The forces didn't want to stay long after they got out of Huanye secret land. Although the appearance of Xueyao made these forces move their minds, the environment here is very general. Even if there is something important to discuss, they won't stay long.

So they camped for half a day. After finishing the trimming, they took up and left.

Although Tianji Kingdom and tianwu Kingdom do not belong to the mercenary Association, they are the first to go. It is not known whether they have avoided direct conflict with the mercenary Association, or whether they want to avoid any interest entanglement with the mercenary Association.

After that, Chien Mo didn't come out of the mercenary Association. The atmosphere of the whole mercenary association was a little low. After knowing the news, there was no way to go back first.

At this time, in addition to Jianmo and Yanxiao, who are in the Tiancan Kingdom, there are also four people who are in the Tiancan Kingdom, Jin Yi and mischief, who are also in the Tiancan kingdom. The place they are going to is meiluojiao.

As for Jianhuan and Linqi, they don't want to come, but now that Jianmo and Yanxiao are inconvenient to show up, they all follow them. It's just self doubt. So if they want to follow them, they have to go back with the big army of the mercenary Association.

This time, the spoon and the tiger did not follow.

However, few of them had any communication on the road. Yan Xiao made a temporary amnesia for these people. Suddenly, there were a few more strangers, who were still very familiar and had a little brain. Could you see the weird ones.

Now their identities are introduced by the leader. The people left by the forces before Hengshui City need to go back together this time.

On the way, everyone was a little depressed, no matter in various aspects.

Jian Mo and Yan Xiao are not convenient to be very close now. They are a pair of brothers, which is convenient for them to be together. But it's obviously impossible to kiss each other.

Yan Xiao can't help but look at Jian Mo from time to time. Jian Mo holds Yan Xiao's hand without any trace: "it's not convenient now. I'll tell you later."

Yan Xiao nods. After the snow holy mountain Saint girl appears, Jian Mo is very abnormal. If Yan Xiao doesn't believe in her eyes, and is sure that it is not because she is obsessed with love, but because she is disgusted, she will doubt her love for Jian Mo's sudden silence.

Because the two are playing the role of brotherhood, that is to say, they usually take a rest to make a point, and they are all arranged together. Jin Yi has a black face again, but he just doesn't say anything, but the warning look in his eyes makes Jian Mo unable to act rashly to Yan Xiao.

Of course, the premise is that Jianmo is willing to.

So in the evening, they sat at the table and mentioned the snow Yao.

In the dark night, only a candle which was not very bright was lit. They were silent. Under the light of the oil lamp, it seemed strange. Jianmo looked at Yan and said with a smile, "you should have guessed that I once worshipped Xuesheng mountain as a teacher. What I worshipped was Xuesheng mountain, and the Lord of Xuesheng mountain was my teacher."

Yan Xiao really thinks of this aspect. With Jian Mo's strength, that is, he is not very high-profile. Otherwise, more people on the mainland would know that Jian Mo is such a genius among the younger generation. So the place of Xuesheng mountain, which is rumored to gather the top experts of the whole continent, is really in line with the logic of Jianmo's worshiping the master, but it's really beyond Yan Xiao's expectation.

"I tried to escape from Xuesheng mountain and almost died there."

At this point, the breath of Jianmo has changed greatly. The whole body is wrapped up in a dark breath, which makes people feel a little distressed. She also reaches out and gently holds Jianmo's hand.

Jian Mo was afraid that Yan Xiao would take back her hand. She held Yan Xiao's hand tightly and said: "in fact, when I was worshipping Xuesheng mountain, I started from Lingshi."

Yan Xiaoyi was surprised: "but you..."

"It's hard to worship Xuesheng mountain, but it's even harder to leave it. At that time, my elixir field was destroyed and I was driven down the mountain. If I hadn't used the jade pendant to contact uncle Feng, I would have been killed by the hunting of Xuesheng mountain."

Yan Xiao just thought about the situation at that time, and his heart suddenly heaved out a wave of anger: "Oh, I've always been disapproving of the snow holy mountain they blew out, saying that it's just so holy and noble."

What does Dantian represent to the spirit Master? It is equivalent to the second heart.

In this respect, if all the energy of the spirit division is destroyed, it will be weaker than the war division, and even more vulnerable.

If Jian Mo was studying in Xuesheng mountain, he would go down the mountain and take back those martial arts, which is also called the past. He would destroy Dantian, but he would destroy all the possibilities of the future. What's the difference between this and breaking a person's back road.

Well, there is a local rule in one place. Xuesheng mountain is so strict. If you want to go down the mountain, you have to destroy the elixir field. It's hard to say, but you have to send someone to chase you. What's the reason!

Yan Xiao listen to already feel anger churn, Jianmo expression at this time also some strange, he pulled Yan Xiao, a person to his arms, Yan Xiao found Jianmo body shaking.

She is a Leng, immediately turn back to embrace Jianmo to his own arms, want to take this to comfort him. Jianmo said slowly: "when I first worshipped Xuesheng mountain, my parents had not had an accident. Xuesheng mountain has always been lofty and aspired by practitioners. My parents have no intention to worship it. They yearn for freedom. But I was clever and serious when I was a child, and I was very loyal during my training. When I heard about Xuesheng mountain when I was a child, I yearned for it very much, but I didn't say much about it, but my parents still found out. I didn't want to disappoint me. Later, they had to bear the pain and send me to Xuesheng mountain. I was very reluctant. But my hope of becoming stronger urged me to finally agree. " At this point, Jian Mo's eyes showed boundless regret. Yan Xiao holds Jian Mo and gently caresses her back to comfort him. Jian Mo's head leaned on Yan Xiao's shoulder: "I'm sorry now, but I was full of hope at the beginning. After entering Xuesheng mountain, you should forget your name, and only the code is left, because it means that you should start from scratch, and your previous life outside should be completely isolated. I'm very serious, because as long as you become stronger, you will have the chance to go down and find your relatives and meet them in the future. "“ I have been working very hard. I was really greedy at that time. I wanted to be strong and I didn't want to be separated from my parents for a long time. I do have the talent to practice. Among our peers, I made the fastest progress, even faster than my elder martial brothers and elder martial sisters at that time. Gradually, I was discovered by the Lord, and he wanted to take me as an apprentice. " Jian Mo slowly described: "the Lord's life is very limited, no more than five, how precious this quota is. At that time, he had four disciples, and I became the last one. After he revealed this news, I became the target of all the people on the mountain. Every day, people came to attack those who wanted to kill me and those who wanted to challenge me. Finally, I survived and became his fifth disciple Yan Xiao suddenly thought of the snow Yao saint, this saint is not included in it? Jianmo thought: "Xueyao saint, she is the fourth disciple of the Lord, and also my elder martial sister?"“ Huh? She looks small Jane Mo laughs sarcastically. She seldom has an expression, which is really weird: "she is ten years older than me, and I once admired her." Yan Xiao's face immediately sank, and Jian Mo was a little stiff, but he still insisted: "there were not many female disciples in Xuesheng mountain, and she was really excellent. At that time, she admired her very much on the mountain. But later I learned that the admiration was only because she was excellent enough, beautiful enough, and looked gentle and kind. I was only ten years old, and I didn't know what to really like. " Jian Mo deeply looked at Yan Xiao: "I know very well that until I meet you, I really know what is the person who makes me move and what is the future that I can live with." Yan laughs. Although Jianmo explains it, she still feels uncomfortable. Even if she is a woman, we have to admit that Xueyao really has crazy qualifications. She is not only noble in status, amazing in beauty, but also excellent in all aspects. Jane Mo is a little nervous and kisses the face of Yan Xiao directly: "Xiao Er, you believe me." Yan Xiao covered Jian Mo's mouth with one hand: "first, I'll think about whether to believe you." Jian Mo pursed her lips and looked at Yan Xiao nervously. At this time, she was not so sad. She said: "at that time, she took care of me a lot, but my focus was still on practice. I have been there for several years, and I seldom get a chance to go down the mountain. When I first went up the mountain, Jianhuan was still babbling, but I couldn't see her parents for several years, so I was very worried. But later, because of my efforts, because I was the disciple of the Lord, I had a different position in the snow holy mountain, so I had a chance to know outside. At that time, I suddenly knew that my parents were missing. I wanted to go down the mountain, but the master didn't agree with me. " Jian Mo said here, with a gloomy face: "I was very anxious at that time, I thought of all kinds of ways, but I couldn't get in. However, this must be the rule of Xuesheng mountain. My parents always go out to experience. It may not be that something really happened. "“ But you went down the mountain“ Yes When Jian Mo said this, her whole expression was weird, disgusted, sarcastic and resentful: "what really made me have to leave no matter what the cost was, it was because I saw..."

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