These animals now just think, these two people and two animals hurry to finish collecting medicine and get out!

Otherwise they would be too hurt. Damn these people!

In the medicine garden of Huanye secret place, there are really no useless medicinal materials, and there are no rotten Street medicinal materials. At least they are all precious medicinal materials above the middle class in the world, and each one can be sold for a lot of money.

After squeezing so many garden animals, Yan Xiao couldn't have picked all the things in the garden. Fortunately, each one was more than two, so they picked one third of them.

At the beginning, there were many herbs in the Jiedu pill studied by Yan Xiao. Go back and ask the master again. The hope of refining and curing this Jiedu pill is growing.

Yan Xiaolian's face is full of light. When Jian Mo looks up unintentionally, she is dazzled by her eyes. It's only when Yan Xiao looks up and gives him a look that he reacts.

Jian Mo blushes slightly, breathes out a breath, and lowers her head to collect medicine seriously.

Some herbs are very troublesome to pick. If they are picked in a rude way, once they leave the soil, they will wither quickly. There are only five or six ways to store these herbs. Picking is very troublesome. It takes them two days to pick all kinds of herbs. During this period, they don't have much rest.

After picking, Jianmo and Yanxiao are too tired to stand up, or they press each other, which is much better.

In addition, Lu Jianmo and Yan Xiao didn't go, and Zhu Fugui didn't show that they had to go. As soon as they left the pharmacy, there was a sudden "buzz" in front of the pharmacy. When they turned around, there was an empty space.

If it wasn't for the fact that these two days are too real, and the various kinds of medicinal materials in their treasure, they would really think that these two days are just dreams.

Yan Xiao breathes out a breath. There is only one medicine garden. This trip to Huanye is also worth it.

"Let's go out and join them now."

Jian Mo said: "well, time has passed for a long time."

Yan nodded with a smile: "but we'd better be in the dark first. I don't know where the people from Tianji and tianwu are now."

The sudden appearance of people who thought they were going to die would frighten people, but they had been calculated once, so they should be more careful.

Yan Xiao nods, two people two beasts reach a consensus, then take things back.

But at this time, Tianji and tianwu people ran all the way after the strange light beam. However, when they came, they found that the farther they went, and they had been tossing about for five or six days, but they still got nothing. Many people couldn't bear it. They thought it might be an illusion.

However, Dong Li'an and Geng Wentao both expressed firm ideas about this. They know more about it. This time, as the representatives of the two countries, they are very clear that the changes that can appear in the secret area of Huanye are still seen by so many people, and that will never be false.

There must be a treasure, they are chasing, others will be chasing, they must not take it lightly, otherwise it will fall into the hands of others, it is absolutely not allowed!

"If we insist, we will arrive as soon as possible!"

They have been in a hurry. They can't eat well and sleep well all the way. Although the soldiers are very strong, they are different from ordinary people. They don't sleep well all day. But no matter how healthy they are, whether they eat well or sleep well, they will be affected.

Along the way, they wanted to stay up and eat nothing. Although they were able to hold on, their anxiety and suffering were so miserable. Now the morale of the two teams is not high.

"Hold on, and you'll be there soon! Hurry up

Geng Wentao and Dong Lian insist on going. Many people are very disgusted with them now. However, they are still accompanied by protectors. Before, some people wanted to leave the team because they didn't want to leave, so they were beaten and even killed two people.

These people are really powerful. It's true that they dare not say anything when they use such a bullying method to suppress people. However, it's not a good thing that there are more and more discontent in their hearts.

But now who is in charge of these, these people have to be called up to continue to move forward, but the speed of walking is slowly declining.

Geng Wentao and Dong Lian are very dissatisfied with this, but they have no way. Those who have been beaten and killed before are really fierce. Otherwise, the team is full of excellent talents from all over the world. How can they move easily. They also know about the people who were killed before. Even if they have complaints, they will think more about them.

So two people also method, can in the heart more anxious.

"Ah, there's something ahead!"

All of a sudden, someone yelled, and everyone was shocked. Suddenly, they came to the spirit and rushed to the other side.

Geng Wentao, Dong Li'an and others rushed over and saw a very solemn and magnificent Black Gate standing there, looking very powerful and majestic.

"Here? Is this a palace Yes, it looks like a palace. Of course, it's impossible to catch up with the scale of a real palace. There must be only one. However, this palace is very large. It seems to rise into the clouds. It's at least ten meters high. However, the strange thing is that although it looks like a palace, the most striking one is the one that seems to rise into the clouds, The surrounding walls are like hidden behind the door. Of course, if you look at it carefully, there is a wall at the back, but it is based on this door. Looking from the front, it is like a single door standing there“ This is where Yibao was born! " It must be. Otherwise, how could such a palace come from. Everyone was excited when they were tired. They complained because they couldn't find a place. They thought it might be fake. After seeing this palace, how could it be fake? What treasure is there in such a palace? It's exciting to think about it“ Come on, open the door Two over excited people rushed to try to push the door. However, as soon as they touched the door, the man suddenly became soft and fell to the ground“ What's going on? "“ Ah Someone went to see it and was startled for a moment, but he saw that the man's face was completely black, his mouth was foaming, his orifices were bleeding, and his death was terrible“ There's a lot of poison on the door“ What about this? Can we still get in? " People's heads were covered with haze. They had to go in. But they were poisoned in the moment. It was really frightening. They had to find a way to wrap their hands and then they pushed the door. However, this problem has been solved. When two men were called out to push the door, they did not wait to open it. Suddenly, a few Confucius opened the black door in the middle. They shot sharp arrows from inside and killed several of them. Geng Wentao, Dong Li'an and others are livid. Although they know there are many crises in the secret place of Huanye, they haven't suffered a lot along the way. They have also encountered animal tides. Fortunately, they are all small and not so ferocious. Although the team has suffered some losses, they are still in the acceptable range. Before the Palace door was opened, so many people died. Who has no shadow in his heart. But if we can find this place, who is willing to leave. After more than ten people died, the door was finally opened. The crowd cheered, but Geng Wentao and Dong Lian stopped them: "don't act rashly, there will be more danger in it." The crowd entered slowly, very alert. In front of the hall is an open space, but behind the open space are some naturally formed stones, small broken mountains and earth slopes, which are not high, but some people can hide them. In this place, there was a wave of people who had been staring at Tianji Kingdom and tianwu kingdom to open the door. After watching them die, they were all excited“ There are many mechanisms in this palace. If these people go in, they will be at least half folded. " Yes, more than a dozen people died when the door was opened. A total of only a hundred people were killed in one team. In addition, the number of people killed and injured on the road in Tianji Kingdom and tianwu kingdom is more than 100 now, and there are other dangers in the palace. You can imagine the number of people who will come out at that time“ Shall we not go in? "“ Of course not. We wait for them to come out. It's a good move for them. They just don't know what mood he is in when he comes back to himself. " These people are not others. They are from the mercenary guild and Tiancan kingdom. At the beginning, Jian Huan and Jin Yi didn't rush to follow. Later, they followed far behind. In order not to scare the snake and not to be found, they were far away. However, it's good for them. Any danger is the way Tianji and tianwu go. Now that the people of their two countries have gone to look for treasure, they will stay here. At that time, the other side will be defeated at the expense of their troops. They will be here to conserve their energy and wait to rob Hu. Jin Yi's eyes are cold and heavy. He is calculating who won't, but he wants to let them have a look, who has played who! Jianhuan's expression was cold at this time“ You are... "Behind them, there is a loud voice. Everyone was surprised, immediately turned to look at the past, unexpectedly saw unexpected people. Lin Qi is a stare eyes, fierce jump up and scold: "Jian Mo you beast, you dare to betray Yan Xiao." Then he rushed to attack Jianmo! When people look at the woman beside Jian Mo, they are both surprised and angry, and the scene is very chaotic

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