Yan Xiaoyi slaps Jian Mo's face: "can I have a face?"

Jian Mo hugged Yan Xiao's waist, and her eyes were full of smile: "if you want a face, there is no daughter-in-law to hold, then it's useless for me to take this face, don't you think?"

"It's a ghost!" Yan Xiao thought and said, "what did those two people say?"

Jian Mo shook his head: "only said that the top look at us not pleasing to the eye, send someone to deliberately make trouble."

Yan said with a smile: "does this logic work?"

They had a quarrel with Lin Lang, but it was not a matter of one or two days. How could these days make them worse? The time and opportunity were not normal.

"No, but they're just little Luo Luo. They can't ask any more questions."

Yan said with a smile: "this trip really needs to be extremely careful."

Yan Xiao stayed in the room more and more, and Jian Mo was protecting her all the time. Two days before Huanye secret place opened, Yan Xiao suddenly appeared again and called all the people who were about to enter Huanye secret place to a room.

"Boss? What can I do for you? "

Yan xiaoyizhi: "sit down."

Zhongcong sits down around the table, and then Yanxiao reaches out for a storage bag, so that many medicine bottles fall down. Fortunately, we all know that Yanxiao can refine medicine. At this time, she is also a little frightened.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, the medicine bottles were higher and higher, and some of them rolled down, which were blocked by Jian Mo's gaze.

After a while, the table was like a hill, but it wasn't over yet. When everyone changed from surprise to endless, Yan Xiao finally took in the storage belt and finished it.

After the spirit of Jian Huan and other people was restored, Jin Yi doubted: "these things are..."

Yan said with a smile: "the situation is unknown after we go in. Naturally, we need to do more preparation. We will have more security next."

Lin Qi looks at the pile of medicine bottles, her eyes are a little straight

Then Yankou waterway: "Yan Xiao, don't tell us, these are your recent refining?"

Yan Xiao shakes her head. When Lin Qi looks at it, she feels relieved. It's not that she doesn't want the people in her team to be better. But if Yan Xiao really says that, she feels that she will be depressed to death. Why? That's too big a gap!

Besides, the pharmacist is so powerful that he is passed down by the mainland. It sounds like exaggeration on purpose, OK? That's good. It seems that Yan Xiao is still an ordinary person. Oh, he's a genius with good cultivation talent.


But the next moment, Yan Xiao said with some regret: "I use the medicine stove very well, but I'm in a hurry recently. The effect is not as good as before. You can use it first."

All of you

Jane Huan is holding a medicine bottle to open and have a look

The corners of the mouth twitch violently. It's so terrible. It looks like bragging. How can it be broken!


Jianhuan grabs open the bottle cap, and a clear fragrance of medicine slowly seeps into the air. It smells very comfortable

Yan Xiao explained at the same time: "these pills are divided into several categories, including Tonifying Qi, treating internal injury, treating trauma, and detoxifying. Finally, there are some auxiliary pills, which are more varied. I'm just refining them casually, but I don't have much of them. "

There are only six categories of pills, not all of which are in the same category. In total, there are not more than ten kinds of pills. I'm sorry for Yan Xiao's detailed classification. Moreover, it's not every kind of pills, and it's definitely more than one bottle.

All in all, there are not thousands of pills on this table, at least a few hundred.

Even if Yan Xiao hasn't practiced medicine so much these days, she has saved a lot of money. But if she can save it before, it means that she hasn't practiced medicine less.

A few people swallow saliva and roll their throats. They didn't feel it before. Now they suddenly feel that there is a God sitting beside them who can't stand it. What's the matter with this God? He's so brilliant that he's blinded.

Jane Huan grabbed a porcelain vase and said foolishly, "I said it must be right to recognize the boss. Oh, boss, you are so polite. You refine so much, then you are so tired."

Yan Xiao is really impolite: "if you don't want it, I'll take it back."

Jianhuan immediately glared: "boss, what do you say? Is my Jianhuan such a person? You are not easy to refine things. I can still be suspicious of East and West. Isn't that hurting your heart. I can't do that. I've accepted the boss's wishes. My heart is shining day by day. I want to show him how much I like you. "

Say, pat chest, point to the position of the heart, and then point to Yan Xiao, excited eyes light.

And this kind of behavior of him almost made the people present nauseous.

Jian Mo said with a black face to Yan: "Jian Huan has been lucky all the time. She can turn a bad luck into a good one when she meets him. I don't think he needs these things. You'd better take them back."

Jianhuan immediately began to wail: "brother, brother! Are you still my brother? Do you hurt your brother so much? How can I live so hard? My father doesn't love me and my mother doesn't love me. My brother is a married man, just like the water he spills. Now I'm not waiting to get married, and I don't want to turn in every now and then. My life is really bitter. "

With that, Jian Huan almost burst into tears. He covered his chest and looked up at the sky, like a big white goose waiting to be slaughtered

All of you

"Oh, this is good. How can it taste..."

"That's for constipation."

"What the hell is that?"

"Why are you so stupid, don't you recognize the boss's euphemistic words? It's just a diarrhea."

"Jinyi, please be polite to me!"

Other people on the table began to analyze the medicine. Unexpectedly, no one was watching Jian Huan's vigorous performance. He was very tired when he raised his head. He could only drop his head and take the medicine bottle with a little depression.

These medicines on the table were then classified and put away, and began to divide the bottles according to the head. Yan Xiao was originally a good number of people, so there was no problem of one more bottle and one less bottle.

At last, each of them was holding a pile of pills, and their faces were both happy and a little shy.

Jane Huan was a little embarrassed and coughed softly: "boss, you are so nice. I was staring at you at that time... Ah, no, I saw you as my sister-in-law at that time. This is fate."

Looking at his vinegar bucket brother, at this time staring at his eyes, Jianhuan immediately smart change, sure enough to see Jianmo expression relaxed appearance, Jianhuan smoked the corner of the mouth, endure full of vomit.

Jin Yi snorted: "Oh, you really have foresight. When the identity of the eldest daughter is not exposed, you want to find one for your brother... Brother Jane's market is so bad."

Jane Huan suddenly a flat mouth: "Jin Laosan, you shut up for me!"

Jin Yi snorted again, hung his head, held Yan Xiao's pill bottle, and his eyes were gloomy.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little bad. Jianhuan also felt that she had said something wrong just now. He always had no one to hold the door. Mingming also knows that Jinyi likes the eldest brother, so he will not feel comfortable. But on one side, he is his eldest brother. Naturally, he is more concerned about the eldest brother. He has a tendency in emotion, but he forgets that there is a third brother.


Jinyi holds things and looks at Yan with a smile: "thank you, boss." Then he left.

"Hey, third brother, you wait for me. Brother, you can help me to keep the things first." Then he ran after Jinyi.

Lin Qi went out quietly with her things in her arms. Not long after she went back to her room, her father came over and said, "are these things from Yan Xiao?"

Lin Qi nodded: "yes, more than you."

Lin Feng looked at Lin Qi's elated expression, this dead girl, what's there to show off with his Laozi, Lin Feng sighed: "on the contrary, it's the heart of the villain before us to spend the belly of the gentleman."

Lin Qi said: "I have known that Yan Xiao is not an ordinary girl, that is this!" He said with a thumbs up.

As for Yan Xiaolin, she is very proud of her and says, "sometimes I feel that Jian Mo is not good enough for Yan Xiaolin."

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched: "OK, you can change the bad habit that everyone is good with you. Jianmo was brought up by Lao Tzu. What's wrong with him? You can't grow her ambition and destroy her prestige. "

Lin Qi's eyes turned: "Dad, do you agree with them?"

Lin Feng snorted: "what can I do if I don't agree with you? Jianmo has been stubborn since he was a child. Who can change what he thinks. That's Jian Feng's dead brain, and he made the final resistance. "

Lin Feng thought, if my daughter loves Jian Mo more sincerely, of course, he said that she would break up the couple even if she died, but she is a hopeless daughter. She likes Jian Huan more than Jian Mo, what can he do. If we split them up again, we will make enemies of two experts who are likely to grow up in the future. Will he be full of food and make trouble for himself.

In the final analysis, even my daughter has a unique vision.

Lin Feng sighed slightly in his heart. He was really strict with Lin Qi, but in addition to training, he was also very fond of Lin Qi, so he developed Lin Qi's capricious and impulsive temperament, and there was no way to change it.

Therefore, Lin Feng has no way to choose Lin Qi. It's better than asking Lin Qi to find those who don't know the root and the bottom. Lin Feng understands Jian Huan's temperament. Although there are many problems with her son-in-law, there are still many merits.

Lin Feng can't help it, too. I feel sorry for my parents all over the world.

Yan Xiao's Dan Yao offensive has made their team more energetic.

With the quota of the mercenary guild, there are actually 100 people entering Huanye secret place this time. These are the quota of Jianmo, Yanxiao, Jianhuan, Linqi and Jinyi.

As a matter of fact, the mercenary association is looking at so many places. It's not impossible to give them four more. But at the beginning, there were three places for Yan Xiao, Jian Huan and Jin Yi. Jian Huan was also a member of the mercenary Association. Fortunately, Yan Xiao and Jin Yi were very much noticed. Although that place was originally vacant, the mercenary association might exchange interests with others, but they didn't show some strength. Other people also had opinions.

Yan Xiao not only gave Jianhuan and other elixirs, but also sent six elixirs, two for tonifying Qi, two for internal injury, one for detoxification and one for auxiliary.

And the mercenary guild's people are often out of the mission, their own trauma medicine is good, Yan Xiao is not prepared. After the result, Yan Xiao pretended to be ill for two days. She was not helped up until the day when Huanye secret place opened. She also knows the truth of her guilt, but because this time the quota is given by the mercenary Association, and there are many people Jianmo knows, she naturally hopes that these people can survive more and pave the way for her to be with Jianmo in the future. But who can guarantee that all of them are magnanimous? Obviously, Yan Xiao's move is very good

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