Jian Mo is still taut. Yan Xiao reaches for a pinch, and the shape of the face is immediately changed. Yan Xiao immediately smiles: "what's the matter?"

Jane thought about it, but she didn't say it.

Although Lei Yun came to find Yan Xiao just now, he was sitting in the room, but Yan Xiao didn't pick him up behind his back. It shows that she has nothing to say with the second elder martial brother. Yan Xiao is very frank.

But knowing Gui Zhi, Jian Mo still has some bad feelings in her heart, and feels that she is useless. It is her second elder martial brother who really helps Yan Xiao in this matter. They are the brothers and sisters who have lived together for more than ten years. They know better that even if they are very good now, they are also the partners who can live together in the future. Sometimes they still can't make Yan Xiao trust him completely.

Jane and Mo really feel bad.

In this respect, Yan Xiao has no way to say anything.

This is also a fact, and in the present situation, it is safer to send her mother away. Jane and Mo are clear about this. She is still making a fuss in her eccentricity. It's better for Yan Xiao to pretend that she doesn't know how to coax her.

Yan Xiao stops, but Jian Mo stops. She holds the person's hand directly, and then holds Yan Xiao's white tender paw, which is several circles smaller than his hand.

"Along the way, I'm afraid it won't be peaceful."

Yan Xiao nodded: "well, I'm ready. I'll refine a few more heats of medicine these two days."

Jian Mo said: "the protective weapons should be put on the body all the time. I'm afraid if something happens, I can't protect you."

Yan said with a smile: "this road will not be more dangerous than Huanye secret place."

Jane Mo reached out to touch Yan Xiao's head and thought, "I'm going to shut up for a few days. I'll come out when I leave. You should take good care of yourself."

Yan Xiaoxiao said: "don't worry, I won't go anywhere these days."

Under the night moon, Yan Xiao's smile is more moving. When he smiles, his eyes are like stars falling in the night, bright but gentle. He holds Yan Xiao's face and kisses it again. When he kisses the third one, it is more powerful and deeper.

When Jian Mo was about to kiss the fourth person, Yan Xiao gasped slightly and put his hand over his mouth: "OK, you go back to have a rest."

Jian Mo's eyes are very deep and ruddy. Yan Xiao doesn't look at him. Jian Mo still breathes a few breath, then rubs Yan Xiao's head and leaves: "don't look too late, have a good rest."

"I see." Yan Xiao waved his hand to let people leave. After Jian Mo closed the door, Yan Xiao turned his head and frowned. After a while, he said, "is it a bit bad for me?"

Then she touched her face again.

She wanted to say it before, but she didn't say it for various reasons. When she wanted to say it again, she felt that it was not a good time.

Is she going to run to Jianmo and say, "I'm telling you that I've been cheating you all the time. I'm also easy to look at. Let me show you something?"

Isn't that sick!

Yan Xiao is a little strange at this time. Why did Jian Mo tell her those secrets at that time? If she didn't tell her, she didn't have to be so tangled.

Come on, let it be.

After Jianmo goes out, she tells spoons, Huzi and Jianhuan that she's shut up. If there's nothing wrong, don't look for him.

What we need to buy these days is the spoon. They went to buy it. Jane was very happy and said, "brother, I can go too. Give it to me."

Jian Mo looked at him: "give it to you, you will buy something you don't need."

Jianhuan immediately shrugged his head: "you don't always look at me like this. I've grown up. I can't buy anything. Tut, I just look down on people."

Jianmo said, "OK, you can go together."

Jane Huan turned her eyes and said hello with a smile.

Jianmo then went back to the room and sat up cross legged on the bed. Jianmo closed her eyes and looked very calm. After a while, there was a stream of air flowing slowly in her body, and then slowly gathered to the place of Dantian.

In this process, he can even see the operation and flow direction of some energy in his body, which will gradually converge in the meridians, acupoints and the surrounding positions of the inner abdomen. However, when the energy converges in all parts of his limbs, he will obviously find that the speed slows down.

At this time, Jianmo's look turned white. The place in the elixir field was black, and it looked like a black ball with mildew. When the energy was gathered here, most of it would be absorbed by the black mold ball, and only a few of it would continue to run around. What Jianmo is going to do now, Is to try to break the black mold ball in Dantian, so that it can no longer prevent the full operation of energy to become stronger.

And Jane Mo closed for three days and four nights, and it didn't have much use in the end. After stopping, Jane Mo looked very dignified.

Still can't!

Jane Mo clenched her fist, and a touch of hate flashed in her eyes. If it wasn't for that year

Jane Mo closed her eyes, took a hard breath, and then slowly spit out, the expression on her face turned to normal.

However, with his current strength, is he sure to protect Xiaoer? Those who can go to Huanye secret land all have some cards, which Jianmo dare not say absolutely. Unfortunately, this time, she still failed to break through. In fact, Jian Mo's accomplishments could not be improved a few years ago. This is the main reason. However, except for a few people, even Jian Huan didn't know about it. Jianmo breathed out again and stood up. Today's weather is very good. The early sun is not strong, but it's warm and pleasant. It's time to go to Huanye secret place tomorrow. Jianmo goes directly to find Yanxiao. When Yan Xiao opened the door, she saw Jian Mo standing at the door like a wooden stake. She saw a smile in her eyes, then her face sank down: "what's the matter, you haven't had a good rest these days?" The physical quality of practitioners is higher than that of ordinary people. Sometimes they do meditation for a few days and nights, and they don't look too tired, but they don't rest after all. Sometimes the fatigue is not physical, but mental. What's more, Jianmo is busy making breakthroughs in the past few days, while Yanxiao is also busy preparing for going to Huanye secret place. She hardly goes out of the house these days, even refining medicine, and reading books through the gap. Even in recent days, pig rich and noble also know how important it is. When it comes to eating, it automatically appears on the table. Because it is Yan Xiaoyang, it is impossible for everyone to abuse it and not give it food. Yan Xiao's meals were given by Jin Yi and Jian Huan in turn. She was so busy that she looked haggard. Yan xiaoleng next, happy "nothing, sleep is good." Jian Mo is very disapproval, Yan Xiaoxiao let him in: "well, don't pull the face, today I have an early rest, one night can make up for it." Jian Mo is still calm. In fact, they all know that what Yan Xiao says is the truth. Even if it's really impossible, Yan Xiao still has pills in his hand. One pill can hold up a lot of things. Yan Xiao took out the cake and gave it to him: "you haven't eaten these days. Eat some cushions first, and then you will have dinner." When the practitioner was practicing, he was hungry for three or five days, but he didn't have any food in his stomach, but he just drank tea and said, "you just know your mind." Yan Xiaojian Mo also some depressed, can't help pinching her face, in Jane Mo dissatisfied squint at her, happy: "I know, I don't always like this. I know you care about me. Am I happy? Don't be angry Jian Mo sighs a little. He is not angry with Yan Xiao. He is just angry with himself. This time, he is not successful. Seeing Yan Xiao's hard work in order to go to the secret place, he is not happy. Jane Huan, Lin Qi and others are not surprised by Jian Mo's seclusion, which is that Jian Mo came out. When she was in the regiment, it was very common, especially in recent years. Otherwise, Jian Huan would not have lost her temper like an abandoned child. On the other hand, Ningxia came to a private restaurant. After going in, Geng Wenxin said dissatisfied: "I don't mean that I can bring the things in the past two days." Lin Lang also looked at him. Ningxia is also very upset. According to the news that he learned from the soldiers, Jin Yi is absolutely interesting to Yan Xiao. He has made no mistakes in his secret plans over the years. But since then, Jin Yi has no news. He doesn't know whether it is intentional, or the time is not right, or it's inconvenient. But Ningxia can't say that. It's just a way: "it's not convenient recently. Yan Xiao's people must be preparing to go to Huanye secret place. It's a busy time. Even if Jin Yi wants to, he can't help it. What's more, it's more convenient to go to Huanye secret place. " Huanye secret place is at the intersection of Tianji Kingdom and Tianxuan Kingdom, and it is close to the longest HENGDU mountain range in bipolar continent. So when you come to Tianji Kingdom capital to join, you have to go to Huanye secret place again. Of course, some forces who don't need to register in Tianji kingdom can gather in Huanye secret place. After Yan Xiaoye took the quota from the Yongbing guild, Tianji kingdom was not qualified to register them. However, there were still things to do in the capital at that time, so Yan Xiaoye did not leave ahead of time. This trip, of course, can follow the celestial kingdom or act alone. Geng Wenxin hesitated and said, "I'm afraid it's not very good when there are too many people talking about it." In the end, there is a mercenary guild. Geng Wenxin has to think more about it. The emperor Tianji has scolded her before, and she is more or less afraid. Ningxia suppressed the irony of her eyes and just said with a smile: "the third princess is considerate. I've also thought about this, but we don't need to do it ourselves at all. Someone will come to do it for us at that time."“ "Oh?" Geng Wenxin's eyes brightened: "do you have a candidate?" Ningxia calm nodded: "more than herbs, when the time comes, people can with the three princesses arbitrary disposal."“ Good! Tell us about your specific plan! " The next day, they collected and carried their bags, so the qualified people came out of the capital one after another and went to Huanye secret place

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