Yan Xiaozheng next, smile: "OK, see the situation again."

Jian Mo frowned: "what is the situation."

Yan Xiaochong Jian Mo blinked innocent eyes: "of course, you have to be good to me, not good to me, I'm not happy for a while, then bridge back to bridge road."

Jianmo deeply thought ran nodded: "this is natural, I will love you, love you, pet you, let you can't leave me for a moment. Then we will have another litter of cubs. It will be hard to be distracted when we are entangled. We have no chance to recruit three or four

Yan Xiao immediately angrily glared at him, Jane Mo touched Yan Xiao's head: "I really look forward to that time."

Yan Xiaohe said: "I see, it's still early!"

Then he pushed away the man and went away with his head on his back.

This room is Jianhuan's room. I'd like to find someone to take it back and lift it. This room still has a peculiar smell. Well, Yan laughs out of the door and can't help thinking.

Looking at the younger brother's ability, the elder brother should be no worse. Then Yan Xiao immediately turned red, and her heart became even more irritated. They all blame Jianmo for her nonsense just now. She didn't know what was going on, so she thought of this problem.

What a rascal!

Jian Mo looks at Yan Xiaoqi rushing out of the room, as if there is a wolf chasing her behind. The smile in her eyes is deeper, and her eyes are full of deep affection. But when she thought of Jianhuan, Jianmo felt thoughtful and worried.

Lin Qi on the other side, can be said to be out of the door to cry out, while running to the outside, a few of her entourage naturally ran out a few, afraid of what happened to Lin Qi.

Jane Huan because rushed out, at the moment also did not with shame, just listen to the appearance of Linqi sobbing in a low voice, while running and a little out of breath, suddenly in the heart of all kinds of complex: "Linqi stop."

In front of Lin Qi a Zheng, hear Jian Huan's voice, not only did not stop, but ran faster, foot pedal pedal pedal stroll run, just like stepping on a fire wheel.

Jane Huanqi's face was not good, but she did not dare to stop at all: "don't run, let's have a good chat, you stop for me!"

Lin Qi thought angrily in front of her, why don't you make her stop.

Just after thinking about this, she was caught in the arm. Lin Qi was stunned. She was about to say something, but she saw a stranger. The stranger was young and looked very handsome. This man once pulled Lin Qi, and said: "this lady, come here. Is it your enemy who is chasing you? It looks fierce and not easy to provoke."

Lin Qi quickly drew back her hand: "I'm ok. Thank you for your concern." Then she turned to the side and looked around. I don't know when, she ran away with Jianhuan. Lin Qi was very upset.

This Jian Huan is so stupid that she can chase after a person. It's so stupid!

Lin Qi frowned and pursed her lips, especially unhappy.

The strange man said: "Miss, where do you live now? I'll take you back. You're not a local, are you? Do you know the way back? "

This strange man is a warm-hearted, such a person is generally not bad, even if the heart is very confused, but in front of such a person, it is not good to make a temper, shaking his head and said: "I have nothing to do, thank you for your concern, I can find it."

Strange man is worried about looking at Lin Qi, handsome face like this, looks really hard to get a bad feeling, Lin Qi is no exception.

However, since Lin Qi insisted, the strange man could only show his concern, but he couldn't force him to say: "in this case, you should be careful. If you have anything, you can come to Yang restaurant to find me."

Then he handed Lin Qi an object. The man was so friendly, but this kind of thing was obviously not ordinary. If Lin Qi was spoiled again, he still understood the general etiquette. Besides, it was just the first time we met. How could she accept this gift? She was embarrassed to refuse: "no, someone will come to me later. Thank you very much. See you later."

The strange man took a deep look at Lin Qi and sighed. He could only take back the keepsake. Looking at Lin Qi, his eyes were very deep: "I hope everything goes well with you."

The man finally said no more and turned to leave. He just looked back when he left, and then turned to leave with a smile on his face.

The man did not walk a few steps, Lin Qi heard behind the footsteps, turned a look, saw Jianhuan eat panting appear, looked at her one eye, and squint his eyes side head a look, also saw a tall man just left, the face is quite bad: "who is that?"

Lin Qi snorted: "how do I know that people are not far away, you go up and ask yourself."

Jane Huan's forehead suddenly twitched: "don't be so weird. We have to have a good talk about our business."

"What can I talk to you about? We have nothing to do with each other." Lin Qi immediately retorted.

Jian Huan takes a deep look at Lin Qi. Lin Qi has never known that Jian Huan is so serious and silent, especially when her eyes are so deep

Lynch pauses, slightly drops her eyes, but does not look like Ruth. Jane Huan said, "is that your idea?"“ Of course Jane Huan breathed out: "OK, it's all up to you. I won't mention it again. I don't think people present will mention it. Of course, I will tell them seriously to ensure that today's events won't be spread out. Everything is the same as before, nothing will change. " Lin Qimeng raised his head: "you really think so, that's what you mean!" Linqi some unbelievable, looking at Jianhuan's eyes, it is like looking at a villain, or so heartless and treacherous villain. Jane Huan was all over the hair: "this is not what you want." Jian Huan doesn't want to talk about it. Lin Qi's prickly appearance makes it clear that she can't talk to him well. As soon as she speaks, her voice is so strong. Although Jian Huan's tone is not so good, she can always communicate. This is not everything with the wish of Lin Qi, OK, he said a fall, Lin Qi's eyes, angry can spit fire, Jane Huan feel that the body has been burned several holes. Jianhuan was looking at the cold hair to get up, for Lin Qi this said that the wind is not good, said the rain is not good attitude, is also completely no move, mouth pursed into a line: "otherwise, what do you mean." Lin Qi is in a mess now. If she knows what it means, can she run out by herself. From childhood to adulthood, Lin Qi stayed in the mercenary guild. Others thought that she enjoyed the best of her life. In fact, President Lin was very busy at ordinary times. When she met, she told her to practice more than any other kind of warmth. At one time, Lin Qi used all kinds of works to attract President Lin's attention. As long as the cultivation is in place, President Lin will not pay much attention to other aspects. Moreover, most of her nonsense is just playing a small temper. As President Lin, what can her daughter do if she wants to be sharp? Anyway, over time, this Lin Qi's temperament has become a little strange, always want to make noise, to attract the attention of others. At that time, there were some reasons for the conflicts. At that time, Jian Huan, who was also a prickly person, always wanted to do something to attract Jian Mo's attention. They were really similar in this aspect, and they should have a common language. But when they were young, what did they know? They thought it was similar to themselves. If it was the same as themselves, it would attract other people's attention. What would they do if they ignored themselves? There are many times when Jianhuan is not as crazy as the outside performance. There are also times when she is quiet, when she is in a daze, no one pays attention to her. Lin Qi is still curious, and Jianhuan also refuses coldly. On the contrary, in a word, the so-called childhood sweethearts between them were all brought up from childhood. For a long time, this kind of situation has continued to today, but they are not simply fighting and making trouble at ordinary times. They have the reality of husband and wife! Lin Qi is a woman in the end, which is too heavy for her. For a moment, she was short of breath, but she couldn't say it. She ran back with tears in her eyes. Jianhuan frowned at her changes. What's wrong with her, but she was not at ease. She ran up to stare at her again. Don't worry. As soon as they left, the strange man just appeared. Before they left, he had a strange smile on his face, but now his face was a little gloomy. This man is no other than Ning Chang. The serial plan he had planned before was safe. He thought it would be successful the first time. As a result, Jian Huan, who was supposed to be promiscuous with Yan Xiao, actually got married to Lin Qi. It's very different from his original plan. He would rather attack in a moment. He beat the wall with hatred and made a hole in the wall. Then he breathed slowly and thought about the situation secretly. But this Lin Qi is also a fool, from her body may not have no breakthrough, in this regard, he has to think carefully about the countermeasures, first go back. Ning Chang's face is not good, and he hurried back to Geng Wenxin's temporary residence. When he came back, he happened to be eating there. Geng Wenxin is in a good mood now. He said with a smile, "eat first, and then report back." However, there is no good news here. Ning Chang promised that the plot would be completed. These people have no doubt about it. Ning Chang's heart is tight when he thinks about it. However, there is a change in the house!

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