Jian Mo looked at the room and felt a little confused. In her heart, a wave of respect rose in vain. She only felt how powerful the people who built it were.

Let's not talk about the manpower, material and financial resources for building this place, but the things in this room are all priceless treasures that can make people crazy. No wonder so many people yearn for Huanye secret place.

No one seems to have been to this room. Everything in this room is intact.

Pig Fugui grabs a magic bead and pours it into his mouth: "hum, it's just that you trust our pig. We won't eat all of them."

Yan Xiao touched a pig's rich head: "you are really powerful, my pig, you are the most meritorious official, but we have to be able to go out, otherwise even if there is no good talent and treasure, we have to wait for death."

Yan Xiao is very rational. Pig Fugui hums: "no matter what, search these first. Don't you two have storage treasures? Put them away first, Lulu."

The gold, silver and jewelry in this room are inferior. There are quite a lot of spiritual things and medicinal materials. There are also some energy things for cultivation, such as some jade pieces. The specific amount of energy in them has not been verified immediately by Jianmo and Yanxiao.

Just use the storage to empty the room first.

Pig Fugui snorted: "don't keep it. If you can find it, don't leave it to others. We are doing a good job, Lulu. We don't know how long this place has been. No one has come to lulu. We won't have it in the future. We are helping the host here, Lulu. "

Yan Xiao can't laugh or cry because of the pig's shameless degree of wealth, but she doesn't have a flash on her hand. It's not that a family doesn't enter a family. They still have something in common in this respect.

Besides, who do you say comes in? What kind of virgin.

Don't forget that when you come to Huanye secret place, the purpose of the people who come here is to find some treasures and help yourself to practice. If you don't believe it, you won't do it for another person.

The whole house was empty, and they were both tired. Later, pig Fugui and Kurosawa joined in to help, and the gold, silver and jewelry were not available. The original owner didn't like it, but they were all valuable when they took it out. These things can also change a lot of money.

At least Yan Xiao bought the cost of those herbs, these people enough.

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao look at each other: "what should we do now?"

Pig rich and noble way: "go to other door?"

"Ah? Isn't the rest dead door? "

"Who said that? Follow Ben pig."

Say, pig rich and noble and dada run, Jian Mo and Yan Xiao look at each other, followed out.

Then pig Fugui went through the sixth door, the fifth door, and the third door. After that, people searched again. Naturally, he came back with a full load. The things in this room were inferior to those in the first room, but they had everything in pieces.

Pills, jewels and jade, and some war weapons. There are not many war weapons alone. They are also things that can be used by the six or seven pole soldiers, and most of them are attack weapons. Yan Xiao has taken them to Jian mo.

Jian Mo naturally doesn't want to take it, but it's not the time to divide things. Take them all first.

During this period, pig rich and noble, simply want to walk horizontally.

It's amazing. Who can bring so many good things? The most important thing is the pig, the pig or the pig.

Ha ha ha!

Now they have seen four rooms in total, but the other four people have problems. Zhu Fugui said, "the other four rooms are very dangerous, but it's good to find sprinklers inside."

Yan said with a smile, "no more."

"But this pig can... Ah? I beg your pardon? No, I don't want anything in it? "

Yan said with a smile: "since it's dangerous, why should we risk going in? We are not greedy. We can have these things. It's not worth the loss to have these things, to be safe, and to take the risk. "

Pig rich and noble anxious: "no, Lulu, the things inside are better, how can you not!"

Yan Xiao pinched pig Fugui's ear: "no, you are also obedient. Don't be fated to use it. Be obedient. Let's find a place to go out first."

Pig rich and noble twisted his body dissatisfied and said: "I have a way to solve it. I also have a way to solve the security of those rooms. In fact, I exaggerate Lulu, which is not so serious."

Yan Xiao rubbed the pig's head and pulled a pig's hair. The rich and noble pig bared his teeth in pain. Yan Xiao snorted: "what, you don't want to be obedient so much."

Pig rich that grievance yo: "what, this pig all help you get so many good things, this room also go, won't have what matter."

"You idiot, go out and find your way."

"Don't go, don't go, don't go if you don't promise!" Pig rich and noble roll on the spot, it's a spilling pig.

Yan Xiao's forehead jumps abruptly, and Jian Mo steps on pig Fugui: "get up and leave with us!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Yan Xiaoqi, stretched out his hand and patted it twice.

"Lulu, you're still a couple now. You're not tired of your work. Have you ever thought about this pig? Lulu, those pigs are reserved for future marriage. Lulu, you're too cruel."

Pig rich this dry howl ah, Jane Mo just don't know what to say, looking at Yan Xiao's expression also guessed.

Sometimes this pig is smart, sometimes it really wants to kill it.

Knowing that there is danger, but also to the pain, this is what kind of a death seeking spirit.

But pig rich so noisy, Jian Mo can't help but think more: "it seems that pig rich is very confident."

Yan laughed and snorted. In fact, she knew it in her heart, but she didn't want to take the risk. However, the pig just rolled and spilled, and they didn't have any way: "OK, let's go and have a look."

Pig rich and noble jumped up, just dry howl so fierce, this will get up, there is no tears in the eyes, it is in the false cry.

They were speechless.

"Bang bang"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the stone gate.

Pig rich directly dada to the first stone gate, Yan said with a smile: "come back, there is something inside."

Pig rich hey hey a smile: "wait for it!"

Pig Fugui's four short legs ran very fast at this time. Jianmo and Yan Xiao were so late that they let pig Fugui open the door, and then ran out like crazy from inside. Pig Fugui jumped on the thing, and then bit people's head with his mouth open!


It turned out to be a strong leopard. When pig Fugui bit it, the leopard immediately roared, and then suddenly let out something in her mouth. Jian Mo pulled Yan Xiao to hide.

With the sound of "Dang", a wind knife with cold silver light cut into the wall and was immediately cut into a deep cut. If this power was used on people, it would be cut into two immediately.

Yan Xiao's hand immediately carries the spirit power, Jian Mo also immediately carries the fighting power to rush forward, this leopard's strength is not low.

Pig Fugui's two pig's front hooves were "slapping" on the leopard's head. The leopard was so painful that he patted his head directly on the ground. Then pig Fugui opened his mouth and bit it. He gnawed something out of the leopard's head, something with light but obvious feeling of wildness and strength, even something with warm and beating breath.

"Raw braised inner pill."

It's true that Neidan can be practiced by both humans and animals. The stronger the strength, the stronger the animal's ability. The stronger the animal's body, the more likely there is Neidan. This kind of inner alchemy is equivalent to the place where the whole body energy is supplied, the core part of life, and swallowing it is also equivalent to swallowing this part of energy.

But it's not easy for human beings to swallow it, because these inner alchemy also have the barbaric nature of animals. If they really want to swallow it, it may have adverse effects, or even be backfired. However, it is precisely because animal training is more in line with nature, and the power is more pure. If these energies are used, the effect is very amazing. Therefore, some teachers will also use the animal's internal alchemy to refine medicine.

However, it is the animals that need training at level 5 or above that can exist animal inner alchemy. This kind of animals is basically invincible when they fight against spirit masters and war masters at level 5 or above.

However, the leopard was engulfed by pig Fugui, directly half dead?

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao look at each other. In the past, they only thought that pigs were rich and noble. Apart from being able to talk, they were no different from a pig waiting to die. Today, they underestimated the proud baby pig. It's a magic pig.

Pig rich and noble smacked his mouth, swallowed endosulfan, looked at the leopard and snorted: "its meat is not delicious, and its fur is still a little bit, do you want it?"

Yan Xiao looked at the pride in the eyes of the rich pig, and a little bit did not aftertaste over: "really underestimate you."

"Of course, I've said that. I'm unique."

Yan Xiao takes in the leopard. It's a beast above level five. It's all precious. Its fur is a little short, but it's also very useful. Teeth and claws, anyway, don't worry about waste.

In the next room, pig Fugui goes another way. It turns out that it's a strange looking double headed tiger. It's a bit awkward for pig Fugui. Jian Mo and Yan Xiao also help, but this double tiger is very fierce, with amazing speed and power. It can also produce ice skates, which makes it hard to defend.

Fortunately, before Jian Mo and Yan Xiao got some weapons, they all used them at this time. Two of them ran out of energy and were scrapped, which made Zhu Fugui get the inner elixir of the double headed tiger. For the remaining two rooms, Zhu Fugui didn't break into.

In its words, the food is not very delicious, and there is nothing in it. It takes a lot of effort.

It's true. There are no good things in these four rooms, but they are guarded by powerful beasts. The other two don't know what kind of creatures they are. Anyway, they wake up. However, until Jianmo and Yanxiao leave, they don't open the door. When they leave, they can even hear the sound of grinding their claws inside. Pig Fugui runs faster.

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao look at each other. Fortunately, the boy has a bit of spectrum. He didn't pick the two strongest challenges, otherwise he would have died. But now the question is, how can we get out. If you go back from the original way, it's the same way again, or it's a dead end. Two people and two beasts are wandering in the stone room, and Jianmo suddenly stands at the stone table in the middle, thinking deeply“ What's the matter? "“ Boom All of a sudden, the whole house vibrated violently“ No, hide

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