Yan Xiaoyao is entangled and thrown down the cliff. Jian Mo immediately rushes over and hugs him. As soon as they are defeated, they quickly fall down.

The speed of falling is very fast. Both of them are hurt by the wind, but Yan Xiao's eyes are red. Bearing all kinds of discomfort of falling, he stares at Jian Mo: "why do you come down? Are you stupid?"

Jane Mo hugged Yan smile tightly: "I want to be with you all the time."

Yan Xiaoqi: "I don't want to, I don't like you at all!"

Jian Mo's eyes were blown by the wind, and her eyes began to drop tears, but she tried to look at Yan Xiao: "but I like you very much, and I love you more. No matter how you don't want to be with me, I want to pester you all the time."

Yan Xiao's nasal voice is a little heavy. She hugs Jian Mo, shrinks her head to Jian Mo's arms, and shrinks her nose. At this moment, she really doesn't have any worries. If she wants this man, even if she is about to die, it's worth being a couple at this time.

"Well, I said, when are you? At this time, you still have time to kiss me. Men and women in love are sick, Lulu Lulu!" The pig behind Yan Xiao is rich and noble. He is forced to listen to the truth of the madmen. Although he always secretly runs to watch the fun when he is free, he is not in the mood to watch the two people flirt at this time.


Kurosawa wrapped around Yan Xiao's shoulder, also hissing at this time, seems to agree with pig's complaint.

Yan Xiao is suddenly stunned: "we may still have a way to live?"


However, as soon as Yan Xiao's words fell, their falling speed speeded up. Yan Xiao felt that her skin couldn't bear the wind like a knife blowing on her face. Suddenly, a moist Ying light covered her and Jian Mo's body.

Jian Mo is a Leng, some unbelievable, and feel for granted, a sigh: "you are the spirit teacher?"

Yan Xiao also Leng next, then said with a smile: "you know?"

Jian Mo's eyes flashed across the wipe hate, and then turned into No: "I know."

Because Yan Xiao's whole body is covered with this light shield. At this time, it seems that it has the same effect as the defensive weapon. In this protective shield, there is no pain that the wind blows to the body, and it does not delay the conversation.

But Jianmo knows that to maintain the protective cover, Yan Xiao will consume a lot of mental and spiritual power, and may even dry up, because so far, they don't know how long they will fall. The speed and depth just now are about 100 meters, but now they haven't finished.

Yan Xiao didn't ignore the hatred and loss in Jian Mo's eyes. The Lingshi is very mysterious. I'm afraid that the number of people who know about this continent is very small. It can be said that they live on the top of people.

If there are only three or five hundred million people in this continent, there may be only one or two spiritual masters, or even no such proportion.

Jian Mo said, "there is a spirit Master in the snow holy mountain."

Yan Xiao is not surprised. Her master has also said that there is no intersection between the two aspects. Her master is not willing to inquire about it, and the information she knows is limited. But in the eyes of the outside world, Xuesheng mountain is a sacred and mysterious place. No one knows how it is. Jianmo knows that there are spiritual masters in it, which shows that he is very familiar with it.

Jian Mo touched Yan Xiao's face: "I used to live there."

Yan Xiao didn't want to ask again. She felt that when Jian Mo mentioned Xuesheng mountain, her whole body was very cool, with a kind of disgust. Now that I'm dying, it's really meaningless to say that.

Yan said with a smile: "just now we were in the magic array."

Jianmo nodded. When Jianmo picked up two branches to touch the stone on the ground, he thought that it might be a magic array, but it should be a magic array in the magic, which is more powerful than the general magic array.

And this kind of magic array is only available in secret places. Since someone attacks them secretly, it is very likely that the other party either knows that there is a magic array here, or they set it up. As for who it is, they have a clear idea.

But now that it's too late to say anything, they're still on their way.

Pig rich and noble hum: "line Lulu, hurry to find the way to escape."

"Well, there's a way out?"

Pig rich and noble hum: "do not look for how to know not."

Now they are falling in the air. The cliff they were on before was a craggy and steep cliff. In fact, when they just fell down, Yan Xiao thought that the cliff was on the mountain at that time, which should not be so deep. But when they fell down, they found that it seemed that there was no end. This was a trouble.

Who wants to die if he can live.

Yan Xiao still has many things to do. Her mother's poison hasn't been solved. Now she still doesn't know anything about foreign things. The master and elder martial brothers are waiting for her to go back. They fall down. Jianhuan and Jinyi are outside. It's estimated that they are in danger at the moment. She still has a lot of pills to refine and hasn't studied.

What's more, after this time, she has more confidence in Jianmo. She still has a lot to do to live. Why can't she have a good time in the future? How can this make her willing.

But now she fell down. Although she let aura envelop two people and two beasts, it would not be very hard for her to fall down. But if there was no solution, her aura would not last long. Moreover, there were all cliffs around, which made it difficult for them to stay. There were only a few forks growing, which made them find their way out“ There Jian Mo looks at the bottom, her eyes suddenly coagulate. Yan Xiao immediately craned his neck and looked down, but he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. Before they experienced the illusion of snakes, that is false, but what is moving below, one by one now looks yellow, green, black and other colors, not just the changed color of earthworms. Yan said with a bitter smile, "do you know that there is a bigger snake cave under the cliff?"“ It must be known. " It's a trick, it's a game in the game, it's a waste of money. These people have spent so much effort to get rid of them. Normally speaking, it's hard for them to survive the process of falling off the cliff. It's good to fall down again, and basically fall into meat mud. Even if they are lucky not to die, they will not be able to go to the place where they walk all over the place, and they will definitely be dismembered by these snakes. This is a doomed situation. At present, it seems that there is really no way to save it. Yan Xiao and Jian Mo quickly look at the surrounding environment, hoping that from which cliff they can see what caves are good. They really don't have any. It's really impossible for them to live“ "Lulu" pig is also a little nervous now“ Sizzling, sizzling Yan sighed with a smile: "Kurosawa has the ability to command a group of snakes, but we can see the picture of snakes if we estimate that there are still tens of meters below. It's estimated that a leader is not small, Kurosawa is afraid that he can't do it." In fact, they didn't get hurt. Yan said with a smile, "when I fall down, I can maintain my spiritual power for a while. At that time, we must kill a way quickly first." Jian Mo nodded: "I know that if the spirit power does not withdraw, it will only cause more snakes to attack. Now these snakes seem to move frequently, maybe it is related to the perception of the spirit power." Psychic power is the most gifted gift of nature. And those animals who can't develop intelligence often rely on instinct to practice. Although most of them are not as intelligent as human beings, they have strong instinctive attraction to nature. When a spirit Master is not able to fall into the hands of these animals, it is often a tragedy of being swallowed by the group, unless you are absolutely strong enough to make these animals afraid to approach. It's getting closer to the animals underground, 20 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters... One meter! Yan Xiao's spirit power suddenly withdrew. Just now, the snake's head kept shaking. It seemed that they were looking for the snakes that made them yearn for something. At this time, they could not feel their heads and looked a little stunned. If it wasn't for the possibility of being swallowed by these snakes, Yan Xiao would really praise them for being cute“ "Da" Jian Mo and Yan Xiao fall to the ground slowly“ The snakes begin to move slowly and come slowly. After Jianmo and Yanxiao fall to the ground, they are quiet. The sight of snakes is not good. Sometimes, they can help themselves. But this is only on the premise of meeting a small number of snakes, and the premise that snakes are not hungry, snakes have poor eyesight, but they also have other organs to feel the surrounding environment, and they can sense creatures by their sense of smell. With so many snakes, it's obvious that silence alone is not enough. Jian Mo and Yan Xiao look at each other. They suddenly pat on the ground, and the whole body is thrown to the sky because of this downward attack. With a boxing and a strong fighting spirit, Jian Mo blows a two or three meter big hole in the snake group, and several snakes are killed and stunned instantly“ Hiss! Hiss At this time, the snakes also roared angrily, more crazy, the speed of tail swinging was faster and fiercer, the mouth of the snake was wide, the sharp teeth inside were full of cold and fierce killing intention“ Hissing Kurosawa kept hissing and roaring. In his dark eyes, he was pressing and killing. Pig Fugui was tied behind Yan Xiao, looking at the snakes, but strangely thoughtful. Looking at the situation at the scene, Jian Mo's fighting spirit hit out again, and then said with a smile: "it's now!"

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