There are only Jian Mo and Yan Xiao left, let the team leave first, and some distance from here, let them hide first, the hillside looks very quiet, there is no wind.

Among the group of people in black, one of the shortest heads raised at this time. He seemed to have some doubts, and he seemed to want to see something. The man in black next to him asked in a low voice. The man in black shook his head and turned to look at the people fighting on both sides.

But that pair of eyes, but let Jane Mo look more a change, Yan Xiao has been paying attention to him, naturally aware of something wrong, did not speak, just face doubt.

Jian Mo's placatory clapping Yan Xiao's hand, looking closely at the bottom, looks more dignified than ever.

It seems that this matter is wrong. These people, Jian Mo, probably know who they are, just for the sake of caution. Just now that person is very keen to look up. Even if the distance is not close, it's better to arrange silence at this time.

The next fight has not stopped, but because of physical and other reasons, it gradually shows a weak posture.

At this time, the group of people in black moved, and two of them suddenly rushed over. One of them raised his hand and made a bombardment. The other's fierce and powerful tiger was knocked to the ground by a bombardment.

Tianji Kingdom and tianwu people are surprised. They don't know who the man in black is.

These people in black also said, "next, you should obey our command and not act without authorization."

"Who are you? Why should we listen to you?" These people are arrogant. Naturally, they are arrogant. I don't know where the people suddenly come out and want to command them.

Let alone these strangers, they are the princes of Tianji Kingdom and tianwu kingdom of Geng Wentao and Dong Li'an. They can command these people, but they respect them, but they are not their slaves. Who wants to command everything.

This group of people in black are wearing black cloaks and are covered from beginning to end. They can't see clearly. They also cover their faces with black cloth. They can only show the position of their eyes and nose, but can't see their faces clearly.

The man in black suddenly raised his head and looked at Tianjiao of Tianji Kingdom who had just resisted. Tianjiao's eyes seemed to be frightened and stepped back two steps.

And the man in black suddenly rushed over, fast like a shadow, holding the man's neck.


Before the man could roar, all of a sudden, people felt that his body was shaking all over, which was uncontrollable, shaking all over, and his limbs were constantly swinging around. However, he was wearing suitable clothes, and suddenly became bigger and looser.

No, no, it's not that the clothes are suddenly bigger, but that the man is suddenly thinner.

The clothes were not very clear, but the man's face was clearly seen by the public. Originally, there was a little baby fat face, but it was quickly sucked away. The cheek collapsed in an instant, and the whole person could not even say a word. The face soon dried into an old tree skin.

It's as fast as being absorbed all the nourishment and nutrients in an instant. Everyone can't believe it. Watching this, I don't know who screamed first, and many of them fell to the ground.

This is because the man who was very vivid just now and looked very smart turned into a man who was only wrapped in a layer of skin and bones. He was so thin that he lost his appearance. He stared out of his eyes and was thrown to the ground in his eyes.

"Click, click!"

When he fell to the ground, the man suddenly heard a broken voice.

"Ah! Ghost

"Who are you and why do you want to hurt li Shao?"

The scene was in a moment of confusion.

The man was thrown to the ground as if the inside had been broken, and no matter how it was hidden from the outside, it was useless. As soon as he landed on the ground, his skin cracked and his bones broke. The man's eyes were still wide open, and his head was broken and rolled out‘

This scene is really shocking. How can it be absorbed by their Kung Fu for a while and die? How can there be such an evil thing in the world.

Another man in black, meanwhile, ran to the ferocious tiger and used the same method. In a few moments, Shengsheng sucked the tiger into a tiger trunk and then threw it to the ground. The same thing happened to the man who just died. He was thrown to pieces. No matter how senior a pharmacist is in the world, he can never be saved.

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao see this scene, also at the same time startled shortness of breath.

Humanity in Black: "do you want to fight now?"

"Who are you? Always tell us, and want us to obey... "

"Well?" The man in black whispered, but suddenly he couldn't speak. He bowed his head and didn't dare to look up again, but his eyes couldn't help turning to this side.

Rao is a person who is respected and knowledgeable. He can't give a reasonable explanation for the means of these people. The fear of the unknown in the past and in the future makes them intelligent and silent, whether they are afraid to take action or alert to observe.

But the animals who were fighting just now were more convenient than the people of the two countries. Seeing that the momentum was not right, they just spread their legs and ran away. There are only a few animal carcasses left on the ground that have been sucked one after another and now become broken bones. People in Huanye secret place are not allowed to come in. Who are these people who suddenly appear? Was it the original force that hid the truth and came in disguised? How else to explain? Everyone was shocked, but the man in black suddenly looked up: "go and have a look at that one."“ Yes Someone rushed to look for it, then came down and said, "no one was found." The man in black frowned and said nothing more. Then he squinted at the people of the two countries: "who is your leader?" Suddenly named, Geng Wentao and Dong Lian will only feel numb. However, other people will never mind their own business at this time, that is, they will not admit it. They held their breath and introduced themselves calmly. The man in black, at this time, even gave them some face: "Oh, it turns out that he is the gifted Prince of Tianji and Tiannan. Nice to meet you." It's just that I'm glad to meet you, which makes them feel that they don't have much sincerity. The sudden appearance of these people in black, with such shocking and strange means, makes people dare not guard against it. At the moment, they should be as careful as possible. Humanity in Black: "do you want to enter this palace?"“ This... When I find this place, it's naturally... "The man in Black said:" but you haven't even passed the first level in the palace. It's miserable to be beaten by those animals. " All of a sudden, people's faces were not good. Although the fact was like this, it was said that the situation was different. Who does not have a self-esteem, not to mention those who are already very proud. The man in black doesn't care: "but if you are willing to follow, we don't object. If you follow us, you will die more slowly."“ Who are you in the end, who allows you to talk such big words, and do not look at the identity of the people present. You dare to... " These men in black were really weird just now. Everyone was afraid of silence, but how afraid they were was was worth considering. Finally, the arrogant genius angrily scolded. As a result, the next moment, suddenly in front of him, this person's face changed greatly, and he stepped back. However, he only heard the low voice of the man in black, and then the man was directly hit by a strong blow. This time, the man in black didn't suck him, but he was beaten to the ground heavily. His internal organs were smashed and he vomited blood. The man in black was still full of enough energy. That energy, even let the people around stand, with a strong intention to kill and pressure. The man knocked down on the ground was surprised. However, the man in black stretched his hand forward, but he was not controlled. He was sucked over and his hand tightened again“ Wait... Wait a minute, he's just impulsive, you... "Someone was trying to plead, but when he saw the cold sight of the man in black, he was too scared to say what he said. In front of the public, they can only see once again a strange incident of being sucked into human action. The man in black then released his hand: "it's better not to move forward with us, but..." the man in black looked at the man who fell to the ground. How could other people not understand his meaning. If you don't listen, that's the end. At this time, the group of people in black were exerting their energy and powerful pressure, which even made many people gasp for breath. And this kind of pressure was only for the powerful ancestors in their families. These people can't see their faces, but they also know that they are young. Why are they so powerful? How they fought. Geng Wentao and Dong Li'an looked at each other and said, "thanks to the strong men, we are willing to follow each other, so that we can see what the secret of this palace is." The man in black laughed: "it's good to know the real thing." Then he went to the palace. On the empty slope, Jianmo and Yanxiao appear again. At this time, their expressions are very dignified. Looking at these people entering the palace again, Yanxiao asks Jianmo, "do you know these people?"

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