Yan xiaoyileng immediately said: "no, master, I'm in a good mood. You didn't often say before that I'm a silly bear kid and a troublemaker. How can I be in a bad mood? "

"Hum," said the beauty master, "sure enough, I've been outside for a long time, and even I've begun to fool my teacher."

Yan Xiao felt a little bitter, and she was even more depressed. It is estimated that the beauty master was there when she answered the question just now. Her mood had not changed when she answered the question just now. It is estimated that the elder martial brother and the beauty master both heard it.

She said that the beauty master's mouth is usually more poisonous. It seems that she is more gentle today.

Beauty Master said: "OK, tell me who bullied you. I'll make fun of you. You can also be bullied."

The smiling face turns black. The beauty master regards her as something. It seems that no one can control her.

However, she doesn't know how to talk to the beauty master about Jianmo. Naturally, she can't talk more about it. She can only choose something light, such as Geng Wenxin.

There heard a cold hum: "really, you are much less daring to go out this time. Who is Geng Wenxin, the princess of Tianji kingdom? Are you afraid of her? "

Yan laughed and coughed: "of course, I'm not afraid. I think it will be very troublesome later. Master, you know I'm most afraid of trouble. I just feel upset."

There, he said silently, "the things you stole from the mountain, and the things given to you by Weishi and your eldest and second elder martial brothers. Although they are not easy to use as a last resort, you have to show the situation. If you die, those things are just dead."

Yan Xiaomei picked: "master, you didn't say that when I went down the mountain."

"I'm going to be a teacher again. You're more and more courageous!"

Yan Xiao immediately smiles and doesn't speak. The beauty master says a few more words. Then he says, "you've grown up too. You don't want to talk about some things, and I won't force you to be a teacher. But I'm not bullied in Birch's place. If you're really bullied, don't go back to the mountain."

Yan Xiao sniffed, holding the jade pendant and said, "master, it's very kind of you. I didn't know until I got down the mountain that everything on the mountain is good. In fact, I'm a little sorry. Now I want to fly to you."

"If you want to come back, it's OK. Now that the affairs of Chu's house have been solved, you have already experienced."

Yan Xiao never thought that the master who had been strict with her didn't scold her this time. Instead, he thought that the plan to go back now was feasible. Yan Xiao's mood here was not sour or happy.

It's just that she just talks about it. First, the landlord of Huanye secret place must go. It can be said that she has to go to some secret places in bipolar continent when she has a chance. She can't guarantee that she can collect Qi Jiedu pills by purchasing or entering Huanye secret place. Many lost medicinal materials may not be found in bipolar continent.

But no matter how small the hope is, she has to go.

Moreover, if you go back to the mountain now, I'm afraid you'll break up with Jianmo, and their current situation is obviously not suitable.

Beauty master did not advise: "you also pay attention to recuperation, training can not be delayed, refining medicine can not be slack, I will check after I come back."

Yan Xiao immediately said with a smile: "don't worry, master. I don't dare to be lazy."

"Well! It's better! "

Then there was a gentle voice: "third younger martial sister, you should be careful outside. Shifu is really worried about you..."

"Cough!" There was a heavy cough at the end.

Yan Xiao felt that his eldest martial brother seemed to be holding a smile: "OK, you should be more careful outside. If you have anything to do, you should contact us. If you encounter any danger, you should remember that everything is life-oriented, and other things are external."

"Don't worry, elder martial brother. I'm not afraid of losing my family."

"Hum, no promise!" The cold voice began to ring again.

Yan said with a smile: "master, you are still there. I thought you were gone."

There was no sound at that end again. After a while, elder martial brother Yanxiao said goodbye. But before the pass, Yanxiao heard his master's stern voice: "I didn't think about it all day. Hurry to tidy up the herbs."


Yan Xiao grabs the jade pendant and smiles on her face.


Kurosawa poked out the snake's head and looked at the jade pendant. Yan Xiao touched him: "do you want to go to the mountain, too?"


Yan Xiao was lost in thought. This time she came down the mountain, she didn't expect to have any other marriage except revenge and experience. But now it happened. For the first time, she felt that she was so counselled. It was a good opportunity, but she didn't dare to say it.

Yan sighed with a smile, but fortunately, the master has taken over the mother. The others dare not say that the master is taking care of her. At least the mother's health is not serious during this period of time. The mother's health will not recover, but it will not be heavier.

At dinner time, Yan Xiao sits next to Yan Xiao for dinner. On the other side of Jian Mo sits Jian Feng, Jian Huan and Lin Qi. On the other side of Yan Xiao sits Jin Yi and others. The atmosphere on the table is not very lively.

The prestige of Jian Feng in the regiment should be really high, but when Jian Huan met him, she didn't jump off as much as before. During the meal, Yan Xiao did not look askance and ate her own food. She did not lift her head. Otherwise, she would carry her own food and others would carry her food. However, she did not say a word. Her reaction made everyone look at her. What's the matter with Yan Xiao? She was out of her mind, or no one was seen today? Jin Yi is a little worried: "don't just eat, boss, eat a la carte." Yan Xiao nodded, then issued a shallow "um" from his throat, but did not look up. Jianmo said in a low voice: "Xiaoer, what's the matter with you? Are you sick?"“ It's good. I'm full. You can eat. " Yan Xiao put down the dishes and chopsticks, got up and left. Otherwise, sitting there, she would be a hedgehog and would be stabbed“ After walking a few steps, Yan Xiao turns her head and finds that pig Fugui is carrying her hooves all the way with her. Yan Xiaoyi picks an eyebrow: "today this is where the sun rises. In the past, when I saw the dinner table, I couldn't find you in the north. Today, I left early. This is really big news."“ Lulu, don't mention it. Can I have a meal? Whose one is staring at me all the time? I feel that he is always looking at my meat. Can I fry some dishes? Can I eat it Pig rich and noble with complain. If the pig is so rich and noble, Yan Xiao can't talk so well. Today, he didn't say anything and said, "come back with me. I'll get you something to eat."“ Ah, that's good. Lulu, let's go. " Pig rich and noble immediately happy. But Jian Mo followed behind to come out, front didn't hear, but heard behind a word, slightly frowned. Sometimes Yan Xiao is also a person who is afraid of trouble. Some people have to go back to their room to get something else. This is not Yan Xiao's character. What's more, today Yan Xiao's performance is a little strange. He doesn't seem to be absent-minded. Since he got to know her, it's never been a small thing! Just watching Yan Xiao and Zhu Fugui go away, they obviously have not enough to eat. They go back to open a small kitchen. Now Jianmo is catching up with them, which affects their eating. But before Jianmo comes back, she hears the quarrel inside“ What's wrong with the boss? Is it not good to go back to the room? "“ Since she is not comfortable, does anyone care about her without saying a word? How rude“ The boss is not... "" OK, the second young master doesn't have to defend her any more. But the second young master is so impatient now. This time, he sneaks out and doesn't say anything. Now his temperament is more powerful and difficult. I also told her. "“ You! You are biased against the boss. I won't eat it! "“ Bang As soon as she patted the chopsticks on the table, she got up and left. Jian Feng didn't care. He just looked at his entourage and said, "go and send one to the second young master. If the second young master doesn't want to eat, take it back."“ Yes, Mr. Feng Jin Yi quietly put down the chopsticks, suddenly laughed and said to Jian Feng, "I'm a little strange. If I didn't hear you right, you're called master Jianmo and master Jianhuan. One of my subordinates is in charge of the master. His hand is long enough. Who is the master and who is the servant? Can you see the nonsense?" Mischievous busy way: "young master, subordinate don't see, don't know, will think this Feng Ye is master." Hu Huan also said: "yes, if you take care of Jian Huan like a grandson, Jian Er Shao will talk to his brother, and the young master will not even be deprived of his right to speak."“ "Pa" Jian Feng chopsticks to the table a pat: "you are talking about me "Obviously, yes," said Jin Yi As soon as Jian Feng's eyes narrowed, she suddenly attacked Jin Yi. However, because of the sudden impact and the counterattack from here, she directly hit the table. The table broke up instantly, and the food on the table immediately splashed. The people were very embarrassed. Jian Feng's expression is also more ugly: "it's really with that Yan Xiaozhi brother, so no manners..." "Feng uncle." Jian Mo came in and called. Jian Feng was stunned and silent. Jian Mo looked at the floor of the embarrassed way: "call people to do a table."“ No, I won't Jinyi pats her clothes with her sleeve, turns around and takes people away without looking at Jianmo. Lin Qi is particularly surprised. In her impression, although Jian Feng is a little serious, it seems that something is wrong today. At the beginning, she didn't respond. Although in the regiment, Jane Huan was not as open as she was outside, there must be someone in charge of her, so she would occasionally have some conflicts with Jane Feng, but it was just a quarrel. But when Jian Feng mentions Yan Xiao, Lin Qi also feels that Jian Feng doesn't like Yan Xiao very much

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