
Hong Yan cried in pain, but she could only make these sounds.

At this moment, Hong Yan's entire body was trembling, she painfully lay on the side of the door, continuously trembling against the stone door, ignoring the immense pain in her hand. No matter how hateful she was outside, it would be worse than facing a madman inside the stone room!

Li Xiang had also been crippled, but he had been recuperating here for many days, and he was yet another man. His job was originally better than Hong Yan's, and Hong Yan had just gotten injured, so not to mention Li Xiang, even a little kid who worked at home in the countryside would be able to suppress Hong Yan.

Li Xiang had gone crazy. All he could think about was how Hong Yan had viciously killed her wife bit by bit, and how many things he had helped Hong Yan in all these years. How much did Hong Yan owe them?

"Hong Yan, you vicious sinner, I want to avenge my wife, I want to avenge my wife!"

Li Xiang's hatred had turned completely red, as if he had been possessed by a devil.

With a "bang", he hit or kicked on Hong Yan's body. In this stone room, there were even echoes.

Ah!" Stop fighting, it's all the fault of that slut, Yan Xiao. If you want to kill Mei Luo and Yan Xiao, it has nothing to do with me!

Hong Yan was in so much pain that her face revealed a sinister expression, but she was still unaware of it, as she crazily opened her mouth to roar, and then, what came out were only coarse, ugly sounds. As Hong Yan crazily shouted like this, and her throat was as dry and painful as smoke, she could even feel the fishy, sweet scent from her throat.

She felt great hatred in her heart.

However, Li Xiang had already fallen into a crazed dream-like state. Forget about Hong Yan, even if she spoke now, she might not be able to move Li Xiang. She could only helplessly fall to the ground and allow Li Xiang to punch and kick her.

In Hong Yan's entire life, she had never been hit so miserably on the back before.

Even when Yan Xiao had captured her, she had never been hit by this light. She hated him so much, she hated him so much!

Hong Yan had had enough of the useless couple of Li Xiang. She had never thought that the day would come when she would fall into the hands of this couple!

Hong Yan broke down and started crying painfully, the sound of her crying was unpleasant to the ears, it was just an ear-piercing sound, but it made Li Xiang's actions even more ruthless, "You dare to cry, you dare to return my wife's life, you slut, return my wife's life!"

Hong Yan scratched at the stone door, but it was tightly shut, without any signs of loosening or opening at all.

Li Xiang swung his fists crazily, after clashing so many times, he was so tired that he fell to the ground, looking at Hong Yan, who was already lying on the ground, he looked extremely weak.

Li Xiang scoffed. "You still don't want to admit it?" "It's alright, we have plenty of opportunities to take it slow."

Hong Yan weakly opened her mouth, but was unable to make a sound, as she could only let out a few difficult sounds, causing her expression to become somewhat dejected.

Heh heh, it's still like this in the end. As Hong Yan shed tears, all sorts of emotions surged continuously in her heart.

Li Xiang tilted his head and leaned against the wall as he panted heavily. Looking at the miserable state Hong Yan was in, he felt an indescribable sense of excitement in his heart.

This woman had always flaunted her power in front of him, and his wife had secretly complained to him about many of Hong Yan's bad things. At that time, Li Xiang had scolded his wife because he was jealous, and wanted to ruin Hong Yan on purpose. But now, every single one of them could be embraced by Hong Yan. It really felt like he had been blind before.

Looking at Hong Yan, the expression in his eyes was terrifyingly subtle, as if she was pondering about how to pounce at her in the next moment, causing Hong Yan to shed even more tears. Hong Yan didn't even dare to look at her.

Hong Yan's heart was filled with endless anger and hatred, but there was a corner in her heart, and that emotion called regret, also slowly gushed out and accumulated. She was covered by regret all over her body, and all sorts of negative emotions made her breathing quicken.

wasn't the most favored one even when she was in the Red Palace when she was young, but she had a lot of foresight since she was young. Under these circumstances, Hong Yan would act against her own siblings in private for the sake of the mansion's various resources and to attract the attention of others.

It couldn't be wrong to say that the entire Red House was selfish. There must be a reason behind many things.

Maybe back then, they were not clear about Hong Yan's underhanded methods, but after they grew up, they gradually felt that something was amiss. However, at that time when Hong Yan's status had increased, they were unable to say out some of the schemes that they had done as children, and instead, lost face.

Because of scheming and tricks, Hong Yan changed her position in the family, and became more and more favoured, gradually growing arrogant and proud, thinking that as long as she had the heart, with her intelligence, there was nothing she could not do.

She could see the future of Chu Huaizhi. In a situation where she knew that Chu Huaizhi had already gotten married and was unclear about the other women, she confidently tried to get close to him. The facts proved that she was right, Chu Huaizhi was extremely infatuated with her, even that beautiful and lively wife did not dare fart in front of her.

It was also because of her clever tactics that she had to get along with the wind and rain these past few years. She had been looking down from above for a long time, making her forget that there was always someone better in this world.

Back then, when Yan Xiao was rescued, Hong Yan was very nervous at first, but after a while she had forgotten that children are the easiest to kill. How could Yan Xiao have lived that easily, she had already died a long time ago.

The woman she hated the most, Mei Luo's daughter Yan Xiao, had been dragged from the sky to the ground and landed in the dust.

Had she been wrong?

Everything seemed to have started from Chu Huaizhi, shouldn't Chu Huaizhi blame the fact that her family had a beautiful wife, and even came out to play tricks on them? And it just so happened that she had no choice but to come into contact with them, why did she have to bear all of this right now, why!

Hong Yan regretted it, but there were grievances and resentments towards Chu Huaizhi, Mei Luo, Yan Xiao and the rest of her family.

She was even resenting it. If not for Bao Cheng, his brother and his sister messing around, enraging a god like Yan Xiao, perhaps the outcome would have been different.

Hong Yan completely could not accept that all of this was her fault.

Li Xiang rested for a while, he had recovered some of his strength, and stood up. Looking at Hong Yan whose face was changing in a strange manner: "Looks like you've also rested, then what are you waiting for, enjoy yourself. I remember back then when you were at my place, you beat up a few young and beautiful poor women like that, beat them up until they were neither human nor ghost. Some of them were sold to brothels, some of them were directly killed, and the longest ones were just dumb servants. Would Mei Luo's daughter let me go because of my changed determination? "

Hong Yan's eyes were extremely wide, she was so scared that her soul was about to fly out of her body!

Li Xiang shot her a sinister smile.

This scum!

Was he really avenging his wife?


He was clearly being selfish. He only wanted to escape by himself, yet he still dared to find such a grand excuse.

This beast!


Hong Yan's painful scream resounded in the room, and contained a trace of despairing hatred!

However, he couldn't stop Li Xiangliu from staring at her coldly.

People who cooperate for the sake of benefits would naturally fall apart for the sake of benefits. However, the two sides who were not good people in the first place would naturally become more brutal and bloody after the conflict.

Two days later, Jian Mo came looking for him in the morning.

"Hong Yan is dead."

Yan Xiao raised her eyebrows and remained silent for a while.

Jian Mo said: "It was my mistake."

Although it was clear that the two of them would not get along with each other peacefully, it was still too early for things to go this way.

In fact, Yan Xiao also had a few words thathe wanted to ask Hong Yan, but it wasn't anything particularly important. Otherwise, she wouldn't have allowed others to take Hong Yan away first, even though he was a little shocked now, he wouldn't have blamed Jian Mo.

"Li Fan made it?"

Jian Mo said: "He attacked very ruthlessly."

Yan Xiao nodded, thought for a while and said: "The Aunt Li's corpse back then."

Jian Mo thought for a while, then understood Yan Xiao's meaning: "Don't worry."

If one were to say what kind of influence this had on them, it would naturally be impossible to say that it had never happened before. But honestly speaking, whether it was Jian Mo or Yan Xiao, they had many ways to deal with Hong Yan and Li Xiang.

Just like what Yan Xiao said, it dirtied their hands.

Even though he had only wanted them to bite the dog first, things were getting quicker. He couldn't stop what he needed to do now.

"I'll have someone do this later. What is the effect you have to achieve?"

Yan Xiao thought for a moment, then said, "Naturally, do not cause unnecessary trouble."

Jian Mo understood in his heart, and said: "I understand. Leave this matter to me, do you have an idea?"

Speaking to here, Yan Xiao then said: "I have already researched eighteen sets of antidote formulas, and have also researched a few unorthodox antidote formulas. Furthermore, I discovered that out of these twenty or so antidote formulas, we can also combine them together. This can give birth to more than ten new antidote formulas, and if it wasn't for the lack of time, I would have been able to meticulously study them. "

Yan Xiao's eyes sparkled as he brought up this topic. Not only could she concoct medicine, he also liked the identity of a medicinal master. It wasn't because of his identity as a medicinal master that she could be superior to others.

Yan Xiao didn't have the arrogance of an ordinary alchemist. She only treated this as a method that she liked.

Seeing her like this, Jian Mo couldn't help but laugh. This must be Yan Xiao, he had this charisma that caused people to be unable to resist smiling along with her, happy together, and unknowingly, falling down along with her …

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