Yan Xiaotiao eyebrow and Jian Mo looked at each other, and then said: "who is the second prince talking about?"

Geng didn't answer. He took a sip from his tea cup: "Geng Wenxin."

"Well? "Geng Wenxin?" Yan Xiao listen is a Leng, Jian Mo also some accident.

In their opinion, if Geng Wenshu really wants to remove someone, he should be Geng Wentao. But this is Geng Wenxin, which makes people think more.

Jianmo and Yanxiao didn't answer, but Jianhuan and Linqi were listening. At this time, they were smart and didn't speak. But Linqi didn't think much about it. Geng Wenxin had a grudge against her. If it had been for her, she would have agreed long ago, but looking at Yanxiao's expression, she still didn't say it. Who knows what's going on here.

Jane Huan pursed her lips, looked at Geng Wenshu and drank tea.

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao didn't reply to this, and Geng Wenshu didn't rush to ask about it again. They seemed to have forgotten what they had just done. Instead, they talked about their daily life and exchanged their feelings about the things along the way.

Geng Yi pointed out: "recently, the environment there is a bit depressed. I feel much better talking with you."

Yan said with a smile: "the second prince is intelligent. Is it not easy to be enlightened?"

Geng Yuan Yuan didn't say anything, and then they just talked about daily life, and they separated without saying anything else.

They didn't say anything all the way back to their house.

As soon as she got back to her own site, Lin Qi couldn't help it: "Yan Xiao, what did Geng document mean just now? Why don't you look happy? "

Jane Huan said: "we have a grudge against Geng Wenxin, but he wants to get rid of this man. Basically, we have to carry the pot when it's done."

Is that the princess of Tianji kingdom or the princess that Tianji emperor seems to love? If you want to get rid of her, you have to think clearly about the result. Of course, in terms of resentment, Geng Wenshu's meaningful words are probably for Jianmo and Yanxiao. Geng Wenxin is trying to find a way to enter Huanye secret place, and then he will take revenge and poison hands.

If so, Yan Xiao, even if they don't want to kill them, they can't let them go. Entering Huanye's secret place is not as good as outside, and there may not be a place to hide. If they go in, they will kill each other. If you don't hate them, you may die.

They can't help it if they don't want to.

Lin Qi is still puzzled: "Geng document is so bad, but it doesn't matter whether we do it or not."

It's true. Geng Wenxin won't stop even if he doesn't start. Is there any difference between their passive confrontation and their active confrontation?

Geng document is now using Yang Mou, his purpose has been put on the surface, he just wants to use Jian Mo and Yan Xiao.

Yan said with a smile: "yes, it doesn't matter, but who said we can't take the opportunity to point out the benefits."

Lin Qi blinked and said, "what good should we want?"

Jane Huan said, "of course, we have to discuss it together. Just think about it?"

"Well, I didn't ask you."

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao have a look at each other. Obviously they think more. Yan said with a smile, "what do you mean by him?"

Jane Mo was silent for a moment and said, "I'm afraid he still has something to say."

They all know that if the opportunity comes, Geng Wentao's best chance is to start. Geng Wenxin has no less chance to respond to Geng's documents, but there is really no need to let go of this goal. There is only one possibility. In Geng's book, Geng Wentao is not always hesitant and says: "this... The Grand Prince has not made it clear, and I don't know."

Geng Wenxin didn't believe it: "it's impossible. You've been with the eldest brother all this time. How can there be no news at all? Please tell the princess quickly!"

Ning Chang hesitated a little and said: "I really don't know the specific things, but the most fearless thing for the prince is the challenge. Since there are such people as Jian Mo, the prince will not miss the chance of challenge and breakthrough. I think there will be a fierce battle if I come in."

This is like saying nothing. Geng Wenxin still wants to ask, but she sees Ning Chang's face is a little strange. When she thinks about it and asks again, Ning Chang says she has something to do. Geng Wenxin narrows her eyes and understands it.

Oh, she's not afraid of fierce fighting. She's afraid she won't!

If the eldest brother wants to deal with anyone, there will be no failure. Over the years, she has watched the eldest brother play with all kinds of forces. There has never been a second possibility, but she also has to make second-hand preparations. This time, it is necessary to make sure that nothing is wrong. You know, for Huanye, Tianji has mastered a lot of mysterious things

It's night. The moon is bright and the stars are numerous. It's a good night.

Jin Yi nests in the collapse of the room, looks out from the window, and then closes the window.

Monkey walked in and looked at the glasses on the low table next to Jin Yi's soft collapse. He sighed in his heart: "it's late, young master. It's time for you to have a rest."

Jin Yi leans on the soft collapse, droops his head and gathers his eyebrows. After a while, he says, "I'm a laggard in Huanye secret place because of my strength. I should let this place go."

"Young master..." the number of people who will enter is limited, such as four guards, tiger spoon and so on. Jin Yi, who has no martial arts skills, has to be protected. The closer he gets to Huanye secret place, the more silent he is. Yan Xiao has asked him twice tentatively, but he is blocked by Jin Yi: "what I asked you to do, Have you got it? "

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