The vice president and the pharmacist would not have come if they had not been looking for the martial uncle this time.

Even though the master didn't disclose much information, the reason why the martial uncle lived on the mountain for a long time and suddenly went down the mountain was that he was bored. They still understood it. However, the martial uncle didn't go down the mountain all the year round, so he would not be familiar with all the aspects at the foot of the mountain. If anything happened, they would not be able to explain it.

What's more, the master also said that although he is old and has been refining medicine for many years, he is not as talented as their uncle pharmacist. If uncle can go down the mountain, it's just an opportunity to ask for advice.

No matter what they say, they are bound to find little martial uncle.

It's just that Shifu doesn't often mention his two younger martial brothers because he intends to protect them. At ordinary times, they can only understand them from a few words. One is a martial fool, and the other doesn't play cards according to the principle. But Shifu often praises the talent of the pharmacist.

In a word, no matter how much you know, there is not much useful news so far. I hope that this man in Tianning city is little martial uncle.

The pharmacist was a little excited: "let's go to Tianning city now."

The vice president said, "it's been almost two months to find out what's urgent. Every time I think I've found it, it turns out that it's all fake. Send someone to inquire about it. People below know the main points and can't miss it. The secret place of Huanye will be opened soon. I don't know what kind of grass will appear this year. Anyway, I don't have much time. It's better to stay here and wait. "

The pharmacist was obviously dissatisfied, but the vice president's words were also reasonable. He said with a straight face: "it's just those things every time. Just what these little kids can make and what you haven't seen before, can it be important for the little martial uncle?"

Vice President headache: "good, good, you have a point, but the Pharmacist Association is here, we can't all go."

The pharmacist snorted, "no, I'm not sure. I have to go and have a look."

Vice President helplessly: "OK, I can't control you. I have to think about upgrading Dan recently, so I won't go."

"Hum!" The master of patent medicine ran away, leaving only a shadow for the vice president.

The vice president couldn't help thinking that he was not as simple as the old man. At the beginning, the medicine boy under the master's hand let slip so lightly, but he heard it. This is obviously to protect them and protect the safety of the little martial uncle, but the little martial uncle is not willing to say more about it. Will this be a test?

I haven't heard from him for so long. He won't be hiding from them. If so, it's not easy for Lao Cheng to look at people when he goes to Tianning city. With a few words mentioned by the master, the little master is flexible. Even if there is no place to enter, it's better to take this opportunity to investigate the people in Hengshui town secretly.

Later, the vice president took Lin Zhenyue and Qin yuan, who was also a disciple of the three elders of the pharmacists' Association. Qin yuan was the father of Qin Ying, who had a lot of conflicts with Lin Lang at the beginning.

Lin Zhenyue is in charge of all the things in the capital of Tianji Kingdom, while Qin Ying is only in charge of the outer city. This time, he tried his best, otherwise he might not be able to come to Huanye secret place together.

They didn't disturb the Pharmacist Association when they asked for the younger martial uncle. However, the vice president had an idea and naturally asked more: "the Pharmacist Association absorbs children with pharmacist talent all the year round, but the Pharmacist Association only talks about pharmacist talent, regardless of age. You should remember that."

"Yes, vice president!"

The vice president nodded: "in recent months, have you ever heard of a pharmacist with strange people and strange things?"

Lin Zhenyue and Qin yuan are under pressure to meet the vice president directly. At this time, they want to say what they know, and they recommend their favorite disciples to the vice president.

Vice President Xing zhique, Qin yuan suddenly said: "there is also a small pharmacist who is said to come from a small town. He is very talented in controlling fire and is very famous in the capital recently."

Lin Zhenyue's face sank as soon as he heard it. This was Yan Xiao. He had a grudge against his son. Qin yuan couldn't tolerate him!

The vice president said, "tell me about it."

"She was a 15-year-old girl pharmacist. She was in the capital at that time..."

Qin yuan was very confident, but the more he said, the calmer the vice president's expression, and he could only hasten the end.

Fifteen or sixteen years old, how could they be their junior martial uncle, but the vice president could not beat his disciples: "this girl is a little interesting. I'll admit her to the pharmacists' Association at that time. This kind of genius can be cultivated well."

"Yes, vice president, this man is now in Hengshui Town, and will enter Huanye secret place."

"Oh? I'll see you some day. "

Lin Zhenyue's face sank as soon as he heard this.

Qin yuan's eyes are bright. This is a good opportunity. Although he is not as successful as Lin Lang for his son, he is more strict with his son, but he knows that his son just can't catch up with Lin Lang's talent.

However, if we can win over this rising star, if he can grow up in the future, we should always remember the credit of his introduction today. Lin Zhenyue's eyes narrowed. He didn't say anything at the scene. He just flashed cold light in his eyes. She is about to enter Huanye secret place. Yan Xiao is really busy recently. For one thing, she often wants to go shopping with Jianmo. As far as the characteristics of hell are concerned, some things in Hengshui town are more suitable for this place and Huanye secret place than others. Secondly, Shifu contacted her, but Yan Xiao also understood that Shifu alone could not do it. Her own beauty Shifu didn't say that she didn't have to worry about it. After entering Huanye secret realm, she basically didn't have much time to watch it. We should get familiar with each other at this opportunity. Three to some pills prepared, more also no harm, not to mention she had an idea in mind. There are few days left to enter Huanye's Secret realm. I wish I could break three petals at once. And Jianmo at this time directly acted as the voice of Yan Xiao, plus the bodyguard, in Jianhuan's words: "my brother is finished, when a bodyguard, look what he looks like." Lin Qi also agreed: "that is, I see light in his eyes. You say Yan Xiao is busy in it. He won't make trouble if he goes in, or change people. "“ Come on, you may have to make trouble for another person. "“ What do you mean? Why is it that Jane and Mo are helping and others are making trouble? You are obviously prejudiced! " Lin Qi was immediately dissatisfied. Jane Huan snorted: "don't think I don't know what you're up to. I just can't tell you. The boss is busy. Don't give me unnecessary ideas. If you talk so much, you'll make trouble if you don't make trouble! "“ Bang Jian Huan was heavily patted on the shoulder by Lin Qi: "you dare to say." Jane Huan rubbed her shoulder: "OK, what do you like? Anyway, if you want to go, the boss won't let you go. Ah, third, you go out, I'll go with you!" Jinyi with mischief two go out, Jianhuan such as amnesty chase out“ Why don't you take me or not, I'll go too! " Then he forgot the dispute and ran after him. Jian Mo hasn't made trouble yet. He sits on one side, holding his chin in his hand, staring at Yan Xiao quietly. Yan Xiao was very quiet and serious when he was refining the medicine. However, the pretty little face didn't lose its color because of it. On the contrary, it had a different charm and beauty because of this concentration. Even Yan Xiao's hair seems to be dancing slightly because of the invisible air flow in the air. It is quiet, detailed and focused. Such words are especially suitable for Yan Xiao at this time. The natural charm is by no means comparable to that of ordinary women. Even if you let him sit there and watch it for a few days, Jianmo doesn't think he's tired of it“ The sound of "bang" started from the medicine stove. Yan Xiao clapped his hands on the medicine stove, and the stove suddenly spewed out a strong air flow. At this time, Yan Xiao also had to move quickly to his hind legs. There was a porcelain bottle in his hand, and the pills had their own consciousness. One by one, they jumped out and fished into the medicine bottle in Yan Xiao's hand. Jian Mo immediately came forward, holding a handkerchief for Yan Xiao, and gently and carefully tried to sweat: "you are tired after refining for so long. Let's sit and have a rest first." There are refreshments on the table. Even pig Fugui can't get together to enjoy the delicious food today. She is strictly forbidden by Jianmo. She doesn't dare to scratch the door. If she comes in to disturb Yan Xiao, Jianmo can really catch it and stew. While talking, Jian Mo grabs Yan Xiao and sits down. The tea is poured. Yan Xiaowei takes a breath and drinks it. She turns to see the virtuous Jian Mo and can't help laughing. Jane Mo felt strange when she was seen: "what's the matter?" Yan Xiao shakes his head and says, "I'll make a tough man like a little daughter-in-law. I have a special sense of achievement. Can I talk about this? No! Yan Xiao endured the itching of her throat, and did not laugh“ Those people are just too much, thanks to the boss didn't listen to you at that time to find them, damn it Outside Jane Huan angry voice, let two people Leng under, immediately open the door to check. From afar, I can see that Jin Yi and Jian Huan are in a mess at this time. Their faces are very bad. Obviously, they are angry in their stomachs. Are they angry outside? Jane Mo frowned and asked, "are you out? What happened? "

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