It's obvious that Lao Zhang vomited a while ago. Even if he didn't die, he couldn't be saved.

"Poisoned!" Someone said it.

Isn't this nonsense? Looking at Lao Zhang's dark face after his death, it's not what poisoning can be like.

Geng Wenxin suddenly glared: "it's Yan Xiao. Damn it, they dare to fight against the royal family. They deserve to die!"

Geng Wenshu is more alert. He is not particularly good with the people here, so he is on guard most of the time. Because of this guard, he is the least involved today.

There are some splashes on the cuffs and front clothes. It's not so serious when you take something to wipe it. Of course, the taste can't go.

Geng Wenshu sneered in his heart. If you hadn't calculated on your own initiative, could it have happened? You can kill people, but if you fight back, you will be guilty. This is really Geng Wenxin's knowledge, because that's what she did in the palace.

I still remember that when he was a child, he was not so calm and self-sustaining as he is now, and he suffered a lot from Geng Wenxin's recklessness. Of course, Geng Wenxin's calculation and Geng Wentao's brother helped him a lot.

"Are you happy, brother Erhuang?" Geng Wentao's cold voice rang out in his ears.

Geng Wenshu raised his head and said with a cool expression: "the eldest brother is wrong. The younger brother is not. But the situation just now scared the eldest brother. It's amazing. Let pharmacist Lin show it to the eldest brother."

The irony in the words made Geng Wentao look at him colder: "I heard that during the period of my prince's seclusion, you were very close to Jianmo and Yanxiao. Brother Erhuang, we are in a continuous line. If we really want to make peace with others, it will damage our own safety and interests. No one will be able to protect you at that time. "

Geng Wenshu sneered: "elder brother, you have to pay attention to the evidence when you speak. What are your plans recently? Which one is not behind my back? How can I know your plan and cooperate with others. What's more, the great prince's ability is outstanding. All of your subordinates are naturally extraordinary. Looking at me every day is like looking at a prisoner. I know every step of the prince's track. What's the big brother suspecting? "

Geng's satire is even stronger: "it seems that the eldest brother doesn't believe your loyal subordinates."

"Geng document, you don't want to sow dissension here, say, Yan Xiao, what weakness do they have!" Geng Wen was very angry. She was not far away from Lao Zhang. She had something all over her body. At this time, she was disgusted. She felt that the smell around her could make her vomit at any time.

This Yan Xiao is too shameless to think of this kind of malice.

Geng Wenshu sneered: "if you want to add crime, why don't you have words? Why do you want to be strong?"

Geng's followers naturally gathered around him.

They are a group, representing the progress of Tianji kingdom. However, there are various small groups in the group. Some family members also follow their team, but they are one of the small groups and naturally eat and live together. And the other small groups of the whole group are basically very close to each other. In the restaurant where they live now, there are several groups, some of which are more reliable in Geng's documents.

If we really make trouble here, it will do no good to anyone.

Geng Wentao looked at Geng Wenshu with a look of poison in his eyes: "brother Erhuang, I hope you remember today's sentence. If you are found by the prince at that time, you will have any contact with them or even help them. Don't blame me for being impolite at that time!"

Geng Wentao and Geng Wenxin are favored again. Geng Wenshu is also the prince of Tianji emperor. Tianji emperor can not be favored, and they can also argue. But if they maliciously hurt this son, Tianji emperor naturally has no face. What's more, Geng Wenshu is not empty handed.

Now it's not the time to talk about this. They are suffering from being tossed about. They feel like vomiting whenever they smell. No matter how many things there are, they have to wash and change their clothes first.

Don't want to eat any more rice. They all left with a kind of melancholy on their faces.

On the other side, Jianhuan chases Linqi back. No one cares about Linqi. She turns around and goes back to her room. Yan Xiao happens to open the door to see her and says, "Linqi, wait a minute. There's something I think you should know."

Lin Qi a face of boring: "what's the matter, I want to rest now."

Yan Xiao is very serious: "I'm afraid not now, come with me."

Linqi frowned, or with the past, just Jianhuan came, she gave Jianhuan a hum, Jianhuan face is not very good.

As soon as she goes in, Lin Qi finds that Jin Yi and others are there, and she is even more upset. She thinks that she will not talk about her relationship with Jane Huan again. Before, she said that it would be handled by them.


"Miss, please help me, maidservant... Maidservant is not intentional!" However, as soon as she stood still, Xiaoyu suddenly knelt on the ground and hugged her thigh.

Lin Qi is a Leng, then want to hold up Xiaoyu: "have what matter to say, you this is what, who bullied you?"

Xiaoyu is crying miserably. Her eyes are red and swollen. She has been crying for a long time. Lin Qi looks puzzled and smiles at them.

Jianhuan looked at Xiaoyu, suddenly narrowed her eyes and sneered: "you calculated us yesterday!" Xiaoyu suddenly shivers and hugs Lin Qi tightly. She cries, but she doesn't say why. Jane Huan looked at Lin Qi and sneered: "you are so kind. You saved such an ungrateful man. Yesterday, she first gave me soup to drink, which is permeated with a lot of good material Lin Qi a Leng, fierce a bow, looking at Jade's eyes some ruthless. Xiaoyu shivered and said, "Miss, please help me. I will repay you when I am a cow and a horse." Lin Qi's expression is very indifferent: "Xiaoyu, it's really you who put something in the soup, right? I'm kind to save you, so that's how you repay me." Yan Xiao said slowly: "because from the beginning, it's a chain plan. She's a part of the plan, or a small piece that can be discarded at any time." Lin Qi looks at Yan and smiles. Her face feels very bashful: "you know from the beginning that she has a problem!" Yan said with a smile: "at the beginning, I was suspicious. It must have been too coincidental. But later, I found that maybe it was just a coincidence. It's because of the following things that she reveals. Otherwise, I'm afraid no one will find out. " But she felt the anger of fear in her heart. She was totally out of sympathy and kindness to save the people, originally from the beginning, in order to approach and calculate them. And what happened to her and Jane Huan was that she was responsible for it. It was her blind kindness that made things like this. She deserved it! Lin Qi's whole body trembles with anger, and Xiaoyu is even more scared to see here. Hao has no way. She is forced to be helpless. If she doesn't agree, she will be killed at that time. She really has no way. Lin Qi is cold face, clenching teeth, once break off holding his leg of Xiaoyu's hand, Xiaoyu scared, hold tightly do not let go, Lin Qi break one, she will close one. Later, Lin Qi had no patience and broke Xiaoyu's fingers with a "card". Her eyes were cold and frightening: "Xiaoyu, if you betray me, you have to bear the consequences!"“ no Miss, I don't want to. You are so kind to me. Xiaoyu really doesn't want to betray you, but if I don't, I will die! " Lin Qi sneered: "Oh, if you really want to ask for help, don't you have time? But you didn't say anything. From the beginning, you were arranged to calculate. You are not the Xiaoyu I want to save. You are really pitiful, but this is not an excuse after you calculate. Do you understand? " Xiaoyu covers her head and trembles with tears. I'm afraid fear accounts for most of them. Looking at Xiaoyu, Jin Yi said, "she really can't help it. She couldn't help it. She saw her father kill her mother, and she was beaten to death. Will she refuse to cooperate with her at this time?" This is indeed human nature, but does it mean that innocent victims should let them go! Lin Qi looked at Jin Yi, eyes in the fire: "you have no influence, of course you can do sarcastic talk!" After Lin Qi came over, she had many conflicts with Jin Yi. It was only after Lin Qi didn't force Jian Mo and Yan Xiao to break up that the relationship was better. But Lin Qi doesn't like Jin Yi, so does the other party. From the perspective of onlookers, everyone is poor, and the people behind it are the most hateful, but they belong to a group. Yan Xiao looks at the noisy Jin Yi and Lin Qi, and her face sinks down. Jian Mo says, "OK, don't make any noise. Can noise solve the problem?" Lin Qi is full of thorns and looks at Xiaoyu. She wants to tear people up. Xiaoyu crawls towards Jinyi, who just spoke for her in the whole room. However, before she gets there, Jinyi's mischief comes out, takes her to one side and falls to the ground. She doesn't let her get close to Jinyi at all. Even if Xiaoyu has been checked, she is not in danger, and she can't accept Jinyi. It's a kind of contempt for her identity. Xiaoyu is crying and shrinking herself into a ball. Now she really regrets it. However, what could she do at that time? She didn't know these people for a long time. At that time, she didn't accept the bewitchment of that person. Was she successful? Her father never regarded her as a human being. He would really kill her! Xiaoyu cry sad despair, Yan smile looked at the angry face gloomy Lin Qi, stood up with her way: "you come with me, I have some words to tell you alone." Lin Qi said: "what do you want to teach me now? Yes, I was determined to go my own way at the beginning. Now I have been taught a lesson. How do you want to teach me? Oh... Yan Xiao, dare you! " Lin Qi also wants to make a mockery, and then Yan Xiao holds her head in one arm and drags it outside, which makes the whole room look silly!

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