Jane Huan was surprised. She almost got down on her knees when she bent her knee. However, she was so anxious that she helped the table and stood up again: "what's the matter with the president calling me here?"

Lin Feng didn't recognize Jian Huan as his adopted son, so Jian Huan always called him president. When Jian Huan was very young, he also resented this man because of Lin Feng's different treatment. Although this man didn't abuse him, the children's hearts were sensitive and fragile. When they couldn't get the attention of their brother, the elders they respected were better to their brother, On the contrary, he seems to be ignored (not really), so his imbalance is normal.

In this case, in fact, Jianhuan can grow up like this, but sometimes it's a little bit of mischievous, and it's not crooked.

Lin Feng looked at Jian Huan and snorted: "what are you going to do about you and Qi'er?"

"Daddy Lin Qi's eyes turned red and she felt a little ashamed.

"Shut up Lin Feng directed at his unpromising daughter, also a burst of anger in his heart.

He attaches great importance to Jianmo, but now that Jianmo has Yanxiao, that Yanxiao is still very difficult to deal with. His daughter is still unclear with Jianhuan. If it wasn't for remembering her daughter's affairs, he would not have left just now.

Lin Feng looked at Jian Huan's eyes very sharp, but also with anger, Jian Huan said: "everything is my fault..."

"What does it have to do with you! If it's not because I saved Xiaoyu, can there be such a thing? You fool, what kind of hero do you want to be at this time? Will you lie to my father? Get out of here Lin Qi qiqiqie interrupts Jianhuan's words and scolds Jianhuan's words.

Jane Huan was stunned.

"Touch!" This time, Lin Feng made a great effort to beat the table. All of a sudden, he broke the table into pieces and splashed the pieces to the side.

Jane Huan a surprised, a pull distance closer to Lin Qi behind, even Lin Feng want to pull the daughter did not come to the urgent.

See Jianhuan like this, Lin Feng more angry, a hand to stop Jianhuan, on his neck.

"Dad! You let go. It's nothing to do with Jianhuan. I was so willful that I saved the wrong person. At that time, I was reminded not to do too much, but I did it. Jane Huan is obviously framed. You can't hurt him! "

But Jian Huan pursed her lips and didn't say a word. Instead, her expression calmed down.

Lin Qi slapped Jianhuan on the shoulder, went to break Jianhuan and put it behind him to protect his arm: "you idiot, let go, do you want to die!"

Lin Qi's eyes were red: "Dad, do you want to kill me, you... You killed Jianhuan, what should I do! Woo Hoo

In a hurry, Lin Qi cried.

Lin Feng looks at Jian Huan with more anger on her face. Jian Huan's neck is pinched. With Yu Guang's eyes, she wants to look at Lin Qi behind her. She looks very funny.

"President! If you have anything to say, let go of the second young master first

Jian Feng also came to find Lin Feng at this time, but there was so much noise in the room. At the beginning, Jian Feng just thought it was with Lin Qi and thought it was hard to say anything. But later, when he heard something wrong, he rushed in.

As soon as he comes in, he looks at Lin Feng pinching Jianhuan like a chicken. Jianhuan can't fight back. This is the strength. Jianhuan's life is here. If Lin Feng can be the president, his strength can't be underestimated.

Jianfeng immediately rushed to help, Linfeng also want to help, but Linqi took the opportunity to rush out, then directly hugged Linfeng's arm: "Dad, you want to beat me, it's all my fault, I let you lose face."

Say, then a pair of vow to die such as return of appearance, see of Lin Feng heart spirit son is bigger.

It's a big girl who doesn't want to stay. Before I get married, I turn my arm out. What's that like.

Lin Feng is very angry. Jian Huan covers her throat. Looking at Lin Feng's appearance, she is very dangerous. She covers her neck and says, "it's my fault. If the president wants to kill or cut, I have no choice. Even my brother has no right to doubt it. I can take full responsibility for it. "

"You are still in charge, you can be in charge of a fart!" Lin Feng gas wave, Lin Qi swept to one side, Jianhuan saw stand but go to pick up, but Lin Feng also wave out some debris, hit two people.

Looking at the miserable couple holding together, Lin Feng felt that his head was full of blue tendons, which made him have a headache!

"Get ready, you'll marry me early!"

Jian Huan: "ah?"

Lin Qi: "get married!"

Jian Feng

Lin Feng squinted at the two parties: "otherwise, you don't want to get married, so that's it?"

Lin Qi pursed her lower lip: "Dad, let it be. I don't want to be forced to marry."

Lin Feng claps again, the chair on the side is broken again, no matter Lin Qi glares at Jian Huan: "you are the same!"

Jane Huan said, "I'm ready. I can do it any time!"

"You're sick, and you don't like me. What's your relationship with me. Besides, is it up to you? Do I agree. Dad! I don't want to marry Jane Huan! " Lin Qi stares.

Lin Feng hates the iron but not the steel: "you have the ability to come out. You have a bigger temper. You don't listen to your father!"

Lin Qi is also tough: "I don't want to force myself to die. I also want to like each other like Jian Mo and Yan Xiao. What I love and love is your love and my wish. Only in this way can I be happy."

Lin Feng's face is tense, but Jian Huan looks at Lin Qi. Her eyes flash, and then she drops her head.

Jianfeng pulls Jianhuan to the back, looking at Lin Feng's appearance that he wants to blow up. Maybe he will take the second young master at that time.

Although Jian Feng usually loves Lin Qi, it's naturally a little worse than his two young masters. At this time, he looks very tight. When Lin Feng has something to say, he pushes Jian Huan out first and goes forward with his generosity. Maybe at this time, he also forgets that he always wants to do something with Jian Mo and Lin Qi.

For the sake of her daughter's happiness, she suddenly became a bad person. Lin Feng looked at the reaction in the house, and was even more depressed. She scolded Lin Qi angrily: "you are a worthless person. You elbow to turn out before you get married. Do you want to live for Jane Huan?"

"You just pinched him. Look, he has fingerprints on his neck!" Lin Qi pointed to Jian Huan's neck with red eyes and retorted to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said angrily, "who am I for? I'm not afraid that he won't be responsible."

Lin Qi is also unconvinced: "your daughter is so good, I'm afraid I can't get married. If it's not him, it will be someone else."

Jian Huan looks up at Lin Qi at this time: "before I marry, do you want to marry someone else?"

Lin Qi angrily kicked Jane Huan: "shut up, I'm saving you, what nonsense!"

Jane Huan muttered: "I haven't learned anything else from the boss, but my mouth is more fierce and fierce."

"What do you say to me?"

Jane Huan shook her head: "you heard me wrong, I didn't speak!"

"I heard clearly. You said I was shrewd. I've been like this since I was a child. Did you know me for the first time? Now you think I'm shrewd. I haven't beaten you into a pig!"

Jianhuan said helplessly: "pig rich and noble has been spoiled by my brother and the eldest brother. You still want to treat me as a brother with him. He has to walk horizontally in the future. If he continues to carry on like this, he will be stolen and eaten meat in half a year."

Lin Qi was angry, thinking of Jane Huan's words, suddenly "poof Chi" a smile: "I see you are like it, eat sleep eat, no point is type!"

"No, my brother forces me to practice martial arts every day. You watched it for half an hour yesterday."

"Who's watching? I'm catching cold. Do you think you have flowers? Who cares about you?"

Well, that's it. You and I fight again.

Lin Feng who was left aside: = =!! And then you flirt?

This scene is inexplicably familiar to Lin Feng, but after thinking about it, Lin Feng thinks that this is not the momentum of Jian Mo and Yan Xiao just now, which is a little annoying.

The key is that there is a daughter in it. She is so unscrupulous in front of him. It's too much!

After meeting, I always fight with Yan Xiao, but I don't notice Jian Huan and Lin Qi. I don't know why, Jian Feng:?? The atmosphere is not right

Lin Feng directly waved away: "cough! All right, let's go out. I'm tired of seeing you. Let's go

Lin Qi was a little angry just now. She snorted at Lin Feng and turned around.

Lin Feng angry ah: "just don't give me the wrong thing, give me a good consideration."

Jian Huan said: "the president can rest assured..."

"Come on, what are you talking about? I haven't taught you yet!" If it's not finished, it's pulled away by Lin Qi. It's not finished.

"It's just that you're not good enough to stay. You're hopeless!" Lin Feng was so angry that he had to clap the table. However, all the tables and chairs except the one he was sitting on were smashed by him. After a look, there was nowhere to clap. This is so angry!

Jian Feng said later: "the second young master and the little master, they are..."

"I have a headache. Go out, too."


"If you have that leisure, you should prepare something earlier. Who knows when these two shameful people suddenly get married on a whim and have no preparation at that time."

Jian Feng went out with a muddled face. This kind of expression is rare on his face.

What's the matter? The eldest young master and Yan Xiao, the second young master and the young master, are they wrong from the beginning?

Jian Feng

Thinking of Yan Xiao's strange look at him at that time, Jian Feng's face was completely black!

Naturally, this matter can't be concealed. After hearing this, Yan Xiao said to Jian Huan and Lin Qi, "your father is also for your good. If you have this idea, you'll get married first. I want to say that we can do it while we're all OK."

"Yan Xiao, what are you talking about? Who says you're going to marry?" Lynch was furious.

Jane Huan wanted to retort, but she swallowed it again.

Yan said with a smile: "what are you so angry about? I'm also a proposal. If you don't want to get married, no one can force you. But don't delay too much. If both of you are not satisfied, let's choose some from them. I'll show you how to look at each other. " Then he sighed and said, "you should also know that I've been living a bad life recently. Uncle Feng and President Lin are staring at me. I don't know how tight it is. It's annoying. Give them something to do and don't let him bother me. You can be regarded as a help. You can quickly choose one and give it to me. "

With that, "pa" threw out several portraits, but they came prepared. There were men and women, and they were not bad looking. The faces of the people in the room were very interesting. Lin Qi stares at the top of a beautiful woman, angry to seize on the Sa: "no! If I don't marry, Jane Huan can't either! "

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