Yan Xiao's sword Qi soared and went straight to the eyes of the boa constrictor.

That Python naturally won't wait to be hurt, see Yan Xiao rushed past, behind curly snake tail will carry air to Yan Xiao slap.

Yan Xiao can only dodge to the side. At the same time, Jian Mo doesn't give up, but he is entangled by a boa constrictor, and his hands and feet don't listen to him. However, his arm muscles are slightly bulging, and he wants to use one person's strength to expand from the inside to save him. But when a snake entangles a person, it's often the only way to stop, In particular, the power of the python is even more amazing. It's really endless. Jian Mo is basically doing useless work.

At this time, there are few people who can help Jianmo. There are too many snakes around, and most of them are poisonous snakes. Now most people take Yan Xiao's antidote pills, but no one dare to be careless. What's more, it's very difficult to come over with these snakes.

Yan Xiao is holding a sword in her hand, and she has to constantly flash past the snake rushing towards her. At the same time, she has to find a way to save Jian mo.

Jian Mo's hands suddenly let out a breath of war, and his limbs are now severely entangled. In this case, he has no good luck at all, so when the breath of war comes out, his strength is not as strong as his usual strength, but it still plays a great role when the breath of war hits the python body wrapped around him.

Just listen to bang, the snake skin in the middle of the boa constrictor was beaten, and the skin opened to see blood. Then after the boa constrictor was hurt, he became more angry and tightly entangled Jianmo, trying to entangle him faster.


At this time, Kurosawa suddenly crawled out quickly along Yan Xiao's arm. In the process of climbing, his snake tail even drew on the two snakes, two of which were shot down to the ground.

Kurosawa didn't stop. Instead, he rushed forward more quickly. The snake's tail swayed in the air and went straight to the boa constrictor. And the boa constrictor happened to turn his head, the double yellow has no popularity, only cold-blooded intention to kill, "Pi" opened the mouth of the blood basin snake, directly swallowed Blackpool.

Yan Xiaoyi surprised: "Kurosawa!"

The sword in her hand, however, was stabbed directly at the snake's head because of this accident. At the same time, Jian Mo's face turned red instantly, and her hands started fiercely. The two fighting Qi were once again distracted by Kurosawa and hit by Yan Xiao's stabbing wound. The boa constrictor hissed in pain, but it was a little relaxed.

Jian Mo slapped the snake hard and squeezed it out from the distance of half of his body. At the same time, his fighting spirit quickly slapped the snake. The snake was five or six meters long, and its skin was thick. Such a series of attacks only hit a palm sized wound.

"There are too many snakes. What should we do now?" Those people behind are also entangled. Now they can only try their best to get close to the people around them, and only deal with the snakes flying in front of them by means of each other. In this way, they are less attacked by the enemy.

But this is a snake mountain. These snakes are like endless. They are very annoying. They are always tense in heart and on guard. At the same time, they have to move quickly. If they go on like this, they can't kill these snakes and they can't escape. They have to be folded here!

It's not a good omen for them to encounter such danger when they just enter the secret land of Huanye, which has cast a shadow on their hearts.

Yan Xiao is crazy now. She stabs the Python's head with her sword, trying to stab him. However, Kurosawa is missing. After getting sleepy, Jianmo rushes over quickly and cooperates with Yanxiao to attack the python. However, the thick skinned Python will be more angry and crazy when it is hurt. Every time it is pulled to the ground, it can carry pieces of gravel. Once, Yanxiao is almost scratched, and is pulled by Jianmo, and his shoulder is heavily patted, The clothes were shaken open, and the shoulder was even blue at the moment of being hit.

"Kurosawa! How are you, answer me quickly Yan Xiaohong's eyes, constantly attacking, but also constantly avoiding, mouth still kept calling Kurosawa's name.

At this time, pig Fugui has long been carried by Yan Xiao behind his back. It seems that the pig is useless now. Strangely, those snakes have never attacked Yan Xiao behind his back. At most, in the past and on the left and right sides, pig Fugui yawned and said, "isn't this right, Yan Xiao?"

Yan Xiao also at the same time, eyes fiercely opened, pulling Jane Mo way: "back point!"

"What's the matter?"

But at this time, the boa constrictor suddenly gave out a roar of pain. It kept swinging its tail to the ground. Even those snakes who were constantly attacking other people seemed to have foreseen something bad and suddenly retreated a lot.

They were a little relieved, but they didn't dare to take it lightly. At this time, they immediately backed away.

But the boa constrictor is suffering madness, Jianmo and Yan Xiao before standing this boa constrictor is too close, its tail constantly in two people retreat there slap, so that they can't go with the big army.

"Boss, come here!"

"Yan Xiao, step back from the side. I think you can leave there. Come on!"

The boa constrictor was crazy at this time. Next time, there was a deep pit on the ground. If the force was so strong, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die!

"Bang! Bang Two more times, the boa constrictor raised his head and hissed more and more bitterly. However, at this time, the boa constrictor's eyes seemed to be staring as big as flying“ Poof, there was a black shadow on the head of the boa constrictor“ What's that... "Some people have to wonder, but the next moment the scenery around is fierce“ Ah! No good At the same time, "whoosh", Yan Xiao's waist was suddenly entangled with something, and she pulled it hard forward. Jian Mo's eyes trembled, and she didn't want to reach out and grab it: "Xiaoer!"“ Help people, catch them Jianhuan, Linqi, Jinyi and others run crazy, but they are still late. It turned out that when Kurosawa rushed out of the snake's head, they thought it was the place where the snake cave was located. The scenery suddenly changed. It turned out to be a rugged and steep cliff! The place where the boa constrictor was located turned out to be on the top of the cliff. When the scene changed, everyone didn't react. The whip from other places wrapped around Yan Xiao's waist and just threw it into the cliff. Jian Mo immediately grabs Yan Xiao's wrist and hugs her waist. However, both of them are at the top of the cliff at the same time. The strength of the whip is not light. When they take it back, Jian Mo and Yan Xiao fall off the cliff again. They don't even have a chance to rescue them“ Who the hell is doing us harm Lin Qi was mad. She ran to the edge of the cliff. Before she got close, she was stopped by the mercenary guild: "young Lord, the person who calculated is still nearby. We can't get close, otherwise it's too dangerous."“ But Yan Xiao“ Boss Jianhuan and Jinyi don't care about this. They immediately go to see the cliff. Looking down from the top, they just feel that it's a dark cave. After a while, they can't see the trace of Jianmo's smile. They suddenly feel a thump in their hearts“ Whoosh“ Get out of the way The whip at the back comes back quickly. Jinyi and Jianhuan are immediately pulled away, and the whip is also thrown back quickly. If they are still on the edge of the cliff now, when the whip comes, it is when they fall off the cliff. It's really dangerous, and the sweat hairs stand upright behind them“ I can see where the whip comes from Everyone's head retreated fiercely, and Lin Qi roared: "come out, hide there, hide your head and shrink your tail. What are you doing? Get out!" The people over there didn't move at first. However, Lin Qi's mouth is like a firefight at this time. If you don't come out, she can scold you as sinful and weak as a stupid pig. No one can bear to be scolded like this“ You say who is a pig and who hides his head and shrinks his tail. We just want to see how you stupid people can kill themselves. We are certainly not as stupid as you. Of course, it's much better to be smart. " A similarly sharp voice sounded, and then Geng Wenxin slowly came out. Lin Qi, Jian Huan and Jin Yi and others looked at him like this. They were almost mad. Geng Wenxin is not herself. There are still some people behind her, such as Geng Wentao, Yan Shanshan, and so on. Dong Li'an, the prince of tianwu Kingdom, is also there. The total number of such people is quite large. Even Jian Mo and Yan Xiao are here. With the advantage of each other's number, their battle is not easy“ Let's go“ Go? Have you left yet? " Geng Wenxin snorted, with naked killing intention and disdain in his eyes. They all came to this stage. Their backbone, Jian Mo and Yan Xiao, also died. These people still want to retreat, which is very naive. Now she wants these people to die, and they have no hope of survival. A flash of evil light suddenly flashed in Geng Wenxin's eyes: "well, if you don't want to die, you can't help it. See, standing on the edge of the cliff, you scold Jian Mo and Yan Xiao for half an hour. If we are satisfied, maybe we can spare your life. But this number is limited. You can divide the work by yourself. If you can't get this number, the others will die. " As he said this, Geng Wenxin made a cut on his neck and looked at the mercenary guild. What loyalty? That's a joke. It's a great pleasure to watch these people kill each other!

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