after all these years of dealing with money.

The smile on Mama Li's face became even wider. "As expected of Madam Hong. She is truly generous. Everyone came out in different ways. I have always envied you for being born like this."

Since the money had been taken away, the flattery in his mouth was as if he didn't need any money at all.

Hong Yan's stifled feeling finally calmed down a little under the praise of Li Mu, but she couldn't bear it anymore. She didn't hear anyone praising her, so she usually heard quite a few praises: "Did you manage to find the person I told you to investigate?"

Mama Li smiled and said, "It was Madam Hong who asked me to come. How could I dare to be negligent? If I don't find out, I wouldn't dare to come see Madam Hong today."

Li Ma's words annoyed Hong Yan a little, and he forced himself to ask: "Where is he?"

Mama Li laughed, "These two are quite smart, because one of them dressed too prettily. She always used the excuse of being sick as an excuse to not see anyone. Afterwards, she temporarily went to the west side of the city to rest."

Hearing that, Hong Yan was initially happy, but suddenly she was stunned: Two people? They should have at least three or five people and a few helpers. "

However, the smile on Mama Li's face dimmed, "What does' Red 'mean? So what if I don't trust her? If that's the case, then there's no need for her to look for me. "What my men found out was never wrong."

Hong Yan saw Li Mu's face darken, and immediately replied: How could that be, it's just that this does not match with what my subordinates have said.

Mama Li sneered, "That Red Lady can find your subordinates to confront me, but I hope she can think about things that are bad for my business."

Mama Li held the teacup, her eyes especially cold.

When she was at a disadvantage, she could not offend such a person. "Don't be angry, Mother Li, I will find my subordinates to investigate this matter thoroughly, and if there is anything wrong with it, I will definitely apologize to Mother Li."

Hong Yan was in a hurry to leave, after saying a few warm words, she quickly left.

Mother Li snorted, her expression turning ugly. Not long after Hong Yan left, a servant girl walked in: "Mother, Hong Yan is underestimating us, we should teach her a lesson."

Mama Li's expression darkened, "A woman who has lost her husband's family and returned to her parents' home to seek refuge, only you dare to show off in front of me. Just watch and see, she will suffer the consequences."

The servant girl was a bit confused, but Mama Li didn't say much. When they were investigating, she naturally found out some problems, and the person behind it seemed to have left some traces behind for some reason. Mama Li was only responsible for investigating and finding people.

This mother Li started accepting customers immediately after her tutoring was over 10 years ago. There was still a market for her to visit, but she could no longer do so, so she turned into a bawd instead. All these years, Li's mother had seen all kinds of people who didn't know anything, and her eyes were extremely fierce.

She didn't dare say that she could see through people's hearts, but Hong Yan thought that it was better to hide it well, but from her height, the look of disdain in her eyes was already seen by Mama Li. Previously, when Chu Huaizhi did not lose, Mama Li did not dare to offend him.

But now, those people from the Hong Mansion, they probably didn't even know what Hong Yan was holding back.

On the way back to the Hong Residence, Hong Yan kept thinking about it, not staying idle at all.

When she was about to enter the mansion through the back door, Hong Yan suddenly stopped and turned towards the house with a gloomy expression.

This time, Hong Yan did not knock on the door, but knocked on the wall and directly entered the house. She hid in the shadows and observed, not long after, she saw Aunt Li walk out.

Although Aunt Li's expression was gloomy, it was not sad at all. At the moment, she was bringing food into the hall to eat. Hong Yan intentionally took a glance and saw that she had cooked two dishes, one meat and one vegetable.

This was the state of a deceased husband, a husband who didn't know where he should be. Was he really that good at taking care of himself?

Hong Yan's heart turned cold, she squinted her eyes and walked in.

How could she not feel it? When she raised her head and saw Hong Yan staring at her with a cold face, the chopsticks in her hand fell onto the table with a "pa da" sound. Her face turned pale and she immediately stood up, "Madam Hong, you're here? Yes... Is there any news about my husband? "

Hong Yan smirked, "That's right, your husband has news for you."

Hong Yan slowly walked over and suddenly reached out her hand to pinch Aunt Li's neck: "I'll send you and your husband to the ground together!"

Aunt Li was shocked and just as she was about to resist, Hong Yan had already whispered in her ear: "You dare to betray me, you're courting death!"

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