Jian Mo naturally knows the truth. However, when she thinks about it, she feels a little upset. She always feels that it's too late for her to meet Yan Xiao. That is, she doesn't feel the joy and depression of her life. He can't help her. He also feels that there are too many things about Yan Xiao that he doesn't know, and he's a little irritable.

It's normal for Yan Xiao to respect her master and elder martial brother. She must have lived a beautiful and warm life from childhood to adulthood. It's just like he used to learn from his teacher and saw all the dirty things.

But just because he doesn't know these things, he always has a feeling that I don't understand them, so maybe I can't catch the feeling of laughing because of something in the future.

From small to large, Jianmo has always had a clear goal of survival. This kind of worry and loss is never a new experience. It's also a very new experience, which he doesn't want at all.

Speaking of this, Jian Mo is silent, which is obviously not right. Yan Xiao turns to Jian Mo and sees his serious face. It's almost funny: "I'm happy in life, but you don't like it?"

"Of course not, I just..." Jane Mo touched Yan Xiao's head: "think we met too late."

Yan Xiao instead laughed out: "what's the matter? It's early to meet. You probably won't like me."

"Why not." Jian Mo frowned.

Yan Xiao thought about the past: "if you had known me a few years ago, I would have been bored to death. When I was a child, no one had ordered a bear, my temper was much better. Besides, when I met you a few years ago, even if you were immortal, I would not like your engraving. It's all fate. "

Jane Morton had nothing to say, but it made sense to think about it. However, a few years ago, he was still closed to his relationship with Jianhuan. He had to be busy with re training and often shut up. His mind had not forgotten what happened at the beginning, and he could not let go of what happened to his parents. At that time, he could not even tell too many different thoughts. If he met Yan Xiao at that time, maybe he would start to know later, I don't realize that the relationship with Jane Huan is imminent.

Even if Jane Huan's brother has no imagination, it's hard to think about other people. Maybe when they met at that time, they were really tired of each other.

Feel Jane Mo calm down, Yan smile and a smile: "so you just for this matter not happy."

That is not it, you look so naive, look at the Jane Mo speechless, touched her face: "want to smile, smile, I am like this, can't it?"

"OK, why not? Just be happy. It's better than your usual hard work."

Jian Mo looks at the appearance of that snicker, hugs Yan Xiao's head, and can't help kissing the upper head to show punishment!

"Hey, you take advantage of me again. I'm ready to beat you at any time!"

Jian Mo chuckles: "across the clothes, you will not feel comfortable playing, I took off my clothes, let you play more directly OK."

Yan smile rose red face scold a way: "don't want a face!"

On the other hand, Geng Wenxin said to Ning Chang, who had returned to normal: "you said, you still have a back hand?"

Ningxia's expression is very gloomy. When he wanted to invade Geng Wenxin, he got some cheap money at first, but later he was beaten by pressing. Even though Ningxia's strength is good, his body is not made of iron. At this time, it will move his body, and it seems that he can hear the sound of bones, which is very uncomfortable.

He was annoyed and resentful, and said coldly, "naturally, I always like to have a perfect solution. Although the previous thing was ingeniously designed and linked, I made another preparation just in case. For example, if you arrange someone around them, it's time to avoid it for the first time. When they come back at this time, they will feel like they are doomed for the rest of their lives. So at that time, most people will be relieved that they are not so alert instinctively, so they can't avoid it again. "

It seems so.

Geng Wenxin was almost insulted when she thought of being pulled off her clothes just now. She looked at Ning Chang in the wrong way. She really wanted to kill Ning Chang, but she knew that Ning Chang was also treated with medicine, and he was quite innocent, which was not easy to do.

It's also good that Yan Shanshan and Lin Lang are present. Each of them is more embarrassed than the other. Naturally, Lin Lang can't have any opinions on Geng Wenxin because of this.

Geng Wenxin looked at Ning Chang again and hummed: "it's better that way."

Ning Chang looks at Geng Wenxin's style. He is gloomy and angry in his heart, but he laughs on his face as if he doesn't know Geng Wenxin's disgust.

Rather often hate to think, as long as Jianmo see his beloved woman and brother licentious things, he would like to have a good look, Jianmo how to keep calm and demeanor. If it was because of my sister before, now I would rather hate Jianmo and Yan smile from the bottom of my heart. He would never let these two people and those around them have a better life!

Jianmo and Yanxiao lie in bed and chat all night. Yanxiao tells Jianmo something about her life with her master and two elder martial brothers. Jianmo also tells them something about her life over the years. They have exchanged a lot and dare not say they know each other completely. However, they both want to know each other better and are willing to share with each other. Obviously, they gradually trust each other, which is undoubtedly a good phenomenon.

In fact, in the middle of the night, Yan Xiao felt strange and relieved a lot, and then ate two more, which was really no problem, but it was almost dawn, and they didn't want to sleep any more. But there's one more thing. In the morning, Yan Xiaowen asked Jianmo, "are we in the room?" Jane Mo frowned, obviously also some embarrassment, but this kind of thing, his brother is not good to do, silent for a moment, said: "first look." What else can we do. In fact, Yan Xiao was a little strange and curious“ Ah Before long, there was a scream in the room not far away. At this moment, Jianmo and Yanxiao have already got up, and they are almost carried away, so as soon as they hear the news, they push the door out, and catch up with the first and second people who come to Jianhuan's room, and they hear the quarrel inside“ What have you done to me On hearing this movement, Jian Mo and Yan Xiao were stunned. They both looked at each other in amazement, and then their expressions were strange. In the room, Jane Huan sat up with a confused face. He was awakened by the scream. At the moment, he only felt that his head was a little swollen, and he felt tired. Anyway, he was very uncomfortable. The next moment the chest was hit, Jane Huan suddenly pain of anger: "you are sick!" Then when I looked up, I saw the opposite person by accident: "what do you smoke in the morning?" The opposite person, not others, is usually quarrelling with Jane Huan. At this time, Lin Qi grabbed the quilt and covered herself. Was she scared or angry? Anyway, her face was red and white. When Lin Qi wakes up, she feels that something is wrong. She is not very comfortable. Then she feels that she is sleeping naked, which is even more abnormal. The most abnormal thing is that Jane Huan is sleeping next to her. The next moment, last night's things are surging out of my mind. She follows behind Jane Huan. She wanted to talk to him about it. It can't be over. She has to go out to find a place. She has to get revenge. However, Jianhuan is very annoyed to say that he doesn't want to say that he wants to have a rest first. Lin Qi was also stubborn at this time, and said angrily: "Jane Huan, you are usually fierce with me. How do you know to be a counsellor when you meet others? I tell you, no matter who it is, it's not such a thing. You're just a man. If something really happened to Yan Xiao, have you ever thought about the consequences. Hum, I don't like her very much now, but your brother has no virtue. It's good to have a woman to ask him. If it really happens, they'll have no chance. At that time, your brother may be alone all his life. I think we'll take advantage of their pride to attack them. They must be unprepared. " Said, Lin Qi felt very hot, the body rose hot uncomfortable, anyway not very comfortable. Jianhuan is also more and more irritable. Later, they don't know how to say it, so they quarrel, move their hands twice, and then... Roll to the bed, and then... When Linqi thinks about it, the whole person is not good. She remembers all the following things. Jianhuan also reacted at this time. He knew that he had been taken medicine yesterday. Later, there was nothing wrong with him. On the contrary, he relaxed his vigilance. But later, he didn't know what happened. His body, which was already fine, suddenly felt a strong impact. He felt that the medicine was effective all at once. Because there are a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, Jian Huan does not remember Lin Qi clearly, but she also knows what happened. Lin Qi now red eyes, anger staring at Jane Huan. However, from Jianhuan's point of view, Linqi didn't cover her body completely, and there were some traces on her neck. Jianhuan was stunned: "how can we... How can this be possible?" Jian Huan is shocked. Lin Qi is even more angry: "what do you mean, you dare to despise me!" Jian Huan looked at Lin Qi: "how can I be with you?" Lin Qi was more angry, tears in her eyes: "why can't we, you can't see me like this? Jane Huan, what do you think you are? What's good about you? You're far worse than your brother. I haven't said anything yet. You still dare to dislike me now. Why do you think so? " Lin Qi breathed and gasped. Under her glare, her tears came down and she sobbed: "I'm a woman. You're so... You're not a thing!" Jane Huan's heart was suddenly disturbed by crying

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