To be honest, he did not expect that he and Yan Xiao would have such a huge transformation and development today.

Before this, he never thought that Yan Xiao would agree to him, and would even begin to accept him.

In Jian Mo's mind, he felt that chasing after Yan Xiao was an extremely serious and difficult thing to do, and it must be because there was really a huge difference between his and Yan Xiao's personality. Back then, because he liked Yan Xiao, he had wholeheartedly pursued him wholeheartedly. He did not get Yan Xiao's consent in pursuit of him, and if he really had to agree to this matter, then it would not even be considered a pursuit, right?

However, Jian Mo had some areas during that time, and it was true that he had forced others to do things difficult for him. In regards to these things, he really did not have the ability to be a gentleman, but if he did not do it, then there was even less hope for him, thus he had constantly neglected this aspect.

He had never thought that a single quarrel could actually enlighten Yan Xiao and make him admit it. Jian Mo knew in his heart how difficult this must have been.

Yan Xiao looked lively and cheerful, intelligent and cute. However, his experience had made Jian Mo fully prepared for the long term.

When Chu Huaizhi was chasing after Mei Luo, although he was only aware of a few words, and even Yan Xiao was not aware of the things that happened back then, but seeing how Hong Yan tortured Mei Luo to such a state, he should be clear, at least back then Chu Huaizhi spent a lot of effort to pursue Mei Luo, so it couldn't be wrong.

With a new person, Chu Huaizhi quickly forgot about the old person. This old person was a woman that he doted on a million times, and in the end, it ended up like this.

Even if Yan Xiao was a little vigilant, she still wouldn't be able to easily accept a person, let alone after seeing her mother's miserable state.

It was because Jian Mo understood all this that he understood the reason why Yan Xiao would not agree. This could be considered a type of psychological shadow, if he really saw his own mother in such a state, how could he still be heartless, when Jian Mo had pursued him twice, Yan Xiao would probably treat him well, and he might even not fall in love with Yan Xiao anymore. Wasn't that just showing that Yan Xiao was being too arrogant?

Or it could be said that after seeing Jian Mo's true appearance, Yan Xiao could immediately accept him with infatuation and happiness, and tell him how he developed.

All of these things were also unclear to Jian Mo, and he couldn't understand them either, but he felt that just as he had met Yan Xiao for the perfect amount of time, the only thing that could be said was that the hearts of humans grew up. What Jian Mo did, was also very clear that in order to pursue Yan Xiao, he would openly and covertly put in a lot of effort. Yan Xiao was not an ungrateful person, she was also very kind, and even had a sense of propriety.

He reached out to hug Yan Xiao, and said in a low voice: "Xiao'er, thank you for your confession today."

Yan Xiao was a little confused so she glanced at Jian Mo. If she really said those words, it did not seem to be that difficult anymore.

There were many advantages and disadvantages to Jian Mo, if one were to say that he was really liked by many people …

As long as she revealed his face, forget about other things, at least half of the people there would be willing to be with him for his face, it was truly too outstanding, and she admired him a lot, but Yan Xiao had a beautiful master here, she was quite immune to it, appreciative but beautiful to look at, so he sacrificed himself for face, that was true, not to mention she had seen a good face for a long time.

However, Jian Mo was extremely cunning, normally he looked strict and strict, but he was able to make people feel that he was genuinely concerned about him. Yan Xiao was not that kind of arrogant and heartless, he treated him well, so how could he treat him like that?

Yan Xiao was also a little confused. How did things become like this?

Was it because Jian Mo was the most shameless person she had ever seen? Did he dare to kiss her?

Yan Xiao pouted his lips, and then smashed his head into Jian Mo's chest. He's done for, she can't figure it out, so annoying!

Jian Mo touched the back of his head: "Do you think we should stay here for today, and move here tomorrow? Or do you want to pick up the things we need to leave for now?"

In the beginning, they had prepared to leave after packing their belongings, but the two of them had spoken for such a long time. They had been busy at the Imperial Palace until quite late, so it was already time for dinner.

The two of them closed the door and discussed their relationship, causing Yan Xiao to forget about everything that had happened outside. Hearing Jian Mo recall this, her face flushed red: "Then let's eat first, I was rushing in just now and haven't told the owner about it yet, so I had to ask if he had any place to stay."

Jian Mo replied: "It's fine, it's the same if I ask Shao Zi. If it's really not possible, I'll go to the place where the Mercenary Guild is located."

Yan Xiao thought for a while, "No, we have to keep our secret."

Jian Mo was puzzled: "Didn't you promise me just now?

Yan Xiao punched Jian Mo: "What nonsense are you talking about, who said you are being shameless, I promised you that I would, but there's no need to make a ruckus so everyone knows right?"

Jian Mo still didn't quite understand: "Why not? I want to tell everyone that you've agreed to my pursuit, and that we might be married soon."

Hearing that, Yan Xiao rolled her eyes, and pinched Jian Mo's chin, twisting it left and right, she looked at Jian Mo: "I say, where did such a whimsical and whimsical problem come from? You're still in the pursuit of success, and you want to marry me? I don't agree with you if you want to be beautiful. "

Jian Mo slightly curled the corner of his mouth: "Even though this makes me sad, I won't be discouraged either. I believe that this will happen sooner or later, I will definitely marry you."

Yan Xiao slapped Jian Mo's hand away, then jumped to the side and said with a smile that was not a smile: "Really?

Seeing that Yan Xiao's eyes had a faint smile in them, and her eyes were bright and moving, Jian Mo's heartbeat slightly moved, but she had said so much just now, and everything had developed extremely quickly, regardless of whether it was the time or the people, all of them did not have the ability. He actually wanted to follow Yan Xiao to the end immediately, but no matter what she thought, he knew that it was impossible, because it seemed like he had no sincerity at all.

Furthermore, Yan Xiao was not that kind of girl, even though the atmosphere of the continent was rather open, but she still had some moral restraints on girls. If no one told him about it, it would only harm the girls, unless he could marry Xiao'er, she could not do such a thing.

Jian Mo thought too much in that moment. He thought about what they should do next, and what he should do if they were to get married and give birth to a few of his children. He thought about it for a long time, so when Yan Xiao called him out, he was still standing there without any reaction.

"Jian Mo, what are you doing? Why aren't you answering?"

Jian Mo opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Yan Xiao who was blinking his eyes. He compared Yan Xiao and the woman who had married him with his thoughts, and the fire in her eyes grew more intense, but he still suppressed it with reason, "It's okay, I'm thinking of where I should stay. We need to gather some more ingredients in the future, it's better to stay closer."

Yan Xiao nodded her head: "That is true, but let's not bother about all of this for now, let's go eat some food."

He had been tormenting in the palace for a long time, and had experienced many dangers. He was exhausted, but in the end, he returned and made a lot of noise. Even after entering the room, he did not stop there.

When Jian Mo and Yan Xiao came out, they saw Jian Huan, Jin Yi and the rest were all outside, and all of their expressions were a little nervous.

When Jian Huan and Jin Yi saw them come out, they immediately jumped over. Jin Yi even held onto Yan Xiao's hands tightly: "Boss, how are you? Are you alright? What were you arguing about just now, did Jian Mo hit you?"

After saying that, Jin Yi's eyes turned red as he stared at Jian Mo fiercely.

At first, they were a little noisy, but what happened afterwards was kept quiet. Actually, the people outside didn't really know what they were arguing about. It was just that from the start, it seemed like the person was not human.

Jin Yi was extremely anxious, but when he was about to rush in, he was stopped by Jian Huan, causing him and Jian Huan to almost fight.

Jian Huan anxiously advised: "Let me tell you, I understand my brother. My brother is extremely protective, he would never hit boss."

"How can you guarantee it? Weren't you always arguing about how your brother abused you? Do you dare to say that under his fury, he wouldn't suddenly fail and harm his boss!?" "No way, I have to go in!" Jin Yi did not believe Jian Huan's words one bit.

Jian Huan had no other choice. In the past, he always ridiculed his brothers for being too much, to the point that Jin Yi and the others misunderstood him.

Although Jian Huan was complaining, and was rebellious and dissatisfied, he knew that his brother was doing it for his own good. It was just that between brother and sister, there was no woman who liked to fight head to head with him. There were obviously many times where he spoke differently from what he was thinking, but when he spoke truly, it became an argument. Jian Huan felt that Jian Mo had never cared about him, but he slowly thought about it because he was too lacking in love, right?

The experiences his brother experienced when he was young had made his brother especially wary of others. Even now, he still couldn't understand why his brother suddenly fell for the big boss. Looking back, the blame could only be placed on the fact that the two brothers were rather similar and liked people.

Sigh, if it wasn't because the boss was recovering his female attire too slowly, and if he didn't like hard guys, then maybe his brother wouldn't have had anything to do with him.

Sigh, he thought too much, although his brother looked very serious, he had never hit him before. was extremely clear about this, but Jin Yi did not understand, that look of fighting to the death, he spent a lot of effort to stop it, Jian Huan had a premonition, that he would not be disturbed at this time.

And then he waited for his brother to come out with his boss …

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