How to describe Yan Xiao's true face? Jianmo thinks that all the beautiful words in the world are not enough to express this kind of beauty.

Beautiful to charm, beautiful to the bone, beautiful to heart shaking.

That pair of eyes, which originally attracted the existence of Jian Mo, were bright and moving, and seemed to gather the most beautiful stars in the sky. He had seen the soft charm of these eyes laughing, the cunning of these eyes, the sadness of these eyes in pain, and the beauty of these eyes in anger.

At that time, he thought that no matter what Yan Xiaolong looks like, it's just the amorous feelings at that moment, which is enough for him to aftertaste for a lifetime.

However, Yan Xiao's true face is more beautiful than he imagined.

Yan Xiao's skin is more crystal clear, and there is no flaw on his face. Of course, because of the dust from the fight just now, Jian Mo can see that there is a strong contrast between it and the smooth skin as white as milk.

Her face is small, and her facial features are delicate and beautiful. All of them feel very beautiful. When combined, they are even more pleasing to the eye. Chu Baoyu, Ning Zhu, Geng Wenxin, and Yan Shanshan are the people. But all the women Jian Mo has met are not as good as Yan Xiao.

Even in Jian Mo's life, he respected and missed her most. In his heart, he could not deny the beauty of her mother, who was the most perfect in his heart.

The beauty of Yan Xiao is so vivid and bright, that is, so beautiful that people can't speak against their will.

"Xiaoer, you..."

Just now, pig Fugui came to see Yan Xiao's face and exclaimed, "Yan Xiao, I'll go to lulu. You are so beautiful. Is this you?"

Yan Xiao is also stunned. Her technique of changing face is totally different from that of Jian mo. what she uses is not a mask of changing face, but a pill of changing face. But this kind of Yirong Dan, her present level also just touched the door, can follow to refine, but want to achieve perfect without flaw, all is the master to give her.

And this time down the mountain, since she wants to change her face, she can't use her own. She uses the beauty master's Yirong pill. Normally, if she doesn't use Jierong water or Jierong pill, Yan Xiao's face will last for three or five years.

You will be perfect just like your true appearance. No matter how powerful you are, you can't find Yan Xiaoyi's face. At this time, the beauty master should be so calm, and Yan Xiaoyi is faithful.

Now this Yirong Dan is invalid?

Jianmo looks at her deeply. I'm afraid that if it wasn't for the two of them, they would have suspected that Yan Xiaozhen had been transferred.

Just now, after being brought out by the light, Jianmo and Yanxiao are immediately surrounded by the animals. They look around, but they don't notice that the people closest to them are too dangerous. Jianmo really just knows.

The shock on his face at this time was so straightforward.

Yan said with a smile: "it seems that I don't need to explain it to you. You have already seen it."

This voice is Yan Xiao. Yes, it changed the face, but the voice didn't change the face. There was an incredible flash in Jian Mo's eyes, but there were more surprises and other deeper things in her eyes.

Jianmo seems to want to touch Yanxiao, but after a pause, Yanxiao grabs Jianmo's hand and puts it on her face: "yes, this is my true face. Now you understand why so many people pursued my mother. "

Yan Xiao and Mei Luo are very similar when they were young, but their morphological consciousness is absolutely different, but their faces are seven or eight points similar.

Jianmo didn't know what his mother-in-law had been like before, but when she saw Yan Xiao's face, she suddenly realized that it was a beauty that could make people crazy. No wonder Mei Luo, a weak woman, couldn't help marrying Chu Huaizhi who was so powerful.

No matter what happens when Chu Huaizhi is married, he doesn't know how to be grateful. But with this face, if there is no Chu Huaizhi, there will be others. As long as his mother-in-law is just an ordinary woman with no self-protection ability and such a peerless appearance, the consequences may not be much better.

Hongyan's hostility, hatred for so many years.

On the one hand, he is afraid that Chu Huaizhi will be attracted again. He will look at this face. Can a man not be moved? Chu Huaizhi is not Liu Xiahui. Hongyan uses a way that Chu Huaizhi, a big man, can't stand to frame Mei Luo. Only when Chu Huaizhi can't let go can she really calculate.

And what Hongyan hates most is Hongyan's beautiful face. In fact, Hongyan is probably jealous of this face, so she destroys Meiluo's face and deceives others. As long as she destroys this person's face, no one will be more beautiful than her and no longer collude with Chu Huaizhi.

Weak beauty, sometimes is the original sin.

It's also because this face has a great impact on people, and this face is too beautiful. Yan Xiao wants to dress as a man. If she wears this face, I'm afraid it won't make everyone believe that she is a man.

Jane Mo Rou stroked Yan Xiao. Her face was tender than a shelled egg. She suddenly felt a little flustered. Her smile was more beautiful than he imagined. She suddenly felt a little flustered.

Yan Xiao seemed to feel something wrong with Jian Mo, but he didn't let go of it. He looked at Jian Mo with a smile: "I like beautiful things very much. I look at my face every day, so my future husband looks so bad. I have to suffer a lot. If the children of the future follow him, what can they do. But I'm satisfied with you everywhere. " The importance of his face, said so forthright, Jane Mo inexplicably some want to laugh. Yeah, he's panicking. Although Yan Xiaomei is beyond his imagination, his appearance is not bad. Although Jian Mo doesn't pay attention to appearance, he doesn't belittle himself. His appearance is ugly. No matter how bad he is, he is also handsome, but just now he was in a panic, almost thought that he was not worthy of a better smile. They don't have much image to speak of now. They have been fighting for so long just now, and they are all very vain. After sitting down for a while, they are much better than just now. Yan Xiao directly sat on Jian Mo's leg: "what were you thinking just now?" Jane Mo holds Yan Xiao's waist: "I'm thinking about how I can make myself better." Yan Xiaoxiao: "you can change better, in my heart, nature is good to me." "But I don't think it's enough," she said Yan Xiao holds his face and gently kisses his lips: "I'm qualified to say whether you are qualified or not, isn't it me?" Jian Mo's eyes brightened: "does Xiaoer think I'm qualified enough?" Yan xiaocunning smile: "it's too early to say these, you can still be in the audit period, I don't want to say now." This beautiful smile, smile at this time, that face is more like thousands of flowers, the city is peerless, the whole face seems to be shining, let Jane and Mo feel some flash. Jane Mo hugs Yan Xiao's waist. Fortunately, he has determined his mind early, and then firmly seize the opportunity. Otherwise, Yan Xiao will be known by more people. I'm afraid that Yan Xiao will be countless times better than her mother's pursuer. Jian Mo has confidence to fight. He and Yan Xiao have gone through hardships, and now they have gone through life and death and fight side by side. This kind of feeling is very strong, but Jian Mo still has a sense of crisis in her heart. He has a premonition, if he relax a little vigilance, Yan Xiao side is almost on the wind wave butterfly, will he gas explosion. Jian Mo sighed a little, this is not his groundless worry. Yan Xiao turned his mind and went to other places: "normally, the Yirong pill that my master gave me can't be wrong. You see, I've changed my face for so long. If I don't say it, no one knows that I've changed my face. But Yi Rong Dan suddenly failed... "Jian Mo thought:" is that light? " Yan nodded with a smile: "very likely." Jian Mo looked at Yan Xiaowei and narrowed her eyes. Her expression was a little serious. She couldn't help sticking her lips on Yan Xiaowei's face. The water was moist, red and soft. It looked more delicious than before. Jane Mo has completely given up resistance to her self-control now. She is attracted to Xiaoer. What's wrong with that. Yan xiaoleng next, said serious things, a word does not agree with Jianmo to play hooligans. But Yan Xiao didn't push away Jianmo. At this time, she sat on Jianmo's leg, which made it more convenient for them to kiss. The kiss was not particularly warm, but a gentle touch, with a general love that was carefully cherished. Then the two men's forehead touched each other, and Jane Mo breathed heavily: "I'm really grateful for my decision to chase Jane Huan out. If I didn't have this idea, I couldn't meet you at all. Now as long as you think about it, I can't breathe when I watch you step into other arms because of a temporary mistake. I can't imagine what kind of life I would live if we couldn't be together. " Before that, he had a lot of thoughts and Considerations about life, but when he found that he liked Yan Xiao and even fell in love with this woman, he unconsciously thought too much in his mind, but in those thoughts, Yan Xiao participated in the end. Now I suddenly think of it, no matter how he will take revenge or grow up in the future, he has already left a place for Yan Xiao, and only she can. No one can replace her. When you can't live without each other in your life, it's very terrible, but Jianmo feels hot because of this idea. Yan Xiao looks at Jian Mo's affectionate eyes, but also has some emotion. She feels that her emotion is surging at this time

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